Why have I chosen such a title as "Valley of the Apples" because I once had a dream in which I lived in a valley of apple trees, I've had a past life as an apple picker, and my 'safe place' in my mind is an apple tree who's giant root is a floating apple (island). It is obvious to me that my subconscious self is really connected to apples and their symbolism.
Entry 1: This is from a couple of weeks ago while I was living in Houston with the one who was my boyfriend at the time. I dreamed I was lying in bed asleep but rather than a human next to me it was a snake, and the snake was eating me and I was not fighting back but letting it happen. Snakes can be good omens but in my dream that was not the case because this snake was where my boyfriend should have been signified that he wasn't to be trusted and for the fact the snake was eating me meant that I new I should have reason not to trust him but ignored my instincts and were now paying for them. Since then I haven't remembered a dream but I have felt better. I am hoping that with a card read and meditation before bed I will hopefully remember tonight's dream in the morning.
Valley of Apples: Zili's Journal
Re: Valley of Apples: Zili's Journal
Entry 2: had no time to pull a card and meditate completely before bed but did fall asleep listening to relaxation music while repeating "I will dream and I will remember my dream" this usually works but it seems my "touch" is gone.
Re: Valley of Apples: Zili's Journal
Entry 3: before bed i pulled the card 'Wolf' who is a teacher I hope that my subconscious has taken Wolf's teachings to heart because again I don't remember a dream.
Re: Valley of Apples: Zili's Journal
Entry 4: I had one of those dreams only mean for myself to remember and enjoy lol the only thing really that stood out though is that the main character was a man of middle eastern descent.
Entry 5: I had Ronan, my mouse, out and playing with him when he escapes and I had to catch him again. A neighbor (black gentleman) was visiting and talking to mom at the same time in our bathroom where I was with Ronan. I was aware I was naked but wasn’t bothered by it and nor was anyone else. I've looked into the meaning and nothing really fit perhaps this was just a dream and not a dream with any actual message for me.
Entry 5: I had Ronan, my mouse, out and playing with him when he escapes and I had to catch him again. A neighbor (black gentleman) was visiting and talking to mom at the same time in our bathroom where I was with Ronan. I was aware I was naked but wasn’t bothered by it and nor was anyone else. I've looked into the meaning and nothing really fit perhaps this was just a dream and not a dream with any actual message for me.
Re: Valley of Apples: Zili's Journal
Entry 6: Three dreams in one night only 5 hours of sleep at that too.
Dream 1-I dreamed of my future next summer, or what my future might entail. I was picking up my friend Alex (the "guru" friend from England) at the greyhound bus station and when he got off the bus this 6' tall englishman is giving me a side hug while I've got a cheesy grin on my face. (In reality we are planing a road trip next year he's flying over to the state and then getting a bus or train to my town and I'll be picking him up.)
Dream 2-Dreamed I was on my cycle. This could mean that I'm releasing pent-up tension and worry, the difficult times will be over soon so that I can relax. It could also mean (coinciding with the previous sentence) that my creative energy is being recognized. The dream could also mean that I've been denying my feminine side. All of these ring true for me. My mom just said that she sees cycles, repeating cycles, which I have been doing in my relationships.
Dream 3-I actually woke up off and on during this dream itching all over. I dreamed that a bad sunburn on my back was peeling therefore making me itch. Since this dream deals with a sunburn and peeling I'll post two dream dictionary meanings.
Peeling shedding the old, perhaps changing habits or conditions.
Sunburnan emotional situation or problem cannot be avoided, something is burning through to you and demanding to be dealt with.
My other theory for this dream is that the fitted sheet on my mattress is old and has those little peeling rounds on it which could be making me itchy.
Dream 1-I dreamed of my future next summer, or what my future might entail. I was picking up my friend Alex (the "guru" friend from England) at the greyhound bus station and when he got off the bus this 6' tall englishman is giving me a side hug while I've got a cheesy grin on my face. (In reality we are planing a road trip next year he's flying over to the state and then getting a bus or train to my town and I'll be picking him up.)
Dream 2-Dreamed I was on my cycle. This could mean that I'm releasing pent-up tension and worry, the difficult times will be over soon so that I can relax. It could also mean (coinciding with the previous sentence) that my creative energy is being recognized. The dream could also mean that I've been denying my feminine side. All of these ring true for me. My mom just said that she sees cycles, repeating cycles, which I have been doing in my relationships.
Dream 3-I actually woke up off and on during this dream itching all over. I dreamed that a bad sunburn on my back was peeling therefore making me itch. Since this dream deals with a sunburn and peeling I'll post two dream dictionary meanings.
Peeling shedding the old, perhaps changing habits or conditions.
Sunburnan emotional situation or problem cannot be avoided, something is burning through to you and demanding to be dealt with.
My other theory for this dream is that the fitted sheet on my mattress is old and has those little peeling rounds on it which could be making me itchy.