Long term negative energy attachments
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Long term negative energy attachments
I was curious as to what your thoughts are regarding the removal of long-term negative energy attachments/entities.
It is my experience that these can be quite difficult to remove, infact it can take whole teams of people to remove them.
The case I am thinking of was acquired at a sacred tribal burial site in childhood whilst using a Ouija board.
The host has been to many experienced practitioners without success apparently. Some say it's gone but others sat its still there. He has always felt its still around. Apart from low level Astral stuff I can't feel anything there compared to what I felt was there before.
I wonder whether it has been removed and there remaining is his own thought form.
He's considering evocation to deal with it definitively but I don't think this is the correct course of action and have recommended soul retrieval.
What are your thoughts on removal of these things?
It is my experience that these can be quite difficult to remove, infact it can take whole teams of people to remove them.
The case I am thinking of was acquired at a sacred tribal burial site in childhood whilst using a Ouija board.
The host has been to many experienced practitioners without success apparently. Some say it's gone but others sat its still there. He has always felt its still around. Apart from low level Astral stuff I can't feel anything there compared to what I felt was there before.
I wonder whether it has been removed and there remaining is his own thought form.
He's considering evocation to deal with it definitively but I don't think this is the correct course of action and have recommended soul retrieval.
What are your thoughts on removal of these things?
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
In my opinion, long term energy attachments are not detrimental in and of themselves, but in the energetic stamp, that "imprint" they create in someone's auric energy field, and the resultant "pattern" it sets up that feeds on itself, in addition to the individual. That's the insidious part, that's the part that's hard to heal. It's like a computer virus; it keeps replicating and growing, creating new problems and fears within the individual's mind and entire life, that weren't there before.
The healing itself depends on several factors: the severity of the damage done by the attachment, the competence of the healer, the efficacy of the healer's methods, but most importantly, the determination of the healed person to be fully healed. You could remove the attachment, but then there's the "integration" of the new, healed energy that needs to happen. That's the real challenge. A new energy pattern has to be reinforced by the healed person, not the healer. The healed person is as much responsible for their healing as the healer, perhaps even moreso. Integration needs to "take," and that may require weeks, months or years of committed effort the healed person needs to put forth.
The healed person's behavior, thought habits, beliefs about life, beliefs about the world, as well as their lifestyle habits, even whom they choose to socialize with during off hours --everything needs to be brought under a microscope by the healed person, examined, and adjusted accordingly to accommodate the new healed energy. This means both minute and sweeping personal changes may need to be made. Is the healed person willing to commit to making every one of those changes, as need be? Or will the person lose their discipline, and go back to the same thoughts and behaviors that perpetuated the problem before the healing? That's the real question.
Case in point: had a relative who developed lung cancer. He goes through months and months of arduous chemotherapy, drops a lot of weight, looks and feels horrible, takes a dozen Big Pharma prescription drugs daily, etc. Yet one day I come to his house, and what is he doing? You guessed it ...smoking cigarettes. I don't need to say how this story ended not long after that. The irony was that the chemo had worked, the cancer had been in remission. But he hadn't maintained the non-smoking behavior as he was directed to, so the cancer came back, with a fury.
Another case in point: I had one of the best healers I know energetically clean up some lady's house. It was haunted and just generally sickening-feeling in there. I visited after the cleaning --from wall to wall, ceiling to floor, the energy there was clean as a baby's behind. I even sat with the lady for 3 hours, helping her come up with a new life gameplan, listening to her fears, her life experiences since childhood, her many illnesses, etc. I even put the plan in writing for her. Months later, her home was back to being the nauseating, energetic mudhole it had been before. And her mindset was as negative as ever. She hadn't applied a single suggestion made to her, hadn't even tried, gave nothing but excuses.
For whatever reason, some people "hold on" to their illnesses, though outwardly they protest loudly about how much they hate it, how much they want it to change, etc. They're getting some kind of "secondary gain" out of it, as I've heard it described in psychology. Some people intentionally prefer these "illnesses," and oddly enough, don't even realize they're doing so. I didn't know at the time, but I was one in a long line of people who have tried to help that woman --a feng shui consultant, a pagan cleric, a Christian cleric, advanced psychic students from a local metaphysical school, etc.
