World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

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World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by SpiritTalker »

An invitation to all to take part in a world wide healing meditation to end the coronavirus follows.

”The major Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4/5, 2020 creates a portal that is an opportunity to trigger Ascension ... Activation through a united effort helps Light forces to the ground energy of light on the surface of the planet to completely remove the coronavirus and help to end all fear this epidemic has created, and to counteract all plans dark forces had with triggering this epidemic and to shift the planetary evolution back to the most positive Ascension timeline that will lead us to the Age of Aquarius and create a healing manifestation.”

Below is YouTube link to Linda Molten Howe’s April 1, 2020 Earthfiles program in which the worldwide meditation video appeared. The images are wonderfully uplifting.

Go to the 57:28 minute mark to begin watching the worldwide meditation announcement. All people are invited to meditate, pray, or visualize healing at the same time.

Saturday April 4, 2020
7:45 pm Pacific time
8:45 pm Mount time
9:45 pm Central time
10:45 pm Eastern time

Sunday April 5, 2020
3:45 am London, England
5:45 am Moscow, Russia
10:45 am Beijing, China
4:45 am Cairo, Egypt

Note - Forgive my amateurish effort. If the video isn’t working at least you’ve got the date & time of the global meditation. I really hope everyone will join in and invite friends.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by . »

What she said at the very end of the video after meditation proposition actually made me cry.
Very strong words from somebody who ceaselessly dedicated whole life to a research and a fight like that.

Looks like 4:45 am, I'm in.

I saw virus when it started gazing at me. When it spread it felt like nothing could be done now.
So we'll see, blessings and ways of sanity will emerge from meditation, that is for sure.

Jupiter is in orbit of 1 degree to Pluto already, happens every 12 years, plus retrograde hits, if Jupiter retro returns to slow motion of Pluto, which may not be the case every 12 years.

New SARS spread with Chinese New Year of metal rat, metal being element for lungs and gross intestine. It might disappear a year later. Only minding these things, if conspiracy done artificially, might start and end like that because of schemer's timing - thus making astrologists fools or seers, however they please.
May be, may be not... we can mine results from synergy of goodwill and planetary conjunction, that is certain.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by Mr Crowley »

"I'll be there"
Michael Jackson

"You don't know what it's like to be me"
Tom Petty

And that's why this made me cry. My paradise island was her living hell. It's so sad because how many more will not be able to cope? ... muydsylcge
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by Firebird »

Oh dear, I was worried that suicide might be a factor in this for some people. So sad. Unfortunately the thought crossed even my mind, like... is there and end in sight? I really can't take this much more.

I seriously think I had the virus in late January. Sudden onset started with a dry hacking cough that kept me up all night, then very tired for a couple days with a sore-ish throat, then wham, fever (only 1oo-99) and chest congestion. It like skipped my nose altogether. I coughed until I had laryngitis and I could barely breath. That lasted 2 weeks.

We got to get our lives back.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just bumping this up as a reminder for today.

Gee FBF, that sure sounds like the description of it. Make sure you get enough zinc vitamin to restore immunity.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by . »

firebirdflys wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:33 pm Oh dear, I was worried that suicide might be a factor in this for some people. So sad. Unfortunately the thought crossed even my mind, like... is there and end in sight? I really can't take this much more.
I think that over 90% of suffering is in mind when it worries about the future. It is bad now right? The dread that it will be like this till some September or more is even worse, right?

There's so much silver lining to this. I meditate on how the world just... stopped. It's amazing thing to feel. Very unique. Now to carry that and influence via flexibility of attitude.A new canvas to paint on while we still live!
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by Hazel Moon »

I'm going to participate in this. I've actually been working on a prayer ritual for this purpose. Only now, because I know others will be joining, I'm going to modify the wording so that it includes everyone who is taking part.

One question, though. Is there a set time for how long will this last?

I don't want to accidentally stop before everyone else does. But either way, I will join you and I will lend my prayers and energy to help stop this. It's probably just a case of go until you feel inclined to stop naturally, so I'll go with that.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by Firebird »

Got about an Hour.
Going to set up circle outside.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by SpiritTalker »

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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by . »

I put alarm clock at 04:40 am and decided to tune into flow while lying in bed. Fell asleep instantly.
Nonetheless I put the conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter on a great use.

So how was the vibe of the flow of synergy SpiritTalker?
Any spiritual being that presided over the ritual, or just colours of azure light or something? Any animal spirits?
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by SpiritTalker »

I’d used mala beads & had been chanting just over an hour from 10:30 pm. I felt a wave of ignition @ 11:42 pm US eastern time that was like an upward shot of electricity from feet-to-head. Many images fast-flashed thru my mind & Light. I raised my arms “yes! Yes! YES!” Woke the cats. I’d done a few rounds on the beads but I finished the round I’d been on when the rush had grabbed me. I set intent into the paper mandala I’d colored during the week; went outside & burned it. I scattered the cooled ash at noon today beneath a cedar tree.

I’d say there were many spiritual beings, each according to the participant’s beliefs. The Light of the Universal Spirit within each person will defeat the virus.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by . »

firebirdflys wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:33 pm Oh dear, I was worried that suicide might be a factor in this for some people. So sad. Unfortunately the thought crossed even my mind, like... is there and end in sight? I really can't take this much more.

I seriously think I had the virus in late January. Sudden onset started with a dry hacking cough that kept me up all night, then very tired for a couple days with a sore-ish throat, then wham, fever (only 1oo-99) and chest congestion. It like skipped my nose altogether. I coughed until I had laryngitis and I could barely breath. That lasted 2 weeks.

We got to get our lives back.
Feels bad. Austria might give in and release people to streets again. I think it is a sound bet in case everyone carries on pre-cautiously.
Sorry for your state of mind, I think with world reaching so many signs of "civilization ready to collapse" only through a lot of pain can the process go. We're quite masochistic dwelling in this world now. I guess the flame of the soul is the final argument why keep on doing such.
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Re: World Meditation to end CV Epidemic Apr 4-5th

Post by Shekinah »

The CIA has a program called "Metafocus" unfortunately it is used for nefarious purposes to facilitate the national interest in global affairs. My suggestion would be for us to employ a few of these principles for the betterment of collective humanity.

As we learn how to employ applications of Quantum Physics in our Fourth Mode warfare to use mental imagery to allow conscious intention to influence probabilities for such things as mind control, re-programming cultural-ethnic populations and perceptions of reality we can also use the principles of entanglement for remote viewing, bi-location, remote influencing and deep space communication.

What mental image might we project into the collective consciousness to calm the human spirit and pacify our lust for discordant behavior? I like the "Tree of Life" radiant with the glow of Spirit flooding across the human mind (like in movie Avatar) We might create a mental image of such a vision in the sky visible to all the world. We might empower the "Green Man" to bring a wee bit of peace to the world. I believe we might protect ourselves from the CV epidemic by being in tune with the universe and at peace with Spirit in all we do. Eat wisely avoiding gluttony and toxic additives, apply the power of a "Sigil" to your flask of water. In mind and body behave as the embodiment of the infant God/Goddess that we are. We are in this world but not of this world.
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