Blood Moon

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Blood Moon

Post by GroundedDancer »

Hi all!

I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight into the Blood Moon that is coming up in a few days?
What is associated with a blood moon?
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Re: Blood Moon

Post by SpiritTalker »

It's just a sensationalized Press phrase that denotes the mud-red-hue often seen at a lunar eclipse totality. It's caused by light refracting through the atmosphere; kind of like the phrase "super moon" simply means the moon's orbit has brought it closer to the Earth for a while so it looks bigger. Most orbits are ovals so planets look smaller or bigger depending on if they're at the ends or the sides of the oval. Before modern calendars the January moon was called the wolf moon because winter is a hungry season when all life is challenged. So the press release copied below selected those hot words to get attention.

January 21: Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse

On Jan. 21, people in North America, South America, Greenland, Iceland and more will be able to view a lunar eclipse that some are calling the “Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse.”

The astronomical event, a simultaneous total lunar eclipse and a “supermoon,” will take place on the night of Jan. 20 into the morning of Jan. 21. During the event, the moon will fall completely into Earth’s shadow, and appear red-colored and slightly larger than usual for about an hour.

The Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2021.
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Re: Blood Moon

Post by Firebird »

We were talking about it a bit over here... ... 37582.html
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