A list of poisonous stones?

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A list of poisonous stones?

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Can anyone provide a list of stones, which you should not put in water/alcohol and then drink the water/alcohol? I know some stones will be poisonous. Also, I know some stones are especially not recommended for pregnant women to make a drink out of it. Maybe it would be nice to do such a list, too.
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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by canobiecrazy »

Atacamite - poisonous (copper)

Auricalcite - Poisonous (zinc and copper)

Azurite - poisonous (copper)

Boji-stones - unfit - (contains some sulfur) There is some secrecy re it's contents - which means you really should not drink it. (Would you take a pill you did not know the contents of?)

Bronchantite - unfit and poisonous (copper)

Chalcantite (AKA "blue shit") - poisonous (copper)

Chalcopyrite (peacock stone) - poisonous (copper and sulfur)

Cinnabar - poisonous (mercury/quicksilver)

Conicalcite - poisonous (copper)

Copper - poisonous

Crysocolla (AKA Venus-stone) - poisonous (copper)

Cuprite - poisonous (copper)

Dioptase - poisonous (copper)

Gem Silica - poisonous (copper)

Galena/ Galenite - poisonous (almost 90 percent lead)

Garnierite (AKA Genthite/ Falcondoite) - Contains nickel

Halite - will dissolve in water ( Halite is Salt)

Hematite - will rust

Lapis Lazuli - poisonous (the pyrite inclusions, that is.)

Magnetite - unfit (Iron, will rust)

Markasite - poisonous (sulfur) (marcasite has the same chemical make-up
as pyrite)

Mohawkite - poisonous (copper, ARSENIC etc.) (Keep away from children!)

Psiomelan - poisonous (barium)

Pyrite (AKA fool's gold; Inca-gold) - poisonous (sulphur)

Realgar - poisonous (sulfur and ARSENIC) (Keep away from children!)
Orpiment -an arsenic

Stibnite (has Lead, Antimony)

Smithsonite (AKA Galmei/Zinc spar)- poisonous (zinc (may also contain

Ulexite - The rock will loose its luster when in contact with water

Vanadanite - Poisonous (lead)

Wulfenite - Poisonous (lead and molybdenum)
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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Thank you so much :D

For some reason I couldn't find literature on this topic, despite it's essential for health. I own a lot of those stones, and sometimes I keep them in water. I only drank the water once and after that was totally scared that there might be a poisonous stone in there.

Especially thanks on the information about Mohawkite. My daughter likes to play with this stone, she would never put it in her mouth though, but you never know. I will hide it from now on.
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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by canobiecrazy »

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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by Symandinome »

thank you very much for providing that list. That is something very important that everyone should be aware of.
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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by Tasariel »

Wow, this is great! I'm gonna copy this down as soon as possible, totally helpful! Thanks Canobie!
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Re: A list of poisonous stones?

Post by SpiritTalker »

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