Based on experiences I've had being around healers, being around the healed, and having received healings myself, I would venture that your assessment of your friend's situation is correct. If he's seen that many healers, if you yourself don't even feel the entity there anymore (and I've read enough of your posts to know you're pretty perceptive about energetic issues like this), then I doubt the problem really is any kind of attachment. More likely, he has not yet integrated the new, healed energy pattern into his life. Like I said, it could take years (I am experiencing this myself with certain matters for which I have already received healing, but the related negative patterns are still there, so I know how tough they can be to root out). Without determination and effort, a person just marches in place.
As far as the evocation method vs. the soul retrieval method for this situation, I think you're right, the soul retrieval is all that's needed. There aren't too many ailments a soul retrieval, done correctly and with authority, can't fix. No doubt, since he's had this long term fear that something is harming him, and that nobody has been able to heal him (in his mind), then by now he has experienced quite a bit of soul fright, or "susto" as it's called. A shaman could definitely fix that. But, then there's another thing to consider. Let's also remember the "placebo effect" factor here, in that if someone strongly believes some modality is gonna' heal him or her, then their belief alone brings about the healing, moreso than the actual modality. Remember the anecdotal stories about the efficacy of sugar pill panaceas. So, if it's evocation he's just gotta' have, perhaps you could just support him in that.
Be prepared, though, for the very real possibility that no matter what he does --evocation or retrieval-- it still might not "help." He may still complain of having the attachment. Be prepared that on some level, your friend might really have an issue with the "thought forms" that he's holding onto, as you mentioned. Even more than that, he might actually be enjoying all this attention lavished upon him by you, by all these "healers," etc. Maybe he Loves all the Luv. Yet another case in point: I came across the story of an elderly lady, who could walk just fine, but insisted she had an "injury," so that her husband had to push her around in a wheel chair all the time. I kid you not! That's just wrong, but it is a documented truth, and unfortunately, all too common.
Honestly, if anything, I think the energetic work that would really be beneficial for him is some kind of pathworking. Yeah, I know most guys won't find pathworking dramatic and swashbuckling as an "evocation" involving all these powerful beings and impressive chants, or a "soul retrieval" complete with some shaman slapping around a bunch of negative entities, lol. Your friend might think "action flick metaphysics" is more effective than any old "chick flick metaphysics." Yeah, whatever. I still think there's a chance that pathworking would be good for him, a way to "rewrite his script," reframe both what's happened to him in the past, and where he sees himself in the future...sans the "attachment."
Also, some professional counseling by a competent psychotherapist might eventually be in order. There may some shadow issues needing to be brought to light, some other deep-seated fears underlying all of this. My reading work has made me wonder whether the majority of people who consult psychics (or witches, or shamans, etc.) really need to see a conventional therapist, and not a metaphysician. But, it doesn't hurt to see both, simultaneously; no reason both the magical/energetic stuff, and the conventional therapy stuff can't complement each other. People do that all the time, combine Big Pharma-type medical services with Old World alternative healing modalities. In fact, lately I've been seriously looking into undertaking some kind of master's degree program in Marriage and Family Counseling for this very reason, so I'll have tools from both the spiritual and mundane worlds with which to help people.
In my opinion, long term energy attachments are not detrimental in and of themselves, but in the energetic stamp, that "imprint" they create in someone's auric energy field, and the resultant "pattern" it sets up that feeds on itself, in addition to the individual. That's the insidious part, that's the part that's hard to heal. It's like a computer virus; it keeps replicating and growing, creating new problems and fears within the individual's mind and entire life, that weren't there before.
The healing itself depends on several factors: the severity of the damage done by the attachment, the competence of the healer, the efficacy of the healer's methods, but most importantly, the determination of the healed person to be fully healed. You could remove the attachment, but then there's the "integration" of the new, healed energy that needs to happen. That's the real challenge. A new energy pattern has to be reinforced by the healed person, not the healer. The healed person is as much responsible for their healing as the healer, perhaps even moreso. Integration needs to "take," and that may require weeks, months or years of committed effort the healed person needs to put forth.
