My Listening Music

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Learning Everything
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:38 am
Gender: Male

My Listening Music

Post by Learning Everything »

I said I’d continue music, that I had to get my head corrected, I am pursuing education off and on, the courses are paid for, I just have to do them.

My music has advanced drastically, it’s no longer what it used to be. High end sound, creative sound, quality sound, sub bass intensive. I don’t create like I used to, when I do create I make them sound great! We will see where the music goes, how many subscribers I gain, perhaps this channel I’ve created will become the platform I use rather than using a distribution platform. Perhaps one day my channel could have over 500k subscribers, in which case I will make the effort to make donations through the income made on that platform. This feels to me to be more logical and makes better sense.

Sex? I still don’t care enough to go out of my way and hook up with someone, I just don’t care, honestly, I’m okay remaining solo. One day we shall see what happens, till then, I will forever be remaining Single. As for which way I swing.. who cares, I don’t care, I like both. But as I said, I’m really okay remaining single and playing solo. As technology advances so do sexual toys, eventually toys will have emotion, and when this happens you will see a great decrease in the birthrate population, which is good if you think about it…. if it were up to me, I’d make it a rule by law to play with toys before you have sex with a real person, then you know if thats what you like and want, you don’t hurt feelings, you don’t have someone taking vengeance upon you, no problems. I feel toys are the safe way to play these days - no stds, no having to worry about feelings, just play, clean up, the day goes on. This should be a rule through LAW.. it would prevent so many problems in life, it would take time for people to conform towards, the outcome would be a more controlled society for the better.

Anyway, Check out my Channel :) Subscribe and share. (I make a variety, I make it sound good, I am legit doing all the creating, mixing, editing, and mastering by myself)

Have a Good Day
Have a Good Evening
Blessed Be

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