
Talk, spells, rituals, and questions about the four elements.
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Post by Lenea »

Is there others drawn to the element of fire? I've always liked burning candles and other fires. It's like each flame has a soul that desires something, as if a flame had a soul. They want to burn, they love to burn. Fires are fascinating.

Why do you others love fire?
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Re: Fire

Post by RyukaAscendant »

I'm a dragon... So there's that... But fire is both useful for creation and destruction. It dances and inspires and warms the heart.
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Re: Fire

Post by . »

For a long time I've been wondering about the mystery of the fire. How does it bring itself to life? How come that after generating a 900°C spark objects don't just simply get heated? How is it that a flame emerges?
I wonder about the bottom part which is a cobalt blue while rest is of the fiery colours yellow-to-red. Is the cobalt blue some sort of a portal for a spiritual being of fire to enter?

Another thing, possible conflict, or at best a paradox in the witch's rede and lore.
Rede says "An it harm none, do what ye wilt."
Yet at the same time witches acknowledge fire as part of their own nature. An element that "Consumes life to live."
As life feeds on life, in a way it is impossible to live without harming anyone.
How do you treat this issue in your life?
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Re: Fire

Post by Corbin »

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
If it harms, do what thou must.
But you shall reap what you sew.
So own it.

The rede offers advice, not rules. We become our own highest moral authority - and take personal responsibility for our decisions and choices. This is personal sovereignty.


All elements that are destructive are also creative. Without the sun no life could exist on earth, too much and we would burn to a cinder.

Yet fire is also a coorespondance; like a thing not the thing in itself. Fire is the spirit, the will, passion. Passion is that flame that burns twice as bright, twice as fast. Fire is inspiration.

In balance we flourish, in extremes we perish.
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Re: Fire

Post by Firebird »

I'm not sure why I like fire so much. Maybe because of it's entrancing movements. The warm orange glow is soothing and comforting and I heard it can counteract the "blues" being the opposite force on color a wheel.
It also seemed mysterious, a flickering candle in a dark room casting unusual shadows on the walls. And magical, a focal point on an altar makes for a great way to trance.
A bon-fire is that trancing quality magnified greatly, :D and the crackling of a fire reminds me of simpler times so simple even connecting me to early humans when this was such a essential part of life.
I fear wildfires having been evacuated enough times to leave an impression, yet the magnitude of that is like a thrill ride, maybe I should have been a firefighter. I hate the destruction it does mostly to animals that cannot escape, but the ash on the ground makes for an amazing vegetation restorer.
I'm a fire sign too, maybe that's why.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Fire

Post by SnowCat »

I have a fascination with fire, although I don't like the destruction caused by wildfires of any kind. I remember learning about chemicals causing different colors of fire, though the content eludes me at the moment. High school chemistry was a few decades ago. I do remember watching an episode of Death Valley Days that revolved around borax mining. The main character was told that borax burns green. He set his ore afire, and it burned green, so he knew he had hit borax. He and his wife lived happily ever after with the money from mining borax.
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Re: Fire

Post by SpiritTalker »

I must be a polar opposite. My fascination is for water. I respect fire & keep my distance. A candle is as close as I get.
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Re: Fire

Post by Corbin »

SpiritTalker wrote:I must be a polar opposite. My fascination is for water. I respect fire & keep my distance. A candle is as close as I get.
That candle flicker, the rolling sconce flame, the welcoming hearth, the banked campfire. I've heard these things referred to as 'kind fire'. Its a term I like.

However water? I love water, inland rivers and the sheer life that springs forth from them, inlets when the river rushes clear and swift toward the sea. I live on the coast but tended to avoid spending solo time with the sea in the past - when I was alone and receptive on the boundery of the shore it has the ability to make me feel overwhelmed. The sea is good at teaching emotional honesty and humility, watching from the liminal shore what it means to be one wave of a vast, changeable and eternal sea.
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Re: Fire

Post by . »

Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
I shall not sleep O clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire

I have all of my personal (1st five) and semi-personal (Jupiter & Saturn) in fire & air. Moreover both my main axes are air & fire. I've been born in the last quarter of Luna's lovely cycle, so cleansing & destruction are my passions.

I believe however that we do transcend all the elements and signs too by the song of our soul.

A thing to share. After 5 years of Buddhist meditations as my occult vision spontaneously developed I saw this awareness that resides neither within nor without (i.e. my own existence)... as a burning flame of awareness. I do wonder if it would be the same for everybody, or is it a thing for just those who are of the fire?
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Re: Fire

Post by Firebird »

Ahhh, lovely William Blake....
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Re: Fire

Post by . »

Corbin wrote:If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
If it harms, do what thou must.
But you shall reap what you sew.
So own it.

The rede offers advice, not rules. We become our own highest moral authority - and take personal responsibility for our decisions and choices. This is personal sovereignty.
Oh I forgot the "So own it" part of your verses.
That's just so perfect... transition to self-mastery from alibistic dependence.
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Re: Fire

Post by earth_love »

This morning I lit up every candle I own. Which is only 4, unfortunately. 2 were brand new white candles. I felt so much energy run through my chest area, when I lit the white candles. Like I am lighting a fire, within. It was fantastic. I forgot about white candles! I need to purchase some more candles.
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Re: Fire

Post by Nerys »

Iceland volcano went from 1 to 2 lava openings I try to watch most days and nights, it is very special to see.
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Re: Fire

Post by . »

In more dry regions of earth there is more of fire, which means people are more dry-assertive and less people-pleasers which is a healthy attitude, only excess of fire can lead to bursts of anger which is rather destructive.
When it rains this irritation in people calms down.
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Re: Fire

Post by Firebird »

I've been watching the volcano live stream too! It really has changed over the days. I was surprised to see people gathering lava to sell on e Bay, that's totally taboo in Hawaii. Don't want to anger the volcano goddess.
Bb, FF
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