The healed person's behavior, thought habits, beliefs about life, beliefs about the world, as well as their lifestyle habits, even whom they choose to socialize with during off hours --everything needs to be brought under a microscope by the healed person, examined, and adjusted accordingly to accommodate the new healed energy. This means both minute and sweeping personal changes may need to be made. Is the healed person willing to commit to making every one of those changes, as need be? Or will the person lose their discipline, and go back to the same thoughts and behaviors that perpetuated the problem before the healing? That's the real question.
Case in point: had a relative who developed lung cancer. He goes through months and months of arduous chemotherapy, drops a lot of weight, looks and feels horrible, takes a dozen Big Pharma prescription drugs daily, etc. Yet one day I come to his house, and what is he doing? You guessed it ...smoking cigarettes. I don't need to say how this story ended not long after that. The irony was that the chemo had worked, the cancer had been in remission. But he hadn't maintained the non-smoking behavior as he was directed to, so the cancer came back, with a fury.
Another case in point: I had one of the best healers I know energetically clean up some lady's house. It was haunted and just generally sickening-feeling in there. I visited after the cleaning --from wall to wall, ceiling to floor, the energy there was clean as a baby's behind. I even sat with the lady for 3 hours, helping her come up with a new life gameplan, listening to her fears, her life experiences since childhood, her many illnesses, etc. I even put the plan in writing for her. Months later, her home was back to being the nauseating, energetic mudhole it had been before. And her mindset was as negative as ever. She hadn't applied a single suggestion made to her, hadn't even tried, gave nothing but excuses.
For whatever reason, some people "hold on" to their illnesses, though outwardly they protest loudly about how much they hate it, how much they want it to change, etc. They're getting some kind of "secondary gain" out of it, as I've heard it described in psychology. Some people intentionally prefer these "illnesses," and oddly enough, don't even realize they're doing so. I didn't know at the time, but I was one in a long line of people who have tried to help that woman --a feng shui consultant, a pagan cleric, a Christian cleric, advanced psychic students from a local metaphysical school, etc.
Based on experiences I've had being around healers, being around the healed, and having received healings myself, I would venture that your assessment of your friend's situation is correct. If he's seen that many healers, if you yourself don't even feel the entity there anymore (and I've read enough of your posts to know you're pretty perceptive about energetic issues like this), then I doubt the problem really is any kind of attachment. More likely, he has not yet integrated the new, healed energy pattern into his life. Like I said, it could take years (I am experiencing this myself with certain matters for which I have already received healing, but the related negative patterns are still there, so I know how tough they can be to root out). Without determination and effort, a person just marches in place.
As far as the evocation method vs. the soul retrieval method for this situation, I think you're right, the soul retrieval is all that's needed. There aren't too many ailments a soul retrieval, done correctly and with authority, can't fix. No doubt, since he's had this long term fear that something is harming him, and that nobody has been able to heal him (in his mind), then by now he has experienced quite a bit of soul fright, or "susto" as it's called. A shaman could definitely fix that. But, then there's another thing to consider. Let's also remember the "placebo effect" factor here, in that if someone strongly believes some modality is gonna' heal him or her, then their belief alone brings about the healing, moreso than the actual modality. Remember the anecdotal stories about the efficacy of sugar pill panaceas. So, if it's evocation he's just gotta' have, perhaps you could just support him in that.
Be prepared, though, for the very real possibility that no matter what he does --evocation or retrieval-- it still might not "help." He may still complain of having the attachment. Be prepared that on some level, your friend might really have an issue with the "thought forms" that he's holding onto, as you mentioned. Even more than that, he might actually be enjoying all this attention lavished upon him by you, by all these "healers," etc. Maybe he Loves all the Luv. Yet another case in point: I came across the story of an elderly lady, who could walk just fine, but insisted she had an "injury," so that her husband had to push her around in a wheel chair all the time. I kid you not! That's just wrong, but it is a documented truth, and unfortunately, all too common.
