Magical postures

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Magical postures

Post by Firebird »

I've been thinking about this quite a bit in recent months. Finding very little information beyond Yoga positions, which has plenty of info out there. I would like to know more about the Celts specifically although other European lore is also welcome.
Our coven did a workshop with a lady once that was doing ecstatic trance meditations. That was like forever ago, but it came to mind again as I was reading about Celtic magical positions for certain abilities, like visioning. Back then I couldn't still my mind enough to benefit from this, but feel like it's time to try again. It involves taking a position and remaining that way until visions or revelations come through. It's is much like meditation though the different postures are supposed to activate certain effects.
I wonder if anyone else has done this and what your outcomes were.
Most all aritcles I have found all comes back to this woman Mz. F. Goodman and her institute in New Mexico. the Cuyamungue Institute, and I believe the woman who lead our workshop was a student there.

Here is a little (well a little long) clip about this Norse anthropologist and his work in a similar field.

THANKS!, Firebird
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Re: Magical postures

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oo, this could get interesting :)

The only posture I was given was to sit in a straight-backed chair so your spine is "likened to a rod into the earth"; place both feet flat on the floor & parallel; hands resting palm-upward on thighs. I guess it's a basic position.

The straight back is a standard grounding pose, the feet flat & parallel are for energy balance & open flow, & the palms-up form energy-catching cups.
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Re: Magical postures

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The posture for "reasonable" - hands over hips.
Can you do this for 10 mins at a time, 3 times a day? If so your circulation will improve.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by Xiao Rong »

I'm also very interested in the use of the body in magic! When I studied tai chi, there was a lot about how to stand and move in a way where most of your body is relaxed, and your feet are firm and rooted and the top of your body is light. In this way, the qi can circulate freely in your body, which promotes health. I would extend that to mean your connection between your inner self and the outer world are stronger, and by extension your magic is stronger as well.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by barker »

The posture for "beautiful" is any posture without the guilt.

Now, it is this simple: Is your guilt your own? If yes, then solve it.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by stormofwind »

Well I am relativity new to this.
I seen this thread I do one postures with my arms down fist clenched .
And I summon the wind.. or try communicate with something I did this for years at times
not realizing it in way.
I have some power than I think.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by SpiritTalker »

Maybe you could learn about Ty Chi to develop the gift. Letting these natural energies run our lives can be uncomfortable & Ty Chi teaches how to control the power rather than the power controlling us.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by barker »

Controlling energy / analysing. Different sides of a coin. Think!
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Re: Magical postures

Post by BlackMirror »

Arith Härger is really interesting to watch. Like his stuff. I believe Edred Thorsson's book on the runes has poses as well for each rune.
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Re: Magical postures

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I'm using Amalia Camateros' Inner tree of light.

I believe it is still available on youtube. I had a corresp. with her asking if I could just send emotional garbage through feet into Earth without being too much of a taker. She told me it should be ok but also suggested that we could send an emerald spiral from heart into the Earth thus sending some love over there as well.


You can mimic animals with movements thus incorporating their qualities.


Ted Andrews' Secret gates of Qabala offers postures for each Sephira of the Tree of life.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by barker »

I have been stuck in dancing gestures that mimic old friends. It would appear that dancing as one can be quite eternal. All of that took place nigh on 20 years ago. Fascinating subject, the bodymind and the way it stays happy.
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Re: Magical postures

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I only mimicked the catwalk to ground myself while hiking in the forest. Not even touching the ground, just hands in the air and my imagination. It works.

In this grounding exercise ... sC4hEFTJFM

At second part of that exercise, if you draw the Earth energy in and up high above the head then to rain down through your auric field to your feet, if you imagine this Earth energy to be as ironish darker red, your field will give you more protection against random flyers (of vampiric nature).
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Re: Magical postures

Post by Corbin »

With the nordic trance postures mentioned, I'm reminded of the book "Futhark: Handbook of Rune Magic" by Edred Thorsson which links certain postures to certain runes.

The one posture I use often myself is the magicians pose from the tarot (as above, so below; the axis mundi).

Another fascinating posture is the celtic crane stance for cursing, believed to be one elbow crooked, hand covering an eye, head thrown back, one knee bent, resting on the other knee or thigh of the other leg. I find it interesting due to its connection with the fomorians who were said to have one eye, one arm and one leg. That and (regarding cursing) the connection to Balor of the baleful eye.
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Re: Magical postures

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I'm quite happy now with how I incorporated witchcraft energy leading with qigong. Small circulation (conception) and big circulation (legs and hands included)
Now this is advanced so I had to make a video to explain it.
There are many ideas behind it. It is mostly your energy that you circulate and natural flow in body feels "sufficient enough".
Instead of traditional "static" leading by mind I go with hands around those meridians.
Qigong forbids wearing bracelets and necklaces, but they help me to see energy more clearly, then... so what that I use them.

Here is the video, you might need full-screen and maximized audio over 100% so I don't embed video into site and just leave a link
I'm doing this more now than Amalia's video I mentioned earlier.
Interesting thing about circulation flowing in you body <closed> is better protection, just don't lead open hands towards places with people standing nearby.

EDIT: Now is 2:30pm London time. Around midnight probably I'm gonna delete video because I just don't like exposing my face that much. Which is a shame since I'd really love to share the techniques... probably gonna need to make sketches or something to explain such things.
EDIT2: I removed the link to video, hopefully picture in next post is providing sufficient explanation.
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Re: Magical postures

Post by Firebird »

Oh rats, really? I liked it but I understand the not wanting to show ones face... I have a couple videos up but I'm wearing a mask, unfortunately the mask did not cover my 12 chins! LoL
I like your explanation, yet you were a little far away to hear very well. I think a drawing in addition to the video or a drawing within the video, I was a little unclear on the flow of energy from legs to arms.
I used to do this circular breathing, that seems very similar to your technique while in a cross legged position, but these achy bones don't like that position so much any more, :lol:
bb, FF
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