What is collective consciousness?
- RosieMoonflower
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What is collective consciousness?
Hello friends, sorry I haven’t been very active in a while. I’m still here though, lurking as some would call it. This concept of collective consciousness has come up a few time for me lately and truthfully I know nothing about it. So I pose the question to you all to school me! What is Collective consciousness?
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Re: What is collective consciousness?
It's a concept that recognizes humanity as one great big evolving consciousness going back to day 1 and ahead to infinity. All the individual and all the global events bring experience into the common pool. We can all dip from the same pool of accumulated knowledge. Because people are pretty much the same in all cultures we share certain life experiences and convey them in recognizable signs and symbols. A meandering line on a modern child's grade shool art drawing or a 20,000 year old squiggle on a cave wall will be understood as a river, and thus as the universal meaning of all water. We can infer meanings we dont say by using phrases like stream of thought, river of knowledge, waters of birth, etc.Expand this across the whole of evolution of human awareness, and we can communicate whole esoteric concepts in a squiggle. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. We all share awareness, continuously.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
I believe that shared awareness is what Bonewits called the cosmic switchboard, where what is, was or will ever be
lies in this storage bank of knowledge, that like a switchboard (if anyone remembers those) can be plugged into with your own personal trunk line (maybe your golden thread or cosmic umbilical are other terms that are more esoteric
) and through that line connect with relatives and friends past present and future.

lies in this storage bank of knowledge, that like a switchboard (if anyone remembers those) can be plugged into with your own personal trunk line (maybe your golden thread or cosmic umbilical are other terms that are more esoteric

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

Re: What is collective consciousness?
I like to think of it as a language (but this just a simplified metaphor). The English language is spoken by an individual, but there can be whole dictionaries full of words the individual doesn’t know. The dictionary is the collective consciousness of the English language. And that’s just one language in a thousand across the globe, all with their own collective language consciousness.
However, there are certain laws which governs what a language actually is (nouns, verbs, letters, etc) so that’s also part of a more universal collective consciousness for the human species. So there’s also a hierarchy involved.
Some levels within the collective consciousness aren’t accessible until you’ve leveled up enough
However, there are certain laws which governs what a language actually is (nouns, verbs, letters, etc) so that’s also part of a more universal collective consciousness for the human species. So there’s also a hierarchy involved.
Some levels within the collective consciousness aren’t accessible until you’ve leveled up enough

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Re: What is collective consciousness?
It also has to do with the Akashic record. All knowledge being available to all entities at all times.
We all know you were just being mysterious, not lurking. I think that's a much better story and you should stick to it.
We all know you were just being mysterious, not lurking. I think that's a much better story and you should stick to it.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
Carl Jung is a psychologist who put forth his idea about it
Last edited by Firebird on Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- Banned Member
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- Gender: Gender Queer
- Location: In my head with all the other inmates. We think one of us is schizophrenic.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
It's been almost 40 years since I read Jung. Wasn't he more concerned with the collective unconscious. The theory that people had subconscious impulses that influenced there conscious actions because of the inherited structure of the brain which has evolved over time. I'm probably forgetting 1/2 his theories. He could have explained why, I bet.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
An analogy of Cosmic Consciousness might be our web "Cloud". Consciousness throughout the life phenomenon across the universe is a manifestation of Quantum entanglement. From Jonathan Livingston Seagull "Our true nature lives, as perfect as an unwritten number, everywhere at once across space and time" and from The Emerald Tablets of Hermes "Command your mind to fly into the heavens and it will not need wings. It can fly to the furthest body sooner then you can bid it". As a Witch we open a portal into ethereal spaces and become "walkers between worlds". The nexus of Cosmic Consciousness is Akasha where-in we become ONE in tune with the infinite.
In our CIA "Star Gate" project we employ principles of Witchcraft to open an interdimensional portal and assimilate into collective Cosmic Consciousness to bi-locate across space/time.
In our CIA "Star Gate" project we employ principles of Witchcraft to open an interdimensional portal and assimilate into collective Cosmic Consciousness to bi-locate across space/time.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
Haha it is collective unconscious. I just got excited when I saw collective
Last edited by Firebird on Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is collective consciousness?
Hahaha LC
wrong kind eh? But the unconscious part actually makes a bit of sense, you are more likely able to connect to the "cloud" of the Akashic records if you release your grip on your conscious self.
Collective unconsciousness seems to be the state of our political scene anymore
, but oops lets not combine religion and politics, bad move every time.
Say Shekinah...perhaps you could detail the process involved in your work with Star Gate. When you continually go on about it yet give no details, that feels more like bragging than any actual content. What do ya say...a Shekinah tell all page?
Bb, FF