Honestly, if anything, I think the energetic work that would really be beneficial for him is some kind of pathworking. Yeah, I know most guys won't find pathworking dramatic and swashbuckling as an "evocation" involving all these powerful beings and impressive chants, or a "soul retrieval" complete with some shaman slapping around a bunch of negative entities, lol. Your friend might think "action flick metaphysics" is more effective than any old "chick flick metaphysics." Yeah, whatever. I still think there's a chance that pathworking would be good for him, a way to "rewrite his script," reframe both what's happened to him in the past, and where he sees himself in the future...sans the "attachment."
Also, some professional counseling by a competent psychotherapist might eventually be in order. There may some shadow issues needing to be brought to light, some other deep-seated fears underlying all of this. My reading work has made me wonder whether the majority of people who consult psychics (or witches, or shamans, etc.) really need to see a conventional therapist, and not a metaphysician. But, it doesn't hurt to see both, simultaneously; no reason both the magical/energetic stuff, and the conventional therapy stuff can't complement each other. People do that all the time, combine Big Pharma-type medical services with Old World alternative healing modalities. In fact, lately I've been seriously looking into undertaking some kind of master's degree program in Marriage and Family Counseling for this very reason, so I'll have tools from both the spiritual and mundane worlds with which to help people.
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
I agree that the guts of this is shadow work in psychotherapy.
He is already doing pathworking.
I think his friend has gone - one thing that occurred to me when reading your response is that he is actually better.
This is a guy who 18 months ago could not communicate with his family, had substance abuse issues and was on the verge of suicide. Everybody told me he was a hopeless case. He is now working, his children are happy, he consumes no substances, meditates and astral travels frequently. He does basic candle magick to set his intentions from time to time. Now he reads books which he has never done before. He says he wants to help others now. To me this is a sign that healing is happening.
You are also correct regarding secondary gains. The healers he likes to see are older females. He also has a fixation with older women romantically. His mother never listened to his concerns and his father he has never known. His stepfather is emotionally unavailable. Interesting process.
It makes perfect sense to me about establishing new patterns/energetic ways of being. People always seem to forget that spiritual alchemy is not a passive process. Fortunately in times of breakdown and breakthrough, pain is a great motivator.
I think it's wonderful that you are going to do further study as you are very advanced and many more people will receive the benefit of your skills within a traditionally accepted framework. I am a huge advocate of holistic healthcare. I think it is good to have bits of paper in as many different areas as possible. I often think - which hat am I wearing today? Although I will say - when learning about logical things my intuitive side switches off, sometimes completely. Not sure why this is.
Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. I really value your advice.
Do you identify as witch or healer or something else ? Just curious.
Warmest wishes
He is already doing pathworking.
I think his friend has gone - one thing that occurred to me when reading your response is that he is actually better.
This is a guy who 18 months ago could not communicate with his family, had substance abuse issues and was on the verge of suicide. Everybody told me he was a hopeless case. He is now working, his children are happy, he consumes no substances, meditates and astral travels frequently. He does basic candle magick to set his intentions from time to time. Now he reads books which he has never done before. He says he wants to help others now. To me this is a sign that healing is happening.
You are also correct regarding secondary gains. The healers he likes to see are older females. He also has a fixation with older women romantically. His mother never listened to his concerns and his father he has never known. His stepfather is emotionally unavailable. Interesting process.
It makes perfect sense to me about establishing new patterns/energetic ways of being. People always seem to forget that spiritual alchemy is not a passive process. Fortunately in times of breakdown and breakthrough, pain is a great motivator.
I think it's wonderful that you are going to do further study as you are very advanced and many more people will receive the benefit of your skills within a traditionally accepted framework. I am a huge advocate of holistic healthcare. I think it is good to have bits of paper in as many different areas as possible. I often think - which hat am I wearing today? Although I will say - when learning about logical things my intuitive side switches off, sometimes completely. Not sure why this is.
Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. I really value your advice.
Do you identify as witch or healer or something else ? Just curious.
