My First (mini) Harvest, and Updates

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My First (mini) Harvest, and Updates

Post by springsgrace »

Hey everyone!
Today, my garden was exuding such glorious energies, probably since it's the beginning of Summer. I was also in a kitchen witch mood, so I decided to go and forage some things. My garden is very overgrown, and a lot of the things were there before I moved in about 7 years ago, so it's particularly satisfying gathering plants that have grown without my assistance.

First, I pruned my lavender of it's dead flowers. My lavender bush is about 3 metres long and 2 metres wide, so I need to regularly prune it so it doesn't take up half the garden :lol: I gathered a good bushel that is currently sitting on my kitchen bench, and I'll probably dry it and use it for smudging on a later date.
I also climbed down in to the little grove in my backyard, and I saw a glint of yellow behind a bush. Turns out the lemon tree I thought was dead for years had sprung back to life in the past few months. It was small pickings, with only one humble lemon ripe, but there were many promising blossoms and unripe fruit. I can only wonder what caused it's sudden turn around.
My father's dill and basil is looking grey and dry and insect-ridden, so I relocated it to a more sunny place and I gave it a good cup of water, hopefully it will be alright :?
My microgreens are looking super healthy and full on my windowsill, it's probably time to trim them soon. Maybe I can get a nice watercress salad recipe somewhere online. loveface
Finally, I was super excited to trim my roses and use the petals for something yummy, since I've been craving some sweet rosy goodness all through spring. I made up a simple subtle rose+vanilla marshmallow with the petals and it's setting as we speak.

So yeah, that's today's little gardening update. If you guys have any tips on saving herbs from the brink of death or maybe tips for getting a bigger lemon harvest, please share!! :o
See you all later :^)
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Re: My First (mini) Harvest, and Updates

Post by SnowCat »

No advice, but a small bit of insight. I think the lemon tree has attracted a new dryad, or maybe more than one, because of the magickal energy around you. So you must be doing something right. Congrats!

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