Crop circles

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Crop circles

Post by Ashrend »

Just curious if crop circles have anything to do with paganism or if it's strictly alien/conspiracy thing. If it does have something to do with magic then what does it mean or do?
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Re: Crop circles

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't think anybody really knows. If some are a language of symbolic thought forms, nobody has the key yet. Some are hoaxes, and that doesn't mean all are. Personally I lean toward the alien interaction theme. It's a peaceable way to get public attention and evade government secrecy.

Why do those white dots in the sky so often form triangles? What does a triangle signify?
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Re: Crop circles

Post by Pallando »

I know where crop circles come from.

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Re: Crop circles

Post by planewalker »

I've heard that it may have influenced the placement of the monolithic monuments in England. How anybody would know that is beyond my comprehension. I don't know of anybody that has the real story on Stonehenge, Avesbury and all the rest. I think the Neo-Druids claim it now but it goes farther back in time by the order of a thousand or probably more years before the Druids. It depends on who's numbers you use as to the age of Stonehenge {and woodhenge before it} and the claims of great antiquity by some of the neo-Druids, usually the less informed ones.
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Re: Crop circles

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've read that the monuments are placed at specific points to direct earth energy, assuming that purpose is for agricultural growth; that the monuments are calendars for agricultural & astrological needs, I.e., when it's safe to plant, and to predict/forewarn of major returning cycles of asteroids that have ended 4 prior earth civilizations; and that the largest monuments like pyramids are weights to steady the post-collision, wobbling orbit of the planet and promote survivable weather patterns; and the pyramids were for data & grain storage if the next strike should happen. the asteroid belt used to be a planet. What hit it?

Crop circles? Not a clue why they are made or how to read them.
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Re: Crop circles

Post by planewalker »

Yeah, I just stuck it out there to make fun of some of the neo-Druids who take themselves way to seriously. Times I've been in the hospital when they ask for my religion I say Druid-reformed. That will always get the chaplains attention. When they come to ask what a reformed Druid is, I tell them I can worship bushes as well as trees. Then they look at me not knowing whether to take me seriously or not. I do a very good "earnest and quit serious". This always leads to some interesting discussions.

One of the things you learn as a combat officer is to be an actor. When it's dropped in the pot and you've got to fish it out ,if your men see fear it is all over. You may not die but your unit is about 30 seconds from falling apart. That does get people wounded or killed. This is footnoted by - I'm not sure of the footnotes for this. My Corpus Collosum is wired differently than most people. It's supposed to let the brain hemispheres talk to each other ,debate and come to an answer without being in direct contact. Mine doesn't do that. The neurologists tell me mine just says get together and talk among yourselves and I'll help. The facts may not be completely up to date but it's the last I have. A lot of it is from TV documentaries so I don't know exactly who said it.

The pyramids, any pyramid anywhere that I've ever heard of, would be a poor grain silo. If you want grain storage short, squat silos grouped together, maybe as a beehive lattice would be best to stand up to tidal waves and have a chance of keeping the grain dry. If I can figure that out, the Egyptians are sure as he!! going to think of it.As balance weights, the pyramid of Khufu {known as Cheops to the Greeks from Herodotus}, and all the other pyramids I've heard of, together are not all made to the same plan at the same times in history. Besides even though it has a 13 Sq. acre footprint and weighs approx. 6.5 million tons and multiply that times 212 {as many pyramids as I remembered doubled}= 1,438 million tons. The earth is approx. 6.6 sextillion tons. That's 1.4 x 10 to the 9th power for the pyramids and 6.6 x 10 to the 28th power. I'm thinking there isn't going to be much balancing.

As far as weather control I vote for HARP and some of the other antenna arrays. As markers and calendars you've got so much in the measurements you'd have to look them up. I do remember it's about 700 FT on each side, approx. 480 FT tall {no Ben-Ben stone on top} And aligned to within 1/30 of an arc degree of true {not magnetic} N,S,E &W. Few people know that the Valley Temple, Bottom third of the 3 pyramids at Giza, stone work on the Temple of Amon-Ra at Heriopolis {Greek, the city had a sun centric name, that I don't remember, when the Egyptians ran things also} Foundation work {that could have been by itself} at Saqquara and the Osirion at Abados. Buval tried to say the Three Pyramids represented the belt stars of Orion. The Egyptian didn't use that Zodiac.

The star map theory should have been taken farther The stars align to the monuments I mentioned above if you invert them to use the Nile as the Milky Way at about 9,700 BCE. There was a try at organization and farming at about 7,000 BCE. I think this shows a long lived Cult that started from a mother civilization that was wiped out almost completely by the end of the ice age. If anybody wants I'll give you my theory of that another time.
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