Warmest wishes
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Some people manage to live skillfully enough to where both sides have expression on a consistent basis. Can't say I've mastered that myself, but I have seen others seem to do it. I think it's a matter of defining what that "looks like," and tweaking that definition as we go. Then there are others still, who manage to "retrieve" and revive their intuitive heart later in life, when they're not struggling so hard, and allow it free expression again (like my mom; she became a poet). Others of us may never do so, and it just dies within us. Every story is different. Duality is a tough challenge here while we're clothed in these meat sacks, and no one is immune to the threat of some degree of soul loss or another. Comes with the territory of 3D Terra, Sol III life, I guess.
Well then, it's all good! But you say he thinks it's still there, and wants to seek additional "healing." If so, you haven't heard the last of this.-Dark-Moon- wrote:He is already doing pathworking....he is actually better...
Thanks for your supportive words, Dark Moon. Honestly though, I struggled through college while raising a family, and frankly burned myself out pretty good --I think I have a little "academic PTSD," lol. If I don't see the inside of another classroom ever again I wouldn't be too sad about it. So, we'll see how far, in reality, I actually take this fanciful idea of mine, hehe. I have to believe that I know how to live in balance and moderation now, and that I won't allow burn out to happen again...and that if it does, I will still survive just fine.-Dark-Moon- wrote:I think it's wonderful that you are going to do further study as you are very advanced and many more people will receive the benefit of your skills within a traditionally accepted framework.
I've experienced the same thing. I think that when our left-brain, linear side is in charge, putting food on the table, paying the bills, helping us to survive physically, I think the right-brain, intuitive side fears that: "The world is not a supportive environment for me. I cannot create. It is not a good time for me to come out right now. I will stay safe where I am." I think we experience soul loss when our intuitive side automatically switches off and hides away, fearing (and maybe rightfully so) that it will not have a platform of expression.-Dark-Moon- wrote:when learning about logical things my intuitive side switches off, sometimes completely. Not sure why this is.
Some people manage to live skillfully enough to where both sides have expression on a consistent basis. Can't say I've mastered that myself, but I have seen others seem to do it. I think it's a matter of defining what that "looks like," and tweaking that definition as we go. Then there are others still, who manage to "retrieve" and revive their intuitive heart later in life, when they're not struggling so hard, and allow it free expression again (like my mom; she became a poet). Others of us may never do so, and it just dies within us. Every story is different. Duality is a tough challenge here while we're clothed in these meat sacks, and no one is immune to the threat of some degree of soul loss or another. Comes with the territory of 3D Terra, Sol III life, I guess.
Thank you. And I, yours. I am enjoying the thought-provoking posts you write.-Dark-Moon- wrote:I really value your advice.
I don't identify myself with anything other than, "I am me, I do what I do, and I don't do what I don't do." Any labels beyond that are projected onto me by people who need labels, and there are many.-Dark-Moon- wrote:Do you identify as witch or healer or something else ?
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Haha ok. I sense frustration at those crazy labelling attempts.
I would respectfully suggest though, that research into cognition, memory and learning indicates that the human brain is actually hard wired to label things through the development of schematic groupings which help us to understand the world.
They can't help it... Maybe you shouldn't take it personally
Thanks again for your valued input
Blessings Dark Moon
I would respectfully suggest though, that research into cognition, memory and learning indicates that the human brain is actually hard wired to label things through the development of schematic groupings which help us to understand the world.
They can't help it... Maybe you shouldn't take it personally
Thanks again for your valued input
Blessings Dark Moon
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Having said all that, I should say that I don't think your mind is narrow by any stretch. I know you were asking your question in good faith, just being conversational, etc. It's all good.
Yes, our brains are hard-wired for this as a survival mechanism. We can't keep rebuilding the wheel every time we step out the door in the morning, so we develop schemas to facilitate navigating the world easily and quickly: "people who have that income level are all this; people of that religion are all that; people from that country are all this..." and the list goes on with everything we encounter. People go to war and die over schemas! It's amazing.
