Lammas Incense

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Lammas Incense

Post by Ravencry »

2 parts Frankincense
1 part
1 part Apple blossoms
1 pinch Blackberry leaves
a few drops Ambergris oil
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Re: Lammas Incense

Post by Firebird »

Ravencry wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:28 pm 2 parts Frankincense
1 part
1 part Apple blossoms
1 pinch Blackberry leaves
a few drops Ambergris oil
This is Scott Cunninghams incense version for Lughnasadh/Lammas.
I see she forgot to add the Heather in the second ingredient. The stuff on this list would be difficult to obtain, and I wouldn't even know where to get true heather locally. I believe it is indigenous to Ireland though it may grow in other places, don't purchase unless from a reliable source. I wouldn't use the stuff they call heather from a flower shop for this, as it has probably been sprayed.
The other dubious items are apple and blackberry blossoms, which unless you planned for this incense early in the year and have been saving the petals, you will be hard pressed to find any at this time of year.
The final ingredient, ambergris, difficult if not impossible to find. largely due the to the fact that whaling to obtain the substance is not allowed anymore. If you can get it, I suspect it would be very, very expensive. So, it would be best to find a substitute.

A completly different version might look like this:
2 pts Frankincense
1 pt dry rose petals
1/2 pt dried orange peel
1/2 pt hickory chips
few drops oakmoss oil (or small amount oakmoss plant)
several drops sandalwood oil

grind the stuff to the best of your ability, it doesn't have to be into a powder, chunky incense is ok! ADD oil in the end and mix thoroughly.
enjoy on hot coal
bb, Firebird
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