James Webb telescope spots "Sparkler" galaxy

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James Webb telescope spots "Sparkler" galaxy

Post by JahaRa »

https://www.space.com/james-webb-space- ... ler-galaxy

The first science-quality image revealed from NASA's newest space telescope contained a hidden treasure in the form of a sparking distant galaxy surrounded by dense clusters that could contain some of the universe's first stars.

That image, the first deep-field image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), offered a stunning array of galaxies. And a team of Canadian astronomers have zoomed in on a galaxy located 9 billion light-years away from Earth, dubbed the "Sparkler Galaxy" because the compact objects surrounding it appear as small sparkling yellow-red dots. The galaxy is remarkable in itself for its weird stretched appearance, but the surrounding objects that inspired the nickname are of particular scientific interest, since they could be the most distant globular clusters of stars ever found by astronomers.
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