I keep getting the devil card in a positive context. Help with interpretation?

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I keep getting the devil card in a positive context. Help with interpretation?

Post by Lio »

Twice in a row in recent tarot readings I've gotten the devil card in places in tarot spreads that indicate something positive.

It first happened doing a two card spread about creativity. I got the four of cups as what was holding my creativity back and the devil as what would progress it.

Just a couple of days ago I did a spread for basic advice from the cards. I got judgement for what the main obstacle in my life was at the moment and the devil as what was helping me. From what I understand, judgement is a positive card and the devil is a negative, so I'm a little confused. I can assume that I'm meant to take the judgement card literally and take it as judgement being an issue, but the devil I can't figure out the meaning of.

Can anyone help with interpretation? In all the meanings of the devil card I've seen the closest I've seen to a positive meaning for it was indicating a sexual relationship, and I fail to see how that would make sense in the context of the spreads.

And just in case anyone is wondering, I always shuffle my deck very thoroughly before readings. Are my cards just being weird? Do I need to cleanse them and try again? Or does anyone think it actually has significance? I've had cards follow me around in the past until I got what they were trying to tell me, and I think this might keep happening until I grasp it.
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Re: I keep getting the devil card in a positive context. Help with interpretation?

Post by OdinsRaven »

All cards have duality in their meaning. Any card can be viewed as positive or negative depending on things like the type of spread and the reader. However, calling cards exclusively “positive” and “negative” are perceptions that can be limiting.

For instance, in your first reading where you got the 4 of cups in the place of what holds your creativity back and the Devil for how to progress forward, I’d suggest looking at the spread in a new way without worrying about how to label the cards outside of their deeper meanings. I think this will help you find your answer. Below are some examples of what these two cards can mean:

The 4 of cups shows that new opportunities and ideas are coming in, but right now you may not be noticing them. You might be lost in thought, stuck in certain thought patterns or feeling disconnected from yourself and life. It’s important to turn inward when new opportunities and ideas arise to see how they line up with your energy and life path. While the four of cups suggests that there may be something you haven’t noticed in a new opportunity it also reminds you to do what’s best for yourself. Turning inward to meditate and contemplate will help you know what the best option for you is. Perhaps the opportunity would better be taken later. But be careful not to push an opportunity away because of certain fears, like fear of rejection and failure.

The Devil isn’t inherently a “negative” card. It often represents your shadow self and the things that are keeping you from being your best self. The Devil can mean that you are not well connected to your shadow self or believe that you have no control over your shadow. There might be patterns and cycles in your life that are consciously or subconsciously interfering. Some examples can be toxic relationships, self-destructive thoughts, addictions, or co-dependencies. Remember to establish healthy boundaries with yourself and others. Your being told that there is an opportunity to take the shadow influences in your life and shine your light on them. The path ahead will not be easy and will take time but you’re being asked to consider taking steps towards your authentic self.

To move forward and not be held back with your creativity, I believe the cards are saying that you should look inside yourself. Look at your inner light and dark sides to get a better idea of what you might not be seeing. The best creativity comes from our authentic self but to access it, there often are inner and outer demons to deal with first. Then you will progress to an outcome that could be quite positive.

Above is my interpretation. When reading, it’s important to see what ideas resonate with you to find your message. I suggest looking at your second pull again with fresh eyes. It’s not always easy to interpret the cards, especially if it reveals truths we don’t want to hear (happens a lot), but if you stay open minded, practice, and learn about how the cards speak to you; you can figure it out.

And yes, cleansing your deck is a good idea. Many people prepare themselves and their space before pulling cards and then cleanse the cards and themselves afterwards. Good Luck.

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Re: I keep getting the devil card in a positive context. Help with interpretation?

Post by Rain Gnosis »

Thank you for this, I recently found out the Devil figures a lot into my 'tarot profile' per Mary Greer's book Tarot For Your Self, and was wondering how it could be seen as a positive.
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Re: I keep getting the devil card in a positive context. Help with interpretation?

Post by Sabriyyah »

I tend to just interpret The Devil as the animal instincts which can be positive or negative depending on how we manage them. They can bind us or, in certain circumstances set us free. Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I’ve been getting the Devil as a positive card lately, specifically representing the Anima Mundi/Soul of the Natural World in spiritual readings. I believe the card definitely does have a positive side to it!
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