I Feel Dirty D:

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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I Feel Dirty D:

Post by SMushroom »

My mother draged me to church, i'm only 17 so " i have to do what she says" Yuck.

I really dont like going i feel like im betraying the God and Goddess. but befor i left i did a God And Goddess Blessing and another spell to honnor them so i feel a little bit better about siting in "The House Of God" but i still hate it i try to zone out so i dont have to hear that stuff.

does anyone eals have to be draged there? how do you feel about going?and how do you deal with it?
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Post by shadowx »

Wear a pentacle on show. You wont have to go any more ;)

Apart from that its no disservice to any god or goddess.
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Post by Earth Ritual »

Just remember that most of what your mother does is out of love and what she thinks is best.

I would suggest developing the habit of hearing and seeing everything she does as an expression of her love.

You didn't betray anyone. And you were true to yourself through doing what was important for you.
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

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Post by WitchyLady506 »

I occasionally go to services of other religions and anytime during prayer time I always say my own to my gods. There's nothing wrong with being around or even participating in some aspects of another faith that's not your own, as long as you're doing it out of love for the person you're going for. Just never lie about your on faith.
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Post by SMushroom »

Thank You Guys!
(´-`&#6528 That is a really good idea im going to start that next sunday.
And shadowx
lol i do where my pentagram neckness everyday i never take it off! :D
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Post by Xal »

There are true and powerful teachings in the words of Jesus. Unfortunately that have been twisted and covered up by many Christian interpretations.
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Post by sylphaxiom »

I would really have to agree with Xal. Christianity can be a great tool in learning morality and being a good human being, but it has been perverted almost to the point of insult by many. I used to be a very devout Christian but I moved to Wicca. I have found myself wanting to go to church on occasion, whether out of old habit or out of interest, I don't know. But there is nothing wrong with going to a church. Just because you do not hold the same faith as they do, does not mean you are wrong or that you are betraying anyone. There is no "right" religion. There are many paths to the same Whole. Just wear your faith on your sleeve and never deny what you are. That is what keeps you from betraying the God and the Goddess, and even then, they are ever loving and ever forgiving. So go ahead and go to church! Perhaps you will get the opportunity to educate some of the ignorant! However I am not saying that all Christians are ignorant, just that many of them are following blindly and they only know the misconceptions.

One question I do have for you is, does your mom know that you are Wiccan (or Pagan or whatever path you follow)? She may be more understanding if she knew or was maybe educated in the subject.
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Post by SMushroom »

She Knows i dont believe in her god and im not sure she knows that im wiccan but she hates wiccans and pagans so im not gonna tell her :/
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Post by Leo*Moon »

IMHO, all gods are one god so I have no problem praying to my image of god in any church or temple. There are some really good Christian teachings and you may find parallels to your own. If its a negative or televangalist(sp?) type atmosphere, the best and most mature thing to do is walk out.

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Post by sylphaxiom »

I would have to agree with LeoMoon. One thing I have always realized that most people seem to neglect is that almost every religion is essentially the same. They all have the same basic morals, they all believe in similar things. There's no reason why one can't become transposed into another or even integrated or coexist.

As for your mom, I'm really quite sorry about that. I know many people are still ignorant and don't understand us or even really want to. Me personally I have never told my dad. He knew at one point that I was doing some soul searching, but he never knew that I had already come to a conclusion as to what I wanted. He probably wouldn't understand, but I am also 21 and haven't seen him in almost a year (gonna make it awkward if i start working under him). But anyway, my point is this: even thought it may seem hard to live in the shadows with something like this, I'm sure it's like being gay and in the closet. You want so bad to tell everyone, but you are afraid most of them (or know that most of them) wouldn't understand and would just persecute you. And in some cases you are right. I got ridiculed to no end when I finally started telling people I was a Wiccan, but it was my belief and I didn't back down from it. Eventually people just became curious as to what it was. They knew I wasn't evil or possessed, hell, I was happier than ever. So in truth, I'm sure your mom loves you and will be understanding (perhaps more so when your older) of the path that you choose. Until then, continue your studies in the Craft and follow your path. All good things come to those who wait.

P.S. It would be a very good idea to continue studying the Bible as well. It will provide you with all the information you need to hold your own in a debate with a Christian when you do finally come out and tell them everything. I know there is more than enough info in the Bible to at least get them off your back a little, but if they are fanatics or fundamentalists, they will never really let it go. I know, with my knowledge of the bible and the religion, I have been able to hold my own against a very good friend of mine who happens to be a devout Catholic and still thinks that I am wrong and he is right and that one day I will find my way back to God and Jesus....codswollup! hahahaha If you need anything feel free to PM me (I was 17 or 18 when I was searching and found Wicca and I know ALOT of fanatics or fundamentalist Christians.) I would be more than happy to help you S
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Post by Leo*Moon »

sylphaxiom, well spoke! Today's bible quote, argument for leaving pagans alone, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." <--- see Bible knowledge! :D
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Post by sylphaxiom »

hahaha score Leo, score hahaha. I may not be a Christian anymore, nor do I like many Christians (the ones that are a detriment to their religion by the way), but there is a saying that I like to hold most true when it comes to this kind of thing: "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." also: "Know thine enemy." I'm not saying Christians are evil just that they tend to not like us. Its always better when you can argue the counter point using their own tools!
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.

Post by Love_For_All »

I think it would be best not to deny where you come from but keep a blend. I perform Wiccan rituals, but I have still gone to synagogue for holidays and been around to light candles for Hanukkah.

Not that my immediate family is religious in any way (none of us have had a Bat or Bar Mitzvah, we eat bread on Passover, etc.)
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Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

I used to be catholic and I still like going to church, usually alone and not for mass thought. I love the envoirment, its so spiritual. the silence, candles, stained glass windows...
i usually light a candle and say a quick blessing, for the people i love, for people i've lost, just as you would say a hail mary for someone or ask god to watch over them
its a quiet place for worship. look at it like that.
and if u have to go to mass, listen to what the priest has to say as a way of information about another religion. knowing other religions helps me to define how i feel about mine. just as you would read about druidry even if youre not a druid, learn about catholicism or islam, theyre all faiths with something beautiful and mystical about them
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Post by reikihealer83 »

Ceibhfhionn wrote:I used to be catholic and I still like going to church, usually alone and not for mass thought. I love the envoirment, its so spiritual. the silence, candles, stained glass windows...
i usually light a candle and say a quick blessing, for the people i love, for people i've lost, just as you would say a hail mary for someone or ask god to watch over them
its a quiet place for worship. look at it like that.
and if u have to go to mass, listen to what the priest has to say as a way of information about another religion. knowing other religions helps me to define how i feel about mine. just as you would read about druidry even if youre not a druid, learn about catholicism or islam, theyre all faiths with something beautiful and mystical about them
Wonderfully stated Ceibhfhionn! I find wisdom in all faiths and try to take peices from each of them. It makes us all knowledgable and less likely to put the "my faith is better than yours" card down in my humble opinion.
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