Animals and astral projection

Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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Animals and astral projection

Post by stephanie robinson »

Hello, I am a new witch who is trying to astral project but I have ran into a few problems. I have tried to astral project two times so far and each time I try to, the animals I selected for a familiar type tends to freak out in his box. my snake is normally quiet night and day but when I attempt to project, he taps his nose of the glass until I come out of it then he stops. I'm not sure what this means, whether he is trying to get out or what but it tends to pull me out with a jump. I'm not sure if this is anything big but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion for astral projection or if I should be concerned at all
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by SpiritTalker »

It could be that your energy signature changes and the animals react. I have a cat that joins me when ever I meditate so regularly that I can’t fully relax because I’m anticipating his arrival. Once he’s settled in we’re good to go. My other cat shows no interest. Our bodies emit energy frequencies and these change with how focused we are in the moment.

I’d just meditate away from the pets. Then they won’t disturb you when you disturb them :)
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by SnowCat »

Your snake may perceive danger to you.
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by Shekinah »

1. Cut a 12" circle from black construction paper. 2. Glue a 1/2" spot of white paper in the center. 3. Tack the circle on a white wall 10 feet away. 4. Illuminate the room with a candle behind you (or a very low watt lamp) 5. Sit, relax, gaze into the black disk.

Within 4-5 min you will perceive a halo form around the disk. As you continue to fix your gaze on the disk a foggy tunnel of light will appear and seemingly obscure everything outside of the light tunnel, much like described in near death experiences. Allow your consciousness to drift into the tunnel and through the disk. You will be projecting out of body beyond the disk free of spacetime where you might then create a mental image of where you desire to bi-locate. You will return to the mundane realm whenever you break imagery.

This is from our "Star Gate" protocol which is ,of course, far more elaborate with magnetic field brain stimulation, audio and gonze-field effects.
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by SpiritTalker »

Good idea. I've had similar results focusing on light reflections on flowing water.
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by Firebird »

Very cool Shekinah, thank you so much for that.
We had done a similar exercise but it was more in tune with getting the eye to see subtle energy and color, mostly for reading auras.
Six inch disks are cut out of every color construction paper one can find. Put them on a white background and do a similar gazing technique. When the aura of the disk begins to show one, quickly remove or flick the disk aside and observe the color of the "shadow" left behind (or someone does it for you, which is best)
I like that putting them on the wall, Shekinah. I believe the position of ones head might reveal a greater outcome. We would put the white paper on the floor and place the disk there. But there would have to be a way to remove the disk, in this case tacking it down wouldn't work for this exercise.
@ SpiritTalker, I've not had any success with gazing upon moving water :( but I do notice that after gazing at the stream then looking upon the bank becomes a quick no-acid trip!
My daughter used to complain about this. For her it was the sky moving. We used to hike quite a lot and she would get so focused on the trail that when she paused and looked up, she would say the sky was sucking, like moving in on itself.
This link also has a link that takes you to "Afterimage"
In any-case it's a bit of topic yet ties into practice which may facilitate astral projection.
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by stephanie robinson »

Thank you so much for replying. Your replies have been really helpfully but I'm still having trouble getting into the astral state. Is there any recommendations for the easiest way for a beginner to astral project? The reason why I would like to learn is to get into contact with the detite I have been offering and praying to.
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Re: Animals and astral projection

Post by SpiritTalker »

i think we more “easily” project in our sleep so use a few minutes before bed to meditate and program the mind. Try a different approach. Don’t push yourself “out” so much as invite deity “in.” Contemplation focuses on the divine and only the divine, and holds that centered state of being. We have built-in receptors.
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