Developing schemas is a strength of the Terran mind because we are able to perceive our world in complex ways. But they're also a weakness because schemas tend to start calcifying. Our perception of life around us starts becoming less and less pliant. Deep-seated opinions, even bigotries against this and that, become irreversible after a while. We walk around with perceptions about the world that may have become quite outmoded, and might not even serve us anymore. Yet, we can't let go of them. We lose the ability to learn anything new. I find that only a deep, consistent meditation practice loosens them up enough so we can hope to be free of them.
Since I didn't have a neat, tidy "schema" (ha, I got a chance to use it in a sentence) ready to hand you, I had to spend a couple days trying on labels like they were pairs of shoes, or sweaters or something. That's how foreign it felt to me. Curiously, no one on this board has ever asked me how I identified myself. Maybe they thought it was rude; or maybe they really don't give a rat's patooty, lol. I don't know, no one's ever asked.
So, I was like, "How 'bout this one?" "Ew, no! That's not me." Well, how 'bout this?" etc. I put some thought into it, which made me all the happier with the answer I came up with. It feels "clean." All the other ones I tried on felt like I was lying to myself. So, thanks. Now I have an answer prepared for someone who asks me that in the future, and like I said, there are many who do in one capacity or another, for some reason or another. I hope folks are benefiting from your questions and comments. I'm know I am.
"They"? Aren't you one of "us"? You're an intriguing soul, maybe there's more to your story than you're lettin' on here, hehe.
Yes, I'm one of those people who were really befuddled when a "Check only 1 box" -type form got put before me, haha. Given the racial makeup I chose for this incarnation, I could check all the boxes, literally. I was not so confused as to which one to check as I was as to why anyone would ask me to choose in the first place. It became less frustration than pity at the narrowness of our little Terran minds. It keeps us, I think, from ever "boldly going where no Terran has gone before," at least our collective consciousness, that is, just stays stuck in a box. I learned as a kid that it's the other guy that needs to label me, and I never let it stop my show. That's my experience with labels.-Dark-Moon- wrote:Haha ok. I sense frustration at those crazy labeling attempts.
Having said all that, I should say that I don't think your mind is narrow by any stretch. I know you were asking your question in good faith, just being conversational, etc. It's all good.
Yes! You speaka' my language. I'm excited you point that out. The operative term is "schematic groupings"...or "schema" to be precise. Yes, all our brains are chock full of them. Schemas, I've concluded, can be a strength, but also a weakness at the same time. I was fascinated by this concept in college. "Psychology with an emphasis in perceptive cognition" was almost my major.-Dark-Moon- wrote:...the human brain is actually hard wired to label things through the development of schematic groupings which help us to understand the world.
Yes, our brains are hard-wired for this as a survival mechanism. We can't keep rebuilding the wheel every time we step out the door in the morning, so we develop schemas to facilitate navigating the world easily and quickly: "people who have that income level are all this; people of that religion are all that; people from that country are all this..." and the list goes on with everything we encounter. People go to war and die over schemas! It's amazing.
Developing schemas is a strength of the Terran mind because we are able to perceive our world in complex ways. But they're also a weakness because schemas tend to start calcifying. Our perception of life around us starts becoming less and less pliant. Deep-seated opinions, even bigotries against this and that, become irreversible after a while. We walk around with perceptions about the world that may have become quite outmoded, and might not even serve us anymore. Yet, we can't let go of them. We lose the ability to learn anything new. I find that only a deep, consistent meditation practice loosens them up enough so we can hope to be free of them.
Take things on this board personally? lol Wasn't in the job description; I knew what I was getting into before I signed up for this gig, trust me. I'm actually glad you asked the question of what I consider myself! I hope you don't get offended, and/or perceive it as an offense taken by me or by others, if we have to dig a little (or in my case, a lot, haha) in order to answer your questions.-Dark-Moon- wrote:They can't help it... Maybe you shouldn't take it personally
Since I didn't have a neat, tidy "schema" (ha, I got a chance to use it in a sentence) ready to hand you, I had to spend a couple days trying on labels like they were pairs of shoes, or sweaters or something. That's how foreign it felt to me. Curiously, no one on this board has ever asked me how I identified myself. Maybe they thought it was rude; or maybe they really don't give a rat's patooty, lol. I don't know, no one's ever asked.
