How long can you wait to do another spell?

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How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Binglian »

Hi guys, I was just wondering how long can you wait to do another spell when you when you already performed a spell recently? I did a wish spell in July, and was wondering if I could do another spell (wish spell again) this or next month?

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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Becks »

Hi there Binglian, we just had a thread simiar to this maybe a page or two back in the active thread filter.

Can you maybe provide some details about what kind of spell this is? I did see that you said "wish" but that's not very specific. It's hard to know without being more specific.

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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Imperious »

Psychologically speaking, once you've performed a working... That's it. You're ready to move onto the next one. Given that you should only perform specific rituals when you genuinely need them, there shouldn't be a nightly conflict in one's magical life.

Go for it. :)
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Binglian »

The spell I performed was a wish spell, but the spell that I want to perform is also a wish spell but on a different matters. I used the burning paper method in my last spell, and I want to use the same method on this spell again. The last wish spell is about my future, and this spell is kinda on my improvements, or social relations.

I will definitely find that post, and see what it says.
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Becks »

Spell away then! :lol:
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Kassandra »

Binglian wrote:Hi guys, I was just wondering how long can you wait to do another spell when you when you already performed a spell recently?
I've never been taught it's a caveat to spell work that one must wait to do additional spells, though maybe in some paths that's taught. It's not uncommon for me to have on-average three or so spells going at once. Often one or two will be for someone or something else, not me. Though I was never taught to put restrictions on my spell work, just intuitively I won't have more than three going, usually because more than that and I find it difficult for me to focus my energy.

Some spells might be project-oriented, some might be more wellness-oriented, some long term, some of short duration. Some are not even petition-based, but more like gratitude-based (I don't believe we should always be asking for something to occur or to acquire, but occasionally could just express gratitude for what has occurred or what we do have), so gratitude rituals are important to me. My spells vary greatly.

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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Binglian »

Wow, Kassandra, you are the first person I've met that do 3 spells at once. That must be really difficult! :surprisedwitch:

I have always been told by people to do a spell one by one, but never know why. I thought maybe there are certain rules, and energy from different spell works might contradict and oppose to each other in some way, kinda like a two against force? Haha, I don't know if that makes sense.

But I see if you did your spells successfully, then that rule must not apply in every case. Like what Imperious had said, after you done a spell, then you are finished, and ready to move on. Then I guess you could do 2 or 3 spells at the same time as long as you feel you are ready.

Another reason I wait for a period of time to do another spell is because it drained my energy very hard. I feel tired after spell works, and it takes me a while to rest. But I guess I always put restriction on my spell works, so that just me. :flyingwitch:
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Seraphin »

One of my principal magickal work for petitioning, healing and thanksgiving purposes is spell-casting. While 'spells' suggests an image of someone chopping roots, stirring a cauldron and waving a wand with eyes closed and and candles burning, spell-casting in a general sense comprises a wide variety of practices. Most doesn't actually need any of these magickal procedures and thus, requiring less effort. But all of them involve harnessing the dynamics of the mind in order to think in a more intentional manner and utilizing the magickal properties of material and spiritual things and beings to align our desires and give them extra kick. The important thing in spell-casting is an affirmative attitude.

When I was new to magick, a friend of mine who was a witch for more than 18 years that time urged me to develop and cast simple spells that would serve as tools for overcoming stress and anxiety (which I always experienced in my highschool and college years), thereby replacing negative emotions with feelings of internal peace, everyday, twice a day. He also asked me to do some spells that require discipline and daily practice to obtain good results.

To this point, I perform simple spells when I'm expressing gratitude, asking for forgiveness, clarity of mind and some other miscellaneous spells in a day.

There's a reason why many people advice to do a spell one by one, perhaps because some of these practices were considered too difficult because of their elaborate rituals and complexity or perhaps even dangerous for the inexperienced or mentally or emotionally imbalanced, and weren't meant for all. Nowadays though, safer and simpler methods have emerged. There are spells that require your mind and body alone and it can be an antidote to fear and worries, there are spells that requires simple herbs and incantations to channel the understanding of our spirit community. There are 5-minute charms too that can already empower and imbue you with desired positive energies.

There are times too that spell-casting and even crafting drained my energy. To cure this... guess what? I usually do another spell with elementary techniques and phrases that elicit a relaxation response and uplifts my energy. These relaxation and energy-boosting spells allows my mind and energetic field to experience balance, peace and tranquility.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Binglian »

Hi Seraphin, thanks for your reply. It explain a lot between the different spells out there. I feel the simple spells you mentioned about anxiety probably won't drain my energy too much compared to the other elaborate spells I used to do. It would be really good for me to practice everyday, and then occasionally doing some complex spells.

The spell after your spell works to combat with tiredness sounds very difficult since it probably requires practice, but it is a great idea.
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Old topic. :flyingwitch:

There’s an old custom of 3 spells per full moon observance: 1 for yourself, 1 for friends or family, 1 for the community. You could do them all at one session; you could spread it over the day before full for gain or increase spells, the full moon for fulfillment and the day after full for reducing or banishing spells.

There’s lots of flexibility depending on what spell method is used. Like if you use weekday/planetary influences do one-off and done. If you want to repeat that spell & intention it would be the same weekday of the next week if you aren’t going by the moon; or on the same weekday of the same moon phase in the following month if you go by the moon.

Some spells are meant to run a week & burn a portion of a candle each day, thus repeating the spell 7 times over whatever length of time you want - 7 consecutive days or 7 consecutive months - Catholics use the first-Friday of every month. Novenas run 9 days of once-a-day repetition.

So the method used determines the repetition and not more than once a day for whichever method is used. Therefore once in 24-hrs is recognized by default.
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Re: How long can you wait to do another spell?

Post by Firebird »

Yea, that's why the glass encased candles were called 7 day candles, I actually took 7 days to burn out. :shock: Ones you get at the store these days will only burn about 3 days. The 7 day candles can still be found but they cost quite a bit more than they used to everything else I suppose :|

The thing Imperious said about once you've done the spell "that's it". Move on to the next. What he was probably also eluding to was when you do a working you really aren't supposed to look back, with the idea based in -to know -to will -to dare and -to keep silent. Walk away, It is done. Some say you disperse the magic by doubting it or speaking of it.

Yet as Seraphin pointed out, daily work to maintain ease of mind, focus, creativity etc... is also a valid and valuable tool for transformation and healing. I always considered that kind of work to fall under meditations, prayers, or path-workings but they could be considered spells. Like writing "peace of mind" on a bay leaf and burning that every morning. Small, quick, easy. smiley_dance

BB, Firebird
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