Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

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Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

Post by CircusWitch »

I was reading a post about tea and it gave different magical correspondences for white, green, yellow and black tea even though obviously they are the same substance, just processed differently. It got me thinking, when food is cooked then it can chemically change - vitamins and minerals can become more available to use or it can be destroyed, more calories can be available for digestion. The flavours obviously change, the textures change and the associations change (though that one is more subjective). So do the magical correspondances change? Tomatoes are still tomatoes whether they are raw, cooked, dried or whatever but each one is distinctly different, even chemically. Just wondered if anyone else had thoughts on this.
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Re: Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

Post by SpiritTalker »

I would ask myself what determines that something is associated with one element over another, or with this or that intention? Nature provides clues as to how something might be used magically, by color, shape, smell, taste, texture, and markings. How do you think a witch might have looked at the question in the 1400's, with no reference books or knowledge of chemestry? If cooking changes the taste from sweet to sour, how would that impact the intent of the dish?

Personally I ignore the books & rely on my senses, appearance and the experience the food creates. And, since I've long heard that carrots improve eyesight (but not specifically how) if I want someone to "see things my way" or to "see a different perspective" then carrots end up in the pot, or juicer.
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Re: Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

Post by planewalker »

carrots - vitamin K
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Re: Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

Post by blue_moon »

If sage purifies, rosemary is for rememberence and salt for protection then to me it is always so! Dry, burned or cooked.

I understand you taught!

But maybe it's more about giving it a little more meaning like adding charcole to the salt to make it black, pepper for some extra warding off properties or red rose petals to attract and protect love.

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Re: Thoughts on raw vs. cooked and such in magick

Post by SpiritTalker »

I like oven-roasted veggies & was thinking of beets in a magical context. It's a root, so has earth connections. The high heat brings out the sweetness of a beet, but sprinkle it with salt & it becomes bitter.

How I'd use that, if I were the meddling type, and with a Karrot too :), might be to serve the 2 in a side dish with the intent to open the eyes of someone who is smitten with a love-crush who is no good for them. The sweet lies that one is told turn bitter when the eyes open to the truth, but rooted in earth, one has a stable foundation & will get over it. Bon appetite.

I'm still working on peanut buttered celery...
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