Dracul by Dacre Stoker

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Dracul by Dacre Stoker

Post by Obsidian »

This is an intriguing read. It's written by Dacre Stoker who is the great grand-nephew of Bram Stoker and the Administrator of the Bram Stoker Estate. He makes two claims in this book: Firstly, that it is based on actual notes from Bram Stoker's diary. Secondly, that Bram Stoker pitched Dracula as a factual account but was knocked back by English publishers because it was considered too gruesome, especially in the wake of the Jack the Ripper murders.

Dacre Stoker claims that the first English edition of Dracula was heavily edited to make it marketable given the context. However, first editions in other languages weren't so heavily edited because they weren't published in with a Jack the Ripper backdrop in other countries. Apparently the first editions in other languages have new characters, a totally different ending and a different timeline.

What I find most interesting is that Bram Stoker claims that his original manuscript is factual and that all the characters are based on people he knows but that he changed their names to protect their identity. Dacre Stoker claims that Dracul is a faithful recount of actual notes that Bram left behind. I personally don't believe in vampires but if the English version of Dracula has been heavily edited, maybe that wasn't what Bram Stoker was describing.

Has anyone read Dracul and would you like to share their thoughts? Or better yet, has anyone read an original version of Dracula in another language?
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Re: Dracul by Dacre Stoker

Post by SpiritTalker »

No, but I've heard of "harvesting" adrenochrome, a disgusting practice of the human trafficking market. If I think about it (eew) the unedited original Dracula text may be related non-fiction. I've only seen the old Bela Lugosi films on late night tv movies that scared the H out of me. :shock:
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