Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell

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Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell

Post by DPhoenix »

Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell
The goal of this ritual is to cleanse the house, drive away the entity and put up a shield so it cannot return.

This ritual is written so that someone with little knowledge of performing rituals can perform it.

  • Cleansing Preparations: To be done at some point before you begin the ritual
    • Clean the house: You don't have to make sure that the entire house is spotless but either clean the dirtiest places of the house or use a besom (witch's broom) to sweep the house. Make sure you visualize sweeping or scrubbing away the negativity.
    • Cleanse Self: A cleansing bath, smudge yourself with sage or cleansing meditation. It's much easier to get rid of negativity if you don't have any yourself.
  • Tools
    • 4 candles (preferably black but any kind is fine as well)
    • Olive Oil
    • Herbs
    • Water & salt
    • Feather or something representing air
    • Birch bark (or paper)
    • Singing bowl, bell, gong, rattle, drum or windchime
    • Regular altar tools
  • House
    • Altar: Set up altar in the room with the most activity
    • Crack open a window so the entity has a way to escape the house.

  • Time: Waning Moon or Noonday Sun
  • 4 Directions & Archangels:
    • West: Water/Gabriel/ Blue
    • North: Earth/Uriel/ Green or Brown
    • East: Air/Raphael/ Yellow
    • South: Fire/Michael/ Red or Orange
    • There is a pic of the Archangel sigils below. You can carve/paint or draw a sigil into each candle, the angel's name into it, or the element glyph. Visualize as you do this, while working on the Gabriel candle see a pure cleansing rain and really focus on sending water energy into the candle. With Uriel visualize vines growing and thriving, waiting to be released.. With Raphael visualize a small tornado brewing... just waiting to be released. With Michael visualize a great fire within the candle waiting to be released.
  • Herbs:
    • Cinnamon: protection, raises protective vibrations, stimulates psychic powers, adds energy to your spell
    • Basil: exorcism, protection, drives off hostile spirits, strewn on floor for protection from evil
    • Oregano: strength, vitality & adds energy to your spell
    • Birch Bark: protection, exorcism, purification. Write the names of the Archangels or their sigils on the birch bark
    • Take the herbs you wish to use (I've listed 3 that you most likely already have in your home but you can use whatever you feel corresponds to cleansing, banishing & shielding) mix the oregano & basil together. Roll your candles in olive oil then roll them in cinnamon.
    • Stones:
      • Bloodstone: banishes evil & negativity, grounding & protective stone, teaches how to avoid dangerous situations
      • Hematite:Protects, disolves negativity & prevents negative energies from entering aura.
      • Jet: Guards against violent entities, protects during spells & spiritual journeying
      • Tiger's Eye: Protective stone against ill wishing & curses
      • Black Tourmaline: cleanses, purifies, protective shield, protecting during rituals, protects against psychic attack, spells ill wishes & negative energies of all kinds.
      • There are many other stones that can be used for protection, this list is what I consider the best of the best. They are not needed for the ritual but if you have them it's not a bad idea to place them around your altar or the house while you perform the ritual. Don't forget to cleanse them before you use them for maximum effect.

Ritual Checklist before you begin:
  • Are your Archangel candles prepared?
  • Place the Archangel candles on your altar, placing them in their elemental correspondences.
  • Is your altar prepared?
  • Do you have your olive oil?
  • Do you have your water & salt?
  • Do you have the birch bark with the Archangel sigils or names written on it?
  • Do you have your singing bowl, bell, gong, rattle, drum or windchime?
  • Have you placed your stones? (if using stones)
  • Have you cracked open a window to let the entity out?
  • Do you FEEL ready? If not do some more cleansing until you do feel ready.

Begin the Ritual

I.) Cast the Circle
  • Dip athame in water
    • Recite the following, "I charge you creature of water, that ye be pure and clean of all phantasmal influences, in the name of the Goddess and God."
  • Dip athame in salt
    • Recite, "I charge you creature of salt, may it serve to cleanse and purify bringing goodness to all it comes into contact with, in the names of the Goddess and God."
  • With athame draw a circle from East to East
    • Send energy down your arm, visualizing fire as you create your circle, hold that vision of fire until a circle of flame surrounds you.
    • Mix the salt with the water then sprinkle it around you, again moving east to east. Hear the circle of fire spit and hiss as the water touches it but instead of putting the fire out it causes the fire to grow higher, stronger and hotter.
    • Light the Archangel candles
    • Ring the singing bowl (or whatever substitute) 3 times.

