Stones/Rocks in your back yard?

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Stones/Rocks in your back yard?

Post by Lunacreek »

Hello, was wondering if anyone had ever heard of using everyday rocks/stones in your backyard/area you live in, like siltstone, sandstone, granite or etc. & if you have do you know the magical uses? I was reading something on the internet about using everyday rocks found in your area that you live in.


Some stones for you

Post by dj_dude »

well, i haven't really run into any writing about everyday stones, but some commonly found stones do have magical properties.
flint is a fire stone: divination, healing, health, protection, for mars.
granite: balance, change and and wealth.
sandstone: great for people with a bad temper--calming effect removing anger, enhances creativity and to stimulate the thought process.
by the way there are witches with PhDs in stones, may be you can search for them and find out in further detail about the common stones.

Post by Lunacreek »


Thank you

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Re: Stones/Rocks in your back yard?

Post by SpiritTalker »

We can use a pendulum to discern if a stone is lunar or solar oriented.
. 🌞 - as the sun cycle repeats daily solar stones are used for quick turn arounds, for matters of dominance and decisiveness; cleanse solar stones with sun light
. 🌜- as the Moon cycle is monthly use lunar oriented stones for long term matters needing nurturing & for psychic work; cleanse lunar stones with moon light

In folk magic a stone from one’s home hearth serves as a travel altar. Hag stones with natural holes clear through are associated with the Great Mother Goddess & considered protective & lucky amulets; stones with a single line all the way around are for wishing, stones with many lines are “maps” for spirit travel. Rocking fore-&-back or swaying the body while stroking a water-smoothed stone & repeating an incantation is a very old spell found in multiple cultures.

Natural, white quartz can be found almost everywhere that has gravel & is all-purpose. It holds a psychic charge. It can be bought in garden and hobby stores. Clear quartz tumbled or as points can be bought in bulk 1/4-1/2 lb bags on Amazon.c.
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