I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

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I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by Sunflower_Moon »


I got into Wicca about two years ago, but there was a long period between then and now that I haven't been able to learn and practice it because I had no time with being pregnant, going to school, working, etc. I never lost interest and remember I never felt more content and spiritually fulfilled than when I was actively learning and practicing what I did know at the time even though it was very basic. However, I'm finally getting the time to get back into it where I'm able to learn more, but I have a few questions to start off with.

How do I go about finding my magical name? Does the name have to be the same number as my life path number? I see so many methods of finding a name that I'm confused.

Must I follow one type of tradition? I'm finding some people saying they believe in the Celtic Gods and Goddesses, but I've found that I believe in a mixture of Gods and Goddesses from many cultures.

Can I practice more than one type of Wicca/Witchcraft?

I have many more questions, but I don't want to overwhelm in one thread. Thank you for your help!

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Re: I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by SpiritTalker »

To be honest, as an eclectic solitaire and secular witch, ive never sought a magical name. I'd recommend understanding the spiritual value of the magical-persona concept. If you understand the purpose behind the practice and determine it makes good sense to your way of life, then meditate. If it makes sense to you that a magical persona should have the same life path number as your mundane path for compatability, then use it. But consider what might be accomplished with a different number reflecting the desired traits yet to be acquired in the alternate persona. There are many ways to use the power behind numerology. Anyhow, a magical name is not mandatory to practicing witchcraft. The value is in forging a state of mind that gets you in the zone to do magic, & there are lots and lots of ways to do that.

A traditional path is usually named for the historic culture that held certain practices as a way of life. I think we're drawn to what we want to learn rather than what we already know. One thing to decide is if you are commited to following whole hog or if you'll skip the ugly parts. Wicca doesn't do so but some traditions use animal parts for sacred practices & connecting to other realms of consciousness; some use ancestor & Other Kin contact. It's wise to know which ones if you're squeemish. The Celts had a skull-thing going & Shamanic WC leans that way also. There's no rule that says we have to revive the practice to be authentic. Never go beyond your acceptance level. The trad paths can be seen as teaching forms. At the end of the day we define our own methods from what is most meaningful. You can't fake that.

Lots of eclectic witches mix deities because that's how the deities have presented themselves. The Crafter responds to multiple calls. Some mix practices from various paths. That's acceptable to some & not others. We just don't mix and match during a designated ritual if we need to attain predictable results. Separately and individually we can address specific concerns to any deity that "specializes" in that matter, or work with the god-form that we have the longest & best relationship with. IMO Wicca is already a mix of ceremonial magic ritual forms and folk magic. Regional practices differ by location.

When you ask can we practice more than one type of witchcraft, I'm thinking you don't mean paths but mean styles like kitchen WC, wildcraft WC, green WC, hedge WC, sea WC, urban WC. Most styles of WC blend into one another at some point & many incorporate their hobbies into their Craft. Match your practice to your surroundings & your interests & it will fit into your daily life more smoothly.

Re: I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by Sunflower_Moon »

Hello SpiritTalker,

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions so thoroughly! What you wrote makes a lot of sense. I agree that it shouldn't be required and shouldn't hold me back. I haven't let it hold me back, but for some reason having a name feels right, but that could also be because I've always been fascinated with names and their meanings. There is one Goddess, Brigid, that I've worked with in the past that I felt very drawn to, and while I understand that choosing which Gods and Goddesses to work with depends on the purpose, she's the one that I feel closest to. I worked with her back in the beginning of getting into Wicca and WC for fertility. I had many years of infertility and some miscarriages, but within a few months of working with her, I finally had a happy, healthy baby.

I just feel so much gratitude toward her, and becoming a mother has made me a different person in a very positive way since my biggest dream, wish, desire came true. The problem I had was that when I ran the numbers of her name, it didn't match to my life path number, but I have since found different spellings of her name and one did match, and then I combined it with another name (not another Goddess) that was also a match (the other name is something I also feel is my purpose). It feels right, but I didn't know if it was okay or too cliche to use Brigid's name.

I feel that I'm also a solitary eclectic witch as I have trouble deciding which ones to follow, and I've found that there are Gods and Goddesses from many cultures that I really like and would like to work with. I would definitely would combine at least two types of WC since it's okay, but it makes sense what you advised to match which I use to my surroundings.

Thank you very much!

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Re: I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by SpiritTalker »

General rule of thumb is anything that doesn't cause Or risk harm is OK to try...y'know, Crowley's old saw "An' it harm none. Do as you will. Love is the law. Love is the bond."

I understand the new comer's constant questioning of am I doing it right? WC is very free-form in it's approach. Where rules apply are in balancing the elements for best results, & common sense like not summoning what you can't banish.

In the shamanic traditions the deities are the horned lord of nature and the primordial mother & it's very simple. You've established a workable relationship with one god-form. You hold the proof in your arms :) What could be simpler?
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Re: I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by SnowCat »

I have been a solitary eclectic for most of my life. I used to think that I should work with the Goddess, but other deities kept showing up in my life. And contrary to my British Isles gene pool, not a on of them was Celtic. Bast and Sekhmet have been pretty constant, with Loki and Freya drifting through, and now Anubis taking point as my patron. They seem to need us as much as we need them.
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Re: I'm New: Questions about names, traditions, etc.

Post by Ashrend »

I agree with everything spirit talker has said. Your "name" should reveal itself to you but it doesn't require certain pantheons for that to happen. My name was revealed to me by a dragon and as a draconic witch it fitted very well and took to it without issue but I also have Herne and Hecate as my god and goddess, with Herne giving me horns and Hecate teaching me. Like it's been said meditation is needed, but I'd recommend during meditation in trying to explore other planes of exsistance as well as contacting your gods and goddesses and other beings, see what they have to say. They may say your not ready for your name yet or they may reveal immediately, you will only find out if your meditate and explore
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