Gems to Quit Smoking

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Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Lephwyn »

So, about this time last year I decided that it was time to quit smoking. It seemed like the natural course to take after having been a smoker for 10 years and, to be honest, the prices of buying smokes was getting to be not worth the negativity that smoking was bringing to my life ($20 a pack!!). I was smoking 1 pack a day, stinking like smoke, no spare cash cuz it was all going to supporting the habit, feeling lethargic and increasingly unhealthy. Quitting needed to happen but I knew I couldn't do it alone!

I did a lot of research on gems that I could carry around with me during the roughest of the detox stages and here's what I found worked for me:

Kunzite- Great for helping to overcome additions and the negative effects that happen to the body during the detox stages. It is a healing stone which works at balancing emotions and removing any blocks that prevents positive energy to flow through you.

I made my kunzite the focus stone for my pouch that I carried with me. When I was feeling particularly weak and needing a smoke I would single out the kunzite and rub it for a few minutes until the immediate urge left.

Sunstone- For it's natural anti-depressant qualities. It helps bring some light of the sun in dark times, encourages and supports happiness.

It also acted as a reminder for me that this dark period is but a blip in time and a energy booster for this long term project so I didn't burn out from the efforts and revert back. Many can agree that quitting can make you feel agitated, depressed, anxious, and the sunstone was a good one to clutch until the worst of the feelings passed.

Obsidian- This one felt like a natural addition for it's abilities to absorb negative energy.

I felt like the obsidian helped to take the bulk of my negative energy around quitting and left openings for the other stones to inject their positive qualities.

Amethyst- This was a a natural addition for me given it's calming properties. It's ability to release the fog and provide sober through.

All in all, one year and still a non-smoker! I haven't even touched a smoke since the day I vowed to stop. Mind you, the stones were not the only thing that helped me through this. I did perform a little commencement spell to solidify my intentions and direct my energy to the frequency to squash this problem. It took constant reminders and weekly treats to reward myself of another week without smoking. Little things like a new stone to add to my stone family or even a new nail polish color that brought elevated energy. I learnt that in order to be successful at this I couldn't prolong the process by weening off since that prolonged the suffering. I had to be kind to myself the whole time or else it would have been failure. I still do. The stones helped to be a token that reminded me of that daily.

Maybe some of you can relate or found other gems helped? I found with gems that there is no "one" set to help, but more so what stones are you drawn to when trying to tackle the issue at hand. These were the ones that called me and together our energies helped me conquer that challenge.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm not a smoker but I feel this spell. The stones in combination are inspired thinking.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by stormofwind »

I wish my mother would do this sigh.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by SnowCat »

Quitting tobacco isn't easy. I quit for good, nine years ago. Just went cold turkey. I still have times when I want one, but I'm staying strong.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Firebird »

Interesting, I used a quartz crystal also but that was the everything stone then, and found that the obsidian I had was a great grounding stone though I didn't think about it much at the time as being tools. I had only been shortly on my quest of the metaphysical at that time.
I've been quit now for about 24 years. :flyingwitch:
congratulations ! keep it up!
blessings, Firebird
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by barker »

Whenever I have quit (5 weeks max) I have completely reintegrated the social acceptance ideal. Only problem for me with that is, I am such the lone wolf that I always decide to try and strike off on my own again, more perfectly. Smoking is a spiritual thing that way, it lets one be a total and utter truant to social life.

Sometimes I wonder how my social life would be if I didn't smoke, but however I am spiritual first, so no matter to myself.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Lephwyn »

The social side of smoking was a huge one for me! Also, the routine of it. I was always one to have my morning coffee and smoke, my 2 breaks throughout the workday, my going home smoke, after dinner and then bed time. I thought that by stopping it would change who I am, how social I am and everything else in between. What I found that was by closing that door, it opened up ways of new socialization and new routines. I found at first that if I took the same time I normally would having a smoke and instead spent it focusing on the stones, giving them a little rub or just asking them to make me stronger in that moment, it tricked my brain into thinking I was having the same relaxing time I was getting with a cigarette.

