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Post by L.J.Hex »

Ok, now I'm going to rant a bit. I got to get this off my shoulders.

There's a friend of mine who thinks I'm lazy. She clearly thinks like that, says it between the lines and I don't like that attitude one bit. Yea, I'm unemployed, partially because health issues, (wrists healing very nicely so soon there is no issue.) and partially as a choice. For now. I'm very grateful about how unemployment is dealt with in my country, we have very good social welfare system in place, which means government backing when being sick, unemployed etc. Having no job does not equal starvation in Finland which I think is absolutely great. There has been such good people in the past who have built this system of not letting any of us into a complete free fall... This to me is a sign of a civilized country and good governance. Of course this system can be abused and there are people who do just that.

As a choice because I felt that the time is right for me to put effort in my life, my craft, my music, take care of our summerhouse, learn to become a better fisherman and building my own fishtraps(Which I could make to be sold!!). All this requires a lot of time and energy which I would NOT have if I had a job right now. The only problem I've had is of course lack of money to do things, which I have always been capable of managing when situation is like that.

But to imply that I AM LAZY!! Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm always doing something, I always have some project to work on... If I had the means, I would do even more! If a day had more hours, I would do even more. And then somebody dares to think I'm lazy only because what I'm doing, is not paid for. This pisses me of so much!

I see there are three kinds of people in the world, those who live to work, those who work to live and then there's lazy people, the really lazy ones and they are very few. I am not lazy. But I'm not a fool to destroy my health with too much work either, because I think that is insane and often unnecessary. Also, people tend to forget that it is easy to earn enough to get what we NEED, but people work many times more to get what they WANT. Or to get things they are told that they need, but in reality they do not.

Making money for its own sake has never motivated me one bit. Not a one bit. Only thing about money itself that motivates me is what I can get with it. And I'm talking about my own money, not loan money. If there's something I'm grateful for in my thinking, is that I have never been in debt for a single day and I have always managed to get all the stuff I want to have, yea, saving up takes time and bit of self discipline, but its very much doable. That's what people also keep forgetting... Everything HERE NOW! Then they get huge loans to have everything given to them on a silver platter, then work their ass off to pay it off and complain about it! Basically putting a chain of debt on their foot and giving away their freedom of choice for material things. To me this on an idea level is insane! And its so stupid that its often forced on us. Who the heck has the patience to save up money for twenty years to get a house? Or save up anything? Not many.

Then the concept that only work which is paid for is valuable. I so much detest this thinking! There are many people who cannot perceive any other value except money. For example the value of art, any kind of art. That can't be measured in coins. How about the value of a flower? No gold in the world can create it. And yet its "worthless". Same goes for work which is not paid for in money....

This stuff annoys me up to high heavens! This attitude is very common around here, Finns are especially terrible with this. Anything that is not paid for, is useless. Music, oh dear gods, don't get me started on that one! I have seen it so many times, I tell someone I'm a musician. Next thing they ask, "do you play lot of gigs?". To which I tell, no, because the few venues there are, don't want bands from the fringes of heavy metal styles as they don't pull in big crowds these days... Too few gigs and they are either badly underpaid or not paid at all. The reply is "oh." followed by silence. No more questions about music. They don't ask, "how many albums you've played on?", "What's your own thing soundwise?" etc. They ask about how many gigs you play = how much money you earn.

Honestly I think work should exist for life and not the other way around.... But hey, I'm just a lazy person, I do nothing of value. Move along. :evil:
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Re: Work

Post by HopefulChild »

I'm sorry you are experiencing self doubt because of someones bigotries.

I think you have a good attitude about work/life. Money should be seen no differently than a hammer. It helps you to build something you need. How impressive is the person who sits on top of a giant pile of hammers but never builds anything?
They would look like a fool yes? Sitting up there scooping at loose hammers to keep them all in a big pile.

One person sees fat people everywhere because they have bigotry because someone they cared about or respected called them fat.
One person sees lazy people everywhere because they have bigotry because someone they cared about or respected called them lazy.

You are hearing that persons insecurities spoken out loud. It is not a reflection of you, but an admission by them.

