I grew a Dragonfruit!

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I grew a Dragonfruit!

Post by Firebird »

I've had these silly "cactus vines" I call them, all over the front yard for years and I mean like 20 years. A couple of them have bloomed a couple times, they are pretty spectacular but only last a day or two. The flower is similar to the night blooming ceres. Well this plant bloomed 2 flowers while we were on vacation and proceed to fruit afterwards!
Can hardly believe they got a fruit after all these years. :fairy:
They are hefty fruits, I'll let you know what they look like inside after I cut them.
Twa dragonfruits
Twa dragonfruits
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Re: I grew a Dragonfruit!

Post by Black Cloud »

Cactus are funny like that. They can go for years and years with no flowers or fruit and then out of the blue they surprise you. Here is a picture of a star cactus that decided to bloom one year. It had never bloomed before and has not bloomed since. The flower smells like carrion and uses flies to pollinate.


By the way, nice dragon fruit.
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Re: I grew a Dragonfruit!

Post by Firebird »

WOW! that thing is fantastic looking, wonder what it's botanical name is.?
My ma in law had grown some corpse flowers, yuck smelling but really cool looking.

The neighbor's daughter was so excited when she saw the fruits I let her take some cuttings. She says they do well in AZ where she recently moved to. I had one that grew up the cedar tree near the front door that was hanging all over the place, and would sometime grab you as you walked by, it maybe bloomed once but there was no fruit, we finally cut it out, it was going everywhere.
bb, FF
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Re: I grew a Dragonfruit!

Post by ehsanjadoon »

I tried growing them 3 times but never succeeded. Can you share the process?
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Re: I grew a Dragonfruit!

Post by Firebird »

Most if not all are in pots with very little dirt, they get pretty neglected and it was like 20 years before I ever had a fruit from one. Non-the-less hubs planted a bunch in some cactus mix kind of dirt. Thing is he gave them all to his son, so I'm not sure how they are doing.
I also think they do better in warmer climates and if it gets too cold, they are going to croak. Where you at?
bb, Firebird
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