Collective unconsciousness seems to be the state of our political scene anymore

Say Shekinah...perhaps you could detail the process involved in your work with Star Gate. When you continually go on about it yet give no details, that feels more like bragging than any actual content. What do ya say...a Shekinah tell all page?
Bb, FF
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

Re: What is collective consciousness?
I’m prone to disagree. If more witches, magicians and all-around intelligent people were more involved in politics from the natural-religion perspective, it would be a much better worldfirebirdflys wrote: Collective unconsciousness seems to be the state of our political scene anymore, but oops lets not combine religion and politics, bad move every time.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
Ya, I guess you have a point. In my growing up household, it was not a good move
I do love the bumper sticker that reads "I'm Pagan and I Vote" and if I was prone to having bumper stickers, I would have that one.
But on that note, wouldn't connecting into the collective consciousness reflect upon the miliniums of wisdoms that would prevent peoples And politicians from repeating mistakes of the past? Everyone visits the cosmic switchboard in their sleep, though most do not utilize it or remember their journey or info upon waking.
It's also very interesting that in DNA is the memory of every ancestor that came before you. The Akashic is very much within as well as without. Or is it all a state of mind? Is everything we see or seem a dream within a dream? (Poe) I believe much of the otherwolrds in which we travel make up the large portions of the brain that we have yet to develope and use to its best ability. Since brain activity is electrical in nature that "spark", (if you will ...some would call spirit), can never "die", just change forms, and it's that grid of consciousness that is the electrical component that spirit recognizes as the switchboard and then connects to it. Thankfully we don't have to be dead to go there!
Bb, Firebird

I do love the bumper sticker that reads "I'm Pagan and I Vote" and if I was prone to having bumper stickers, I would have that one.
But on that note, wouldn't connecting into the collective consciousness reflect upon the miliniums of wisdoms that would prevent peoples And politicians from repeating mistakes of the past? Everyone visits the cosmic switchboard in their sleep, though most do not utilize it or remember their journey or info upon waking.
It's also very interesting that in DNA is the memory of every ancestor that came before you. The Akashic is very much within as well as without. Or is it all a state of mind? Is everything we see or seem a dream within a dream? (Poe) I believe much of the otherwolrds in which we travel make up the large portions of the brain that we have yet to develope and use to its best ability. Since brain activity is electrical in nature that "spark", (if you will ...some would call spirit), can never "die", just change forms, and it's that grid of consciousness that is the electrical component that spirit recognizes as the switchboard and then connects to it. Thankfully we don't have to be dead to go there!
Bb, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