So, I was like, "How 'bout this one?" "Ew, no! That's not me." Well, how 'bout this?" etc. I put some thought into it, which made me all the happier with the answer I came up with. It feels "clean." All the other ones I tried on felt like I was lying to myself. So, thanks. Now I have an answer prepared for someone who asks me that in the future, and like I said, there are many who do in one capacity or another, for some reason or another. I hope folks are benefiting from your questions and comments. I'm know I am.
"They"? Aren't you one of "us"? You're an intriguing soul, maybe there's more to your story than you're lettin' on here, hehe.
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Maybe you're a new schema - a new species that's emerging, or even reappearing. . Just kidding I know you are you. I suppose seers, necromancers and psychics are nothing new. The psychologist/counsellor psychic is a new phenomenon if even only in the literal sense, although many are so perceptive you would swear they were reading your mind. I find it intriguing to conceptualise the interplay between psychic thinking/mediumship and cognitive psychology. I also find it exciting to think about receiving this blend as treatment as a client.
Some people appear to go crazy in therapy or at least decompensate before they get better. I wonder if openly dealing with spirits would accelerate this process in some. The corollary of that is that you might then put them back together faster. I guess if spirits form part of their belief system then that would be easier. However, like you say I wholeheartedly agree that smashing up some of those belief systems and schemas can be liberating in a cutting away the dead wood kind of way.
Out of interest do you have a positive or negative blood type ? Ive noticed a lot of mediums are negative which makes me wonder about mediumship and genetics. Although the expressions of blood type follow a complicated genetic pattern I still wonder about it.
Although I too possess the said psych bit of paper, I've essentially made a paper plane out of it in favor of other bits of paper which have had me working in a hard biological framework in the everyday world.
Ever trying to balance the yin with the yan, the objective with the subjective, I suppose in some ways I blend the two by identifying with the witches Circe and Medea (both devotees of Hekate). This helps me to 'walk between the worlds' so to speak.
It was interesting when you were telling me about your stregarian witch friend who works as a forensic photographer. To me that made perfect sense. Elegant almost. Her knowledge of witchcraft allows her mastery over all of the threatening aspects of death that her psyche may experience in her day job. It's St Michael stepping on the snake, 'higher centres' and compassion slaying the serpentine aspect of the ancient limbic brain.
As you say, we are more than just these meat sacks we inhabit.
Brightest blessings
Some people appear to go crazy in therapy or at least decompensate before they get better. I wonder if openly dealing with spirits would accelerate this process in some. The corollary of that is that you might then put them back together faster. I guess if spirits form part of their belief system then that would be easier. However, like you say I wholeheartedly agree that smashing up some of those belief systems and schemas can be liberating in a cutting away the dead wood kind of way.
Out of interest do you have a positive or negative blood type ? Ive noticed a lot of mediums are negative which makes me wonder about mediumship and genetics. Although the expressions of blood type follow a complicated genetic pattern I still wonder about it.
Although I too possess the said psych bit of paper, I've essentially made a paper plane out of it in favor of other bits of paper which have had me working in a hard biological framework in the everyday world.
Ever trying to balance the yin with the yan, the objective with the subjective, I suppose in some ways I blend the two by identifying with the witches Circe and Medea (both devotees of Hekate). This helps me to 'walk between the worlds' so to speak.
It was interesting when you were telling me about your stregarian witch friend who works as a forensic photographer. To me that made perfect sense. Elegant almost. Her knowledge of witchcraft allows her mastery over all of the threatening aspects of death that her psyche may experience in her day job. It's St Michael stepping on the snake, 'higher centres' and compassion slaying the serpentine aspect of the ancient limbic brain.
As you say, we are more than just these meat sacks we inhabit.
Brightest blessings
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Wanted to ask...are you from the UK, by chance?
Wanted to ask...are you from the UK, by chance?
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
No, the dark ages otherwise known as Australia . Why do you ask ?
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Re: Long term negative energy attachments
Sounded UK-ish or thereabouts to me, that's all.
Sounded UK-ish or thereabouts to me, that's all.
Re: Long term negative energy attachments
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson