Anyone know of this sign?

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Sakura Blossom
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Anyone know of this sign?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I've been getting A LOT of communication to me recently through my dreams. It's Loki's way of communicating when he's not throwing signs at me and trust me, he does that A LOT too. Haha.

But the way he does it, is he'll do something very important within a mess of weird happenings and things that aren't important at all. He makes me sift through my dreams from what I remember, then pick out what's most important.

Last night, I'm more than certain this symbol I kept seeing in my dream was extremely important.

It was a crescent moon shape, with an arrow. I looked online, and this is the closest image to how it looked in my dream:


However, the arrow is flipped in this picture compared to how it was in my dream.

Has anyone seen this before? Looking it up, I kept getting Artemis but I don't work with her and she's never approached me so I don't think it's her. Last night, though, my sisters and I were doing readings with the Tarot. I asked who my sister's patron might be, or who might be trying to contact her, and we kept getting Greek cards pulled out as well as things about creativity.

I don't know if they're telling me who's working with her? But I don't see why they'd tell me and not her.
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Ode by Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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Re: Anyone know of this sign?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Old post

When I saw this old picture I’d thought how it coincided with events in 2020... which has seen unusual astronomical events and portents.

I think it was prophetic of the dawning of the age of Aquarius. If you reverse it so the horns are up as the OP said it was in their dream, then the arrow would point to Venus on the 2020 Summer Solstice. May was its last full month in the western twilight sky for the year 2020. On June 3, Venus swung between the Earth and sun in its orbit, reaching the point called inferior conjunction by astronomers. Afterwards it transitioned over to the eastern sky at sunup.

June 21, 2020 - the summer solstice - the crescent moon rose at dawn with upward pointing horns and Venus just below & slightly to the right (as seen from my Michigan kitchen window). The July 2020 moon had been in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligned in opposition to Mars in September 2020. On Dec 21st 2020 - winter solstice - there was a great conjunction of Jupiter and Mars - in which they appeared very very, close together at sunset - and their position was 1 degree Aquarius. But these conjunctions aren't all created equal. The 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was the closest since 1623 and the closest observable since 1226! 2020's extra-close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction won't be matched again until the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of March 15, 2080.

So just like the song the moon was in the 7th house, Jupiter aligned with Mars peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius...🎶
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