Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

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Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

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Is it star-wars or star-chill in the intergalactic way?
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Why would they need to invade? They’ve always been here.
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by stormofwind »

I feel some of them look like us and walk among us..
maybe the star indigo children are ambassadors..
I'm starseed have the mark.. and no if ones like us are here to help us.
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by SpiritTalker »

SapphireRoad wrote: Mon May 25, 2020 5:55 am Are you freaking out over the possibility of an alien invasion? Is it star-wars or star-chill in the intergalactic way?
@saphireroad - Was it the 2020 resurfacing of the Dec 2016 NY Times news on the USS Nimitz “tic-tac” UFO-UAP that prompts the question? Did you have something else in mind? I think the tic tac was on Nov 2004 & no “invasion” yet so... maybe they could infiltrate instead of invade?? I wonder if they’d show up wearing CV-plandemic masks 😷 ?

I saw on tonight’s EarthFiles episode that there's unsubstantiated reports of a crashed UFO in Brazil this May 12th. One report mentioned 3 occupants of the 6 1/2-ft tall type humanoids, 1 shot dead & 2 injured; whisked away by Special Forces to WRight-Pat in Ohio. Folks have their hands full with CV distraction right now. There could be an invasion & most people wouldNot even notice. Hmm? Naaaah.🤫
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Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SpiritTalker wrote:Why would they need to invade? They’ve always been here.
This is the truth! They’re already here. Lots of different types. Some good, some bad. Some have infiltrated governments, some live among us in hiding. Some aren’t here physically but can communicate with us through our dreams. Some abduct us in our sleep and study us or perform experiments. I don’t see anything making me feel that any of those identities are close to making themselves known world wide to humans any time soon.

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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by Firebird »

Saw this, and thought of this thread
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh cue-welll. 👽

I listen to KGRA radio on the internet, which is all talk interviews on paranormal & UFO-UAP. I have heard it mentioned by different speakers that when the UFOs appeared at missile bases they had simply changed the launch codes of the missile targets, and nobody has been able to say what the targets were changed to. Anyhow, this may be why Greer said in the YouTube vid that the Experiencers general impression was that the ETs were keeping us from shooting at each other.
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by . »

RosieMoonflower wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 10:09 amI don’t see anything making me feel that any of those identities are close to making themselves known world wide to humans any time soon.
I refrained from speaking my opinion but this is pretty much it.
I'd like to note that I don't believe in conspiracy videos on the internet, apart from cold reasoning and reflections with a lot of ''we don't know that for sure'' oftly spoken.

What struck me in analysing stuff, and perhaps this is not the right place to ask, but given what you said and what ex-military Shekinah said in this forum, it seems that the hidden flow seems to work just fine.
Why is it then, that rich people would be spending wealth and collected resources on space programs?
Given the fact they are aware of e.t. activity, its presence already well-soaked into the world, why such a waste of resources for spaceships?

My philosophical struggle with question was formed from paradoxical nature of life... a thought on Star Wars came with the Sith lord being a metaphor for Seth... and Horus fights obviously which was rather wrong in a way, or perhaps not wrong. I could see it maybe as Seth and Horus sort of brotherly fights for progress, such as chess with black and white... while Apep being the disruptive chaos and some divine Goddess and God some overseeing nourishing family.. ehhh too much thinking.
We could say that universe is vast and one would be running into variety of creatures and the principles would be... duh I don't know that is why I'm asking ... one never knows if chaos or order is the driving force... nature grows, it demands evolution, so much can be for certain.
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Re: Are you freaking out about the possibilities of alien invasion?

Post by Eleanora »

SapphireRoad wrote: Mon May 25, 2020 5:55 am Is it star-wars or star-chill in the intergalactic way?
Nope, not freaking out about alien invasions. Any aliens try to abduct me or hurt me, I'm shooting them, plain and simple and that'll be the end of it lol. Although I highly doubt it'll be real aliens invading; I suspect it'll be the government staging an alien invasion in some misguided effort to unite people. But yeah, I have a lot of military training and have spent years in the field of emergency response, so I'm not really scared of anything lol. I'm pretty confident in my ability to neutralize the threat, whatever it may be. There's always a way! ::coolglasses::
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