Feel better!
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Re: Work

Post by . »

Not much money (just him and his pet), expertise in a field not many can do, easy to have his way with women

You remind me of Jussi Vares. Send my regards to Antti Reini, tell him to make another Jussi Vares film.

I think Finnish social system was a well working experiment that helped people to rise motivation for more and get employed. Easier than for people on streets. Also high taxes are paid there I believe.
(I think similar was done by giving houses to homeless in San Francisco ... 20fa0d2f40 anyway I wish someone could give me a house, that would be contradictory to the ever-increasing greed of the real estate market though)

Creating fishing traps to sell would be a journey of creating and persuading and selling and paying high taxes. Perhaps one day you will feel the law of equilibrium paving you the healthy way in life and perhaps paying those high taxes will not be possible to avoid. This way things balance themselves out, nothing is for free (in relationship with the Universal you might as well be forced to do magic in exchange for that money, but in such case you'll know it quite clearly).
Hunting and fishing is perhaps the only lifestyle that ever brought men joy, your country of thousands of lakes may be one of the last places in the world where there is wildlife abundant enough to fish.

Perhaps it's nice to sell paintings and crafts but you need spider's patience sitting in the void of its web.
Actors and musicians nowadays, not a good deal. People don't buy much cds, will watch on internet and these artists are selling 20% work and 80% their looks. Which is nice when you're 20 and like attention, but not later on. Forgive me sires for speaking so bluntly, but people preying on naked celebrity photos leakage make me wanna puke my ******' guts out.

I could say one needs to look at his horoscope and observe 2nd, 6th & 10th house to see where his soul's desire to work and earn lies, but that would probably require context of the whole chart anyway.

I wish you that you feel to be on the right track with your soul, to all of you.
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Re: Work

Post by L.J.Hex »

HpefulChild, thank you for your post! Its encouraging and I agree on every word. Well said.

Hey SL, I'm not very familiar with Vares, they say its good stuff. :D

And yes, the social welfare system we have here, basically social democracy without being socialist, is very good one. Now they're making it much harder... Trying to wind down the welfare state which is a fantastic creation as it has removed so many problems and made our living standards top notch.

The problem with fish traps is that its very difficult to make a living solely from it as its highly seasonal business. But there is a need for young trap makers, most of them are either retired or on their way to next life. Soon there's a huge market for handmade good traps here and trapping fish is getting more popular as many fishermen are leaving nets in favor of traps. (Easy to handle, wont kill Saimaa seals or other large animals, environment friendly, easy to release fish alove...) Taxation is a huge problem for any small business here.

Ditto about anything creative stuff, no way of making a buck out of that. No damn way unless its a lifelong devotion to ONLY that.

Good advice you have there, I have to go through your post with real thought when I have the time.
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Re: Work

Post by . »

I don't know the context but there could be a fun psychological thing.

There's a friend of mine who thinks I'm lazy. She clearly thinks like that, says it between the lines and I don't like that attitude one bit.

If female friend cares to tell that, I'd call it potential girlfriend.
If you think about it, do you really care how good are your friends financially faring? I never did I just wanted to have a good time with them, You don't insult friends by telling them such things, you feel actually better like that than to have rich friends to remind you that you are so behind them in the race.

Now women around the world would kill for somebody with safe minimum base, but if in Finland people can have any work to have way more that creates the standard that everyone there would expect to live in.
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Re: Work

Post by L.J.Hex »

SL, you couldn't be more correct... She's someone I had a thing going on for a while in the past and she might still be interested. :D Keen eye you have.
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Re: Work

Post by . »

L.J.Hex wrote:SL, you couldn't be more correct...
Actually I couldn't be more wrong.
Of course that's the kind of bee-itching you only get after the first night.
Prior to the first night it's like a job interview. You want to show only the good about you and everything you feel that might be sucking about your future partner you just cover with a smile, lying to both them and yourself.
Only after that faithful night you start to try to reshape them onto your own image. Provided you are thrown too much out of balance thus attracting a retaliationship of such nature.
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Re: Work

Post by keren824 »

Interesting, Following :)
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