Chaos magick

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Chaos magick

Post by YanaKhan »

Hey, everyone.
I thought this might be an interesting topic of discussion. And since there isn't a thread about Chaos magick, I thought I should create one.
And here we go:

What is Chaos magick.

I'll cite Peter Caroll, whose book "Liber null" is considered the defining work of the Chaos magick movement:
…if you want a one-line definition with which most Chaoists would probably not disagree, then I offer the following. Chaoists usually accept the meta-belief that belief is a tool for achieving effects; it is not an end in itself.
To be fair, I find it hard to define Chaos magick, even though I actually started practicing by practicing Chaos magick. To me, Chaos magick is an eclectic path where you are allowed to be very creative within a system.
My guess is, if you haven't heard of Chaos magick before, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Well, here's a little more info:
Although there are a few techniques unique to chaos magic (such as some forms of sigil magic), chaos magic is often highly individualistic and borrows liberally from other belief systems, due to chaos magic having a central belief that belief is a tool. Some common sources of inspiration include such diverse areas as science fiction, scientific theories, traditional ceremonial magic, neoshamanism, eastern philosophy, world religions, and individual experimentation. Despite tremendous individual variation, chaos magicians (sometimes called "chaotes") often work with chaotic and humorous paradigms, such as the worship of Hundun from Taoism or Eris from Discordianism and it is common for chaotes to believe in whatever god suits their current paradigm and discard it when necessary. Chaotes can be agnostic or atheist.

According to chaos practitioners a computer is the central tool for connecting the followers, building virtual knowledge libraries and it also could be used for the simulation of the online ritual environment.
- from Wikipedia

Where to start with Chaos magick

I participated in another forum once and there they used to call Chaos magick "Cartoon magick". So I though I should provide a link to make it easier to understand: Psychonaut Field Manual: A Cartoon Guide to Chaos Magick

Here's a link to Peter Caroll's "Liber null".

Well, I know it's not much, but I hope we can turn this into a discussion thread and I'll be very happy if others chime in too and provide more info.
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by Seraphin »

Although there are a few techniques unique to chaos magic (such as some forms of sigil magic), chaos magic is often highly individualistic and borrows liberally from other belief systems, due to chaos magic having a central belief that belief is a tool. Some common sources of inspiration include such diverse areas as science fiction, scientific theories, traditional ceremonial magic, neoshamanism, eastern philosophy, world religions, and individual experimentation.
True, I once consider myself a Chaote syncretist and would you believe it that I once tried to merge some aspects of Zos Kia Cultus with Lurianic Kabbalah with Gnosticism and with Eastern Mysticism :lol: to explain the Creation? I imagined the kabbalistic concept tzimtzum or the contraction of "Ein Sof", the infinite light, to be synonymous to a perfect circle getting pinched by the Prime Mover (God) into some form and thus resulting to new dimensions and independent realms, as well as giving birth to the concept of Iota, Alpha and Omega (point, beginning, end) and the trimurti for the Hindus.

As for the individual experimentation, I remember I made some meta-models which I wrote in my invented language.
Most of it I can no longer remember.

Actually, until now I still combine and blend different, often contradictory beliefs and practices of various cultures, traditions, religions, theologies, mythos, folklores, philosophies, disciplines and schools of thought.
Despite tremendous individual variation, chaos magicians (sometimes called "chaotes"[2]) often work with chaotic and humorous paradigms, such as the worship of Hundun from Taoism or Eris from Discordianism and it is common for chaotes to believe in whatever god suits their current paradigm and discard it when necessary.
Yes, I worked with three Chaos Deities and still working with Them now that I'm Afro-Carribean and Near Eastern traditionalist. They are Eris, Kali and Oya. They are the reason why I started celebrating the April Fool's Day as one of my holy days. Aside from that I also work with a some tricksters, child-gods, stealers of fire such as Papa Legba of Vodoun pantheon, Hermes of Greek Mythos and Eleggua of Yoruba tradition. I also once worked with Judas Iscariot, the great trickster of the Bible, without whom there would be no Messiah-on-the-cross.
According to chaos practitioners a computer is the central tool for connecting the followers, building virtual knowledge libraries and it also could be used for the simulation of the online ritual environment.[4] - from Wikipedia
That time that I was sooo obsessed in this path, I was also taking I.T. course so my personal computer had become my astral temple. The binary digits 0 and 1 are the Gods and Goddess, the Mother and the Father, the Binah and Hokmah of cyber Kabbalah and the Yin and the Yang of the digital Tao. I believe computer is a prophetic fulfillment when Jesus said, "All the works I have done you can do and much more than these." Like God created man in His own image, man created computer as God. Whether we admit it or not, we have in fact created new gods. We who are in the computer generation represent the next evolution of human consciousness. Jesus was a model of what we can accomplish and what we can become -- a God! :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by AzothPendragon »

I love Chaos Magick, and it has really helped me open my mind to new ideas, and deprogram myself from a lot of BS. Also, it's really fun. I love the idea of using laughter to banish. HAIL ERIS!
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by StarryWater »

I was thinking of creating a general thread, but found this one. If there are any chaos magickans here, please continue in this thread, if you have something not enough to have its own thread. I am rather sure Chaos Magick is my given way, and so I may post a little in this thread every now and then.

Here are two sources I found interesting. (Check the library with a lot of articles, may require prior knowledge, but it gives a sense of the attitude).

Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine (the pamphlet).

As I see, there is not much reading required about Chaos Magick itself, but reading how others construct their systems is inspiring. The basic principles of non-dogmatism, belief as a tool, "whatever works for you"-approach, etc., is enough - at least in my own system - and you can even modify the basic principles to suit you. Creativity, results, curiosity and fun are guides.
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Many assume Chaos Magic is a complete rejection of structure, which it is not. Many take the ideology as a system of non-systematic practice and create a blank slate for ritual which is not exactly what Chaos Magic practice is. It was originally intended as a system to implement a belief into the practice of Ceremonial Magic without the confines of using Hebrew god-names or Egyptian deity names but instead using My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters instead, as a belief in anything is not necessary.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"

As Peter Carroll stated in Liber Null, whatever the case is thrown at you, adapt and modify for your outcome. However, Chaos Magic itself is not a belief unto itself, it is a tool for us to use. It is still a system to be implemented into a system, or enacted within a system, but itself is nothing without a structure to implement into.

I enjoy seeing Wiccans and Witches implementing it into their Craft here! I see it mostly being adopted by Ceremonial Magicians and some Shamanistic Practitioners who delve into the Aethyrs of the Dreamworld. So having read others from the Witchcraft and Wiccan streams flowing with adaptation beyond just mere Eclecticism is a nice tune to hear.
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by SpiritTalker »

I think My Little Pony is a nice touch. They come in so many colors :) and as nothing is true & everything is permitted secular Crafters might well heave a sigh of relief. What are the odds on having the chutzpah to know when to stop?
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

SpiritTalker wrote:I think My Little Pony is a nice touch. They come in so many colors :) and as nothing is true & everything is permitted secular Crafters might well heave a sigh of relief. What are the odds on having the chutzpah to know when to stop?
Imagine a Middle Pillar Ritual focusing on the light of Princess Celestia shining through your body, illuminating you from the Heavens down above the head with Twilight Sparkle, into the throat with Apple Jack, the chest with Rarity, the groin with Pinkie Pie and the Feet with Fluttershy while the entire time you are humming the theme song and being empowered to move onto the next ritual for the day...
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Re: Chaos magick

Post by SpiritTalker »

Bumped 2020
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