Nightmare of two women

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Nightmare of two women

Post by gentlelamb »

So a couple nights ago I had this dream. I remember it was just a normal dream and then all of a sudden it turned dark. The part I remember the most was the dream suddenly panning to two older women (maybe in their late 50s) who had sunken in eyes and really long straggly hair. They turned their heads toward me and pointed their index fingers at me and started screaming. It gripped me with so much fear I woke up screaming. I dismissed it because my friend is a satanist and sometimes one or two of her demons latch onto me and do stuff to scare me. But I was thinking it could've been a banchee. I work with fairies so it's a possibility
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by Silvana »

Merry meet!

I'm fairly new to The Craft, so all I can say is that you probably know better. This is your dream, nightmare.
Maybe you can make a talisman to protect you from bad energies, if they were sent your way, or a dream pillow. I remember someone here saying they made a dream pillow with herbs against nightmares. :)

Maybe that will help you too.

Blessed be!
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just a suggestion, during meditation, re-imagine the dream and when the women point, imagine you hold up a large reflecting shield between you and them. It muffles the screams they make. It baffles and diminishes them. Poof! They're dust. Blown away by Mother Nature's cleansing breeze.

The protective talisman is a good idea, don't you think? If your friend is too careless to reign in her dogs, have no qualms about kicking back. Strays are preposterous.
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by Bychan Wulf » ... ow#p259882
I think that's the dream pillow Silvanna was talking about.

I had problems with nighmares as a kid and always imagined a colourful shield around me that would protect me from bad dreams. You can make the ritual as simple or complex you want. The one I did, had nothing to do with the energy manipulation that I know about now. It was only something I came up with and worked every time. ;-)

Edit: I always get ideas after hitting submit.
When you feel your friend's demons near you, you could say a short simple prayer or chant to meke them go away. Something involving your God's or Goddess' protection and light surrounding you.
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by Silvana »

Yes! That was the thread. You're very skilled at finding stuff Bychan Wulf. :D
Also, good advice both of you, I agree.

I was lucky enough not to have any big nightmares, just maybe some random weird dreams and insomnia when I was younger.
When I couldn't sleep I would take my pink quatz crystal into my hand and imagine a peacefull land, story etc. When I felt sleepy I would place the crystal under my pillow and sleep.

Didn't mention it at 1st because it's different but maybe it helps too.
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by SpiritTalker »

I used to have terrible nightmares as a child & pre-teen, and into my 20s. Some were ghastly precognitive horrors, but when I started learning meditation in my late teens, they calmed down and seldom occur now.
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Re: Nightmare of two women

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I just change them now. Lucid dreaming is a blessing! It made sleeping a delightful action, instead of the torture that it was before.
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