- HopefulChild
- Posts: 274
- Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:10 pm
Re: What is collective consciousness?
I have some ideas about this topic...
Adjusting for new evidence and models, people started being "people" 400,000 years ago.
In one millennia we were animals...Running from tree grouping to tree grouping, picking up and eating anything that didn't try to eat us first.
In the next millennia we were making flower wreaths, and incense, and grinding up colorful shells to sprinkle into the graves of our dead.
Before that our dead were presumably, left on the ground like any other animal. But something changed and humans started taking care of their dead.
What happened?
The Gods? They appeared and said, "Ya'll leavin bodies layin round here like you just don't care. I aint havin it! Take care of the corpses"..
Hmmmmm....Highly improbable.
Another option is that our development reached sentience beyond that of animal survival and we joined the collective consciousness already in existence in the star nurseries, and extra dimensional planes, and we "plugged in" to the GodHead, or the Cosmic Cloud as Shekinah stated.
When that happened, we recognized the loss of a single human life as significantly impact-full to the whole.
If you enjoy anthropology at all, then it's worth looking in to the question of the global internment timeline.
There were multiple populations of different branches of humanity and all around the same time, they all start caring for their dead instead of leaving them on the ground.
Populations separated by thousands of miles, who had never previously, nor would they ever, meet each other....all started burying their dead with flowers and trinkets and treasures, at approximately the same time in history.
The development of humanity has been exponential since then. In Sid Meijers game Civilizations, one of the first and most important technological advances is "Funeral Rights". From an atheist stand point funeral rights are a trigger for acknowledgement that human life has a greater value than say that of a sheep.
So that leads us to "The Clapper"... In the 80's some guy patented a sound operated battery driven switch and called it The Clapper...terrible commercials...but SO many people were convinced that they had actually invented the clapper, they just never built it, or patented it, or did anything related to it. But they were all convinced that they had that idea and probably before the guy who got credit for it.
The Clapper is an easy to grasp concept of collective consciousness. It happens constantly and has been throughout history. No one person invented the light bulb. 1000 people were building lightbulb prototypes because 10,000,000 people were thinking about the new uses for electricity in the world.
Adjusting for new evidence and models, people started being "people" 400,000 years ago.
In one millennia we were animals...Running from tree grouping to tree grouping, picking up and eating anything that didn't try to eat us first.
In the next millennia we were making flower wreaths, and incense, and grinding up colorful shells to sprinkle into the graves of our dead.
Before that our dead were presumably, left on the ground like any other animal. But something changed and humans started taking care of their dead.
What happened?
The Gods? They appeared and said, "Ya'll leavin bodies layin round here like you just don't care. I aint havin it! Take care of the corpses"..
Hmmmmm....Highly improbable.
Another option is that our development reached sentience beyond that of animal survival and we joined the collective consciousness already in existence in the star nurseries, and extra dimensional planes, and we "plugged in" to the GodHead, or the Cosmic Cloud as Shekinah stated.
When that happened, we recognized the loss of a single human life as significantly impact-full to the whole.
If you enjoy anthropology at all, then it's worth looking in to the question of the global internment timeline.
There were multiple populations of different branches of humanity and all around the same time, they all start caring for their dead instead of leaving them on the ground.
Populations separated by thousands of miles, who had never previously, nor would they ever, meet each other....all started burying their dead with flowers and trinkets and treasures, at approximately the same time in history.
The development of humanity has been exponential since then. In Sid Meijers game Civilizations, one of the first and most important technological advances is "Funeral Rights". From an atheist stand point funeral rights are a trigger for acknowledgement that human life has a greater value than say that of a sheep.
So that leads us to "The Clapper"... In the 80's some guy patented a sound operated battery driven switch and called it The Clapper...terrible commercials...but SO many people were convinced that they had actually invented the clapper, they just never built it, or patented it, or did anything related to it. But they were all convinced that they had that idea and probably before the guy who got credit for it.
The Clapper is an easy to grasp concept of collective consciousness. It happens constantly and has been throughout history. No one person invented the light bulb. 1000 people were building lightbulb prototypes because 10,000,000 people were thinking about the new uses for electricity in the world.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
Most leading contributors to our sciences and arts say their eureka moments came from beyond themselves and some even identify Akashic Records as the nexus of Cosmic Consciousness they were able to connect with. Most likely what we call Akasha is in fact Spirit or God if you wish. The cosmos is self aware and unimaginably creative.
Re: What is collective consciousness?
I agree that the Akashic record exists but burial of the dead is much more rudimentary. Predators follow scavengers and visa versa in a complex interplay. Burial of the dead is akin to burial of excrement. You don't want to hang a big FREE LUNCH - THIS WAY sign out. A math genius from the Indian sub-continent whose name escapes me credited the Akashic record for his moments of genius. Others do as well.