lapislazuli16 wrote: I am so thankful to find a place where there are like minded people. I don't have much experience finding other people who practice as I do...
Well, welcome to the board, lapislazuli16, and don't feel alone. You always have us, your little pagan e-family here.
It's ironic he discriminates against your religion as even the American military respects Wicca enough to issue Wiccan/pagan
dog tags, as well as
gravestone symbols. They honor the beliefs of a number different religions, even issuing camo headress to respect and accommodate
personnel who are of the Sikh religion, for example. Too bad he is unable or unwilling to learn from that example.
The ironies abound, like how Christian beliefs and practices themselves are for the most part derived directly from a number of different pagan sources. I could go on and on about that one, but this would be quite a lengthy post and this has already been discussed quite a bit on this message board (including in a couple of posts that I have written), you just have to look around the forums for those threads.
But I guess someone like your boyfriend might say about all the points we're making here something to the effect that, "Yeah, all of that is well and good and everything...but it's different than actually marrying 'one,' "
one being a non-Christian-and-therefore-hell-bound-sinner. So, we'd be wasting our breath, haha.
Basically, I second the points Siona made in her post, above. I would add that if he's not serious about you enough to at least agree to attend some non-religious relationship counseling sessions, your best bet is to cut your losses and move on, dear.