The best tarot and foresight

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The best tarot and foresight

Post by Aizopen »

There is a belief that tarot cards only work for those who have been gifted the cards. I only believe this in part, I believe that the strongest readings come from "seasoned" cards or those that find the person. This is where the strongest connection can be made. Sadly I have experienced this firsthand. My first deck came to me by chance and it was an intense connection, so much so that I even made a special sachet for the cards. Unfortunately life events parted us and in an attempt to regain that connection I was able to purchase a second set of the same cards. It feels like hard work to read something that once felt so natural. Has anyone experienced this and are there ways to resolve it? Additionally I noticed that when active in practice and faith, I would have predictive dreams. The more out of touch with practicing I am, the dreams do not come to me.

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Re: The best tarot and foresight

Post by barker »

I see that tarot has essence written all over it, so if they come from a powerful name, moment of truth, or journey with no limits, then they certainly do know you. Essence, for that matter, is the beautiful life you live... so much of spiritual truth nowadays is about escaping and redoing things, at least from here. But you could do tarot on or about that one.
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Re: The best tarot and foresight

Post by MizLynn3 »

For me when I am in need of another deck. I go and just use my intuition. The ones that are needed are the ones I get. Like I’m allowing them to come to me.

I have to look n hold n feel the unopened deck. I give myself as long as needed. And I’ve been in a store for almost an hour just exploring the decks.

This has been my method for awhile now and it’s never failed me.
Same goes for anything I may need.

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