Odd dream

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Odd dream

Post by Littleone3 »

If I could get ahold on my dreaming and try to decipher what’s going on it would help a lot.

But, here’s another dream I had. Pretty short and sweet.

I was in the shower washing my hair, and I looked in my medicine cabinet mirror, which also reflects from a window in my bathroom. I had seen a very dark red moon reflection in the mirror. I just remember it being full, red and following me as I moved my head back and forth almost inspecting it.

I feel like if I understood or even got control of my dreams it would help me. I feel like my spirit guides or guardians try to communicate this way.

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Re: Odd dream

Post by SpiritTalker »

If guides are using dreams to communicate then they would be using symbols familiar to you. Nobody else has the key to read it. So ask yourself what the symbols mean to you. Take each frame of the filmstrip to study individually.

What does showering suggest to you? A spiritual cleanse? Or reflections? They are reversals. How many meanings has the Moon? At full? The color red? Eclipsed Moon's are full red. Look at your own mental associations.
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