Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

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Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

Post by earth_love »

If I try using a scrying mirror, nothing happens. But randomly when I'm not trying to scry...reflective glass, any shiny object will show me a vision. Rarely this happens, tho. I want to get better at scrying. I want better physical tools to use. That I would buy, someday. The other night, my glass patio door lit up with a fantastic vision, that looked like art. There is someone's porch light miles away, that shines in my glass door. It became a sparkling vision on my glass. It was majestic imagery; like an explosion of light.
Do u need a small bit of background light, or a candle's flame to catch a scry? The far away porch light shining seems to really work.
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Re: Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

Post by SpiritTalker »

I get that effect from sun light reflecting off water like a pond, lake or even a glass of water, but not so much a candle reflected in a mirror. When I crystal gaze I keep reflections off the sphere & look into the depth of the crystal. It’ll black out & then I’ll see things. The 1st time that black out happened it startled me right out of the effect 😆.
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Re: Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

Post by earth_love »

@SpiritTalker Yes, with sunlight & water. I want to purchase a decent crystal. Also black obsidian, I've been wanting. And with the sunlight & water...I've had amazing results when the water was moving/flowing. Then I read about electrical lights, how they are actually moving. Is it called therodynamics, or something? I forgot exact term. But that's also interesting! Particles of light or the beam is moving....
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Re: Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

Post by Firebird »

Moving water makes a motodrift sensation, I'm forgetting the tecinal term at the moment, but creates an after image of movement whatever you look at after gazing at the stream.
Utilizing that moment that feels rather otherworldly to drift into trance would be a good practice to experiment on any imagery or thoughts.
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Re: Scrying Happens Randomly For Me

Post by earth_love »

@firebirdflys Thanks! I got the technical term wrong I was trying to explain about streetlights energetically moving. Right, how u mentioned moving water. A small bit of light, flame or movement, somehow kickstarts a scry for me. Like stirring a steaming cup of cocoa. The steam, I need the burning steam. My coffee maker, my cup isn't steaming hot. Unlike cocoa which I boiled milk on stove. I need that bit of pure energy & then scrying does happen for me.
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