I think to be truly successful with quitting you have to be ready for it. If someone forces it on you the act of quitting is then cloaked with negative energy right from the jump so right there you've got your first block. Resentment grows. I also think that weening off is kind of a cruel way of going about it. I tried that a few years ago and only stopped smoking for a month. What I found this time round was that even though the first couple of weeks was rough when I went cold turkey, once that was over it was over. The suffering was only for that time and not stretched out longer because I wasn't limiting myself to 2 smokes a day or whatever weening method used. I would always spend the rest of the day waiting for that time I was allowed to have those 2 smokes. I wasn't living in the moment.

9 and 24 years of non-smoking is quite the feat! I feel it in my gut that I will also have similar success. Sure, the odd time I get a 'I really want a smoke!' pang but then I think about my Kunzite and my efforts and the feeling passes.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Firebird »

LoL, ya weening don't work at all :fairy: you did good! Be proud :D
I got to the point that I couldn't breath in the mornings, it really became mandatory...if I wanted air.
Social? ! :shock: ummm ya, that's why I did it originally, to hang with the cool kids ::coolglasses:: what a mistake.
Both my grandmother and just this year my brother died of lung cancer, so the proclivity of it in my family is strong, unfortunately.
Smokes were only 45 cents a pack when I started. :shock: some machines were 2 bucks when I quit, dang I thought. ..I can't freaking afford this either. Now at what, 7 or 8 bucks a pack? Smokers must be rich!
At one time my grandfather offered to pay me the amount it would cost me in a year of purchasing smokes if I would quit, that came to around 6 hundred dollars at the time, which would have been a lot of money for me then. I told him no. Couldn't do it. :? much would you spend in a year? Just think what you could buy with that money.
Stronger than herion it is,
...not to mention all the nasty chemicals in most cigarettes and the paper it is rolled in.
I still buy tobacco, but now for offerings only.
Bb, NoWhereThereIsFireIsThereSmokeBird !
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Lephwyn »

firebirdflys, I'm on your page! In Toronto a pack is about 20 bucks which at a pack a day I'm saving 7,200! I couldn't figure out why I felt so financially pinched until I quit and all that money started staying in my account. I've been able to buy the 'One day I'll have the money for this' gems that I often had my eyes on.

I'm really sorry to hear about the recent loss of your brother. Smoking really is no joke. Like you said, stronger than heroin and unfortunately a lot of us get into it cuz it was the 'cool social' thing to do.

I never thought about using tobacco in practice! I'm going to look into this more.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Yellow diamond light »

Think the first week is the worst after that even if you do buy a packet the first one makes you sick, for me the patches help the most.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Victor »

Lephwyn wrote:I did perform a little commencement spell to solidify my intentions and direct my energy to the frequency to squash this problem.
Can you tell me what this commencement spell is? I need to learn more, sounds like something I could use to heal my own addiction. I already have all these crystals so this spell might help.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by barker »

It gets really easy to quit for a bit if you ground all of you.
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by Victor »

barker wrote:It gets really easy to quit for a bit if you ground all of you.
how do you ground yourself entirely? grounding meditation?
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Re: Gems to Quit Smoking

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't know what Barker might have had in mind but I've found hematite helps grounding. Hold it & ground, using the breath so the inhale & exhales settle your energy body lower & deeper in contact with the Earth.

One suggestion I've read of all places is to make a stone grid that would include some of the following - aquatic agate (I don't know what that is), snow flake obsidian, labradorite, peridot, clear Quartz & amethyst. The directions are below:

Make a crystal grid with your favorite crystal at its centre
Program the Grid to Quit Smoking
Hold the Central Crystal in your Palm and Visualize clean bronchial & lungs
Rub the crystal on your throat & upper chest in outward spirals
Wear or carry the crystal with you
Cleanse the crystal nightly
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