II.)Invoking the Archangels
Face each direction beginning with the West.
  • West/Gabriel: Draw an Invoking pentagram with your wand or finger (see pic below for invoking pentagam) and recite, "Before me Gabriel, Archangel of west and of Water. I do invoke thee and ask that you watch over these my sacred rites, guard our circle and guide our passion with the powers of your emotion and fluidity. Hail and Welcome!"
    • Visualize a warrior angel dressed in flowing robes of the ocean, in his hand he holds a trident and stands ready.
    • Pick up the Gabriel candle and walk throughout the house 'smudging' it. Do this methodically, getting every corner of every room as if you were sweeping up dirt and didn't want to leave any behind.
    • Visualize water cleansing the space as you walk from room to room, this can be anything from a gentle rain to a tsunami.
    • When finished return candle to altar.
  • North/Uriel: Draw an Invoking pentagram with wand or finger and recite, "Before me Uriel, Archangel of North and Earth. I do invoke thee and ask that you watch over these my sacred rites, guard our circle and stand between us and our enemies of life with your powers of sensation and solidity, Hail and Welcome!"
    • Visualize a warrior angel dressed in flowing robes of leaves, moss and earth. In his hand he holds a great axe decorated with beautiful jewels.
    • Pick up the Uriel candle and again 'smudge' the house.
    • Visualize earth growing up around the house in a protective wall, this can be anything from a stone wall springing up to vines & trees.
    • When finished return candle to altar.
  • East/Raphael: Draw an Invoking pentagram with wand or finger and recite, "Before me Raphael, Archangel of East and Air. I do invoke thee and ask that you watch over these my sacred rites. Guard our circle and words, bring to them our powers of healing and compassion. Hail and Welcome!"
    • Visualize a warrior angel dressed in flowing robes of clouds and rays of the sun. In his hand he holds a great lightening bolt.
    • Pick up the Raphael candle and 'smudge' the house.
    • Visualize a great wind sweeping over the house, it reaches into every nook and cranny exposing all negativity. As you smudge clearly visualize the motion of your hand sweeping the exposed negativity toward the open window. You can visualize a tornado or hurricane catching up the negative entity & negativity being carried out the window.
    • When finished return candle to altar
    • South/Michael: Draw an Invoking pentagram with wand or finger and recite, "Before me Michael, Archangel of South and of Fire, red, the hottest part of the flame, courage, protection, energy, strength, season of summer and noon. I invoke the and ask that you watch over these my sacred rites, bringing to them your powers of protection and purification. Guard our circle and increase our personal power to banish all negativity. Hail and Welcome!"
      • Visualize a warrior angel dressed in flowing robes of red and orange flame. In his hand he holds a great flaming sword of blue fire.
      • Pick up the Michael candle and 'smudge' the house.
      • Visualize Michael striding fearlessly throughout the house, cutting down all negativity with a swing of his sword, they ignite in fire and burn until there is nothing left but ash.
      • When finished return candle to alter

III.) Banish
  • Recite verse 7 times (or until you feel it working) while drawing a banishing pentagram as you speak
  • "In shadow evil hides
    Expose them now and I do bind
    Never again to pass this way
    This binding spell keeps you at bay
    Candle flames burning bright
    Banished now by Archangel's might
    With their help I shall be strong
    And banish all that do us wrong
    I expel this evil with a wave of my hand
    Let the watch towers majestically stand
    May their cleansing and protection remain strong
    Even after dismissed and they are gone.
    So mote it be."
  • Envision the evil entities bursting into flames, they have no more negativity to feed off so they are weak
  • Pick up the consecrated salt water and begin walking around the house, sprinkling the water and as you do visualize the ashes and remnants of the entity and negativity are washed away.
  • Use the olive oil to anoint each door and window with the sign of the cross

V.) Take down the Temple
  • Face North, draw a banishing pentagram
    • Recite, "Uriel, Archangel of North and Earth, I think you for attending my magickal rites. Salutations and Farewell!."
    • Bow respectfully and blow out candle
  • Face East, draw a banishing pentagram
    • Recite, "Raphael, Archangel of East and Air, I think you for attending my magickal rites. Salutations and farewell!."
    • Bow respectfully and blow out candle
  • Face South, draw a banishing pentagram
    • Recite, "Michael, Archangel of South and fire, I think you for attending my magickal rites. Salutations and Farewell!"
    • Bow respectfully and blow out candle
  • Face West, draw banishing pentagram
    • Recite, "Gabriel, Archangel of West and Water, I thank you for attending my magickal rites. Salutations and Farewell!"
    • Bow respectfully and blow out candle
  • Ring singing bowl (or substitute) 3 times
  • Place birch bark with sigils above the front entrance to your house.


Burn to ash we must
Purification by fire
To rise again new -Wanna be friends on face book? Add me Dorothy Phoenix
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Re: Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell

Post by North Star »

This is beautiful, DP. Very well written. I have always been intrigued by The Watchers (Grigori). Never worked with it though, this is perhaps one of the best rituals I have seen. May have to try this!

"Then Diana went to the fathers of the Beginning, to the mothers, the spirits who were before the first spirit..." -Lelands Aradia-- Gospel of the Witches 1890 ♥
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Re: Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

Oh I love this. Beautiful job! The time, heart & energy that you put into this is very evident. Thank you for doing that & sharing this with us.
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Re: Guardians of the Watchtower Banishing Spell

Post by SpiritTalker »

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