
A forum for people who follow or are interested in the spiritual path of Druidry (whether neopagan, mesopagan, or reconstructionist), the ancient Druids, and Celtic culture.

Modern Druidry is a 300 year old path that focuses on nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief.
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Post by RuneGeek »

There are different paths in Druidry, just as there are different paths in Wicca, denominations amongst Protestant Christians, etc. Not everything will apply to all paths, but many do share certain beliefs and/or philosophies.

One that is fairly common among "Druid Revival" groups is "Awen". "Awen" means spirit, inspiration, and illumination. According to John Michael Greer, in The Druidry Handbook, "Awen is the inner light that gives the mind the ability to reach beyond itself. It's Awen that turns writers of verse into poets and shows glimpses of the future to prophets and diviners."

Sometimes we have these moments of illumination when we look around us... perhaps at the majesty and wonder of nature, or from a spiritual experience with the divine. Other times it happens when we turn our gaze inward, seeing ourselves in a new and deeper way.

Awen is symbolized as three rays of light; Druids use two symbols for the three rays. The first is the invoking form: \|/ It represents the decent of Awen from outside one's self, through nature or the divine. The second is the evoking form: /|\ It represents the awakening of Awen within a person through study and contemplation. When the two symbols are shown together, they form the Triban:


Druids often use the word "Awen" as a meditative mantra, by slowly drawing it out in three syllables: "Ah-Oh-En".
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Re: Awen

Post by AP670 »

RuneGeek wrote: ...Druids often use the word "Awen" as a meditative mantra, by slowly drawing it out in three syllables: "Ah-Oh-En".
Yes. I remember reading and trying that...well the part that I quoted...

The Awen could be compared to muses yes among other things?...
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Post by RuneGeek »

Yes, it is somewhat like the muses, now that you mention it. :) I hadn't thought of that before.
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Re: Awen

Post by miachrhys »

I see this is someone of an old thread but I wanted to add something to the mix. As you can see by my image to the right of this post, the Awen resonates with me. I find it very simplistic and yet very powerful. While I have a pentacle necklace I tend to wear my Awen necklace much more. I have also been looking into making an altar tile instead of an altar pentacle for times when I want to invoke creative energies and store them inside of objects.
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Re: Awen

Post by Firebird »

Hi miachrhys, good to see you again :) I also wanted to point out the three rays are in direct correlation to the 4 major Solar Holidays...being Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, and the Autumnal Equinox.
First ray is winter, middle ray is the vernal equinox AND the Autumnal equinox, the last ray is the summer solstice.
The symbols are the dot representing the Sun and the line representing the ray it makes.
It also show the different positions of the sun in the sky (and on the horizon) as it moves through the cycle of the year. being extremely one side then the next for the solstices, and twice a year in perfect balance in the center.
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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