Book of Shadows Raziel

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Book of Shadows Raziel

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Book of Shadows, collection of notable experiences.

Everything written here is just my experience/opinion.

Planetary hours

Concerning planetary hours take care to look at moment the Sun touches the horizon. Astrology software will provide the most accurate results, I believe.

Note that with a change of each hour the atmosphere, mood slightly changes. Hour or day of Mercury might start with a bird’s chirp.
When hour of Saturn comes, everything becomes silent, a crow might also announce that the hour has started.
Hour of Venus might be announced by a dove.


Day of God, Joy, Gold, Jesus, Children, playfulness

Good for staying on sunshine and enjoying our sunlit Earth.

Good for making present spirits visible.

Take care because Sun might reveal hidden things, also those you wish to keep concealed.


Day of The Goddess, Springs, Water, Silver, Tea, nourishment, dreams

Create/buy things that will nourish you

Enjoy Lunar Sensitivity

Charge Crystals if Lunar phase allows

Get spring water from mounts and hills, or well

Bless water


Day of Mars

It is said by Greek Solomonic tradition that Mars and Saturn are the enemies of mankind as they bring war and death. Take care not to overdo things that concern principles that they govern.

Alcohol, tobacco, drive (to succeed), fast rides, adrenaline, hassles, bursts of anger, rage, initiative (to get out of bed and do stuff)

May be used to give extra courage to overcome obstacles/ break resistance

May work out or exercise but take care not to overdo it, if fire of passion gets too bright it might burn you.

Take care not to engage in wrong sexual engagements/infidelity as this day might use its power to tempt you.

Alcohol and tobacco, if you must, taste better this day. Certainly don’t use them on Monday for Luna and Mars are said to be enemies and I find their incompatibility very correct.

Be careful during true hours of Mars and those of Saturn, especially after sunset.


Day of Mercury

Communication, everything by means of air, flight of the spirits, time for metalworking and other crafts.

Be aware of hours of Saturn and Mars as you might say things you would regret. (Also on their days at hours of Mercury).

Use your tongue, encourage unspoken words to take place. Talk to new people at hour of Jupiter for a favorable outcome.

Make pentacles, talismans, especially those that require geometry during the waxing of the Moon.


Day of Jupiter

Optimistic philosopher, healer, benevolence

Take care to not only receive, but also give benevolence and blessings on this day, or during hours of Jupiter

Hours of Saturn and Mars are less dangerous, but they still are, so take care.


Day of Venus

Love, beauty, music, dance and all Venusian arts, nature

Hour of Luna for a magic concerning love (in a positive way).

Hours of Saturn and Mars may lead to jealousy, obstacles of love, false love, infidelity.

Enjoy nature.


Veil between the worlds is thin

Good time if you happen to be surrounded by good folk, terrible if you have to suffer a presence of evil.

Some advise to do nothing in days and hours of Saturn, but if you only rest, some evil might find its way to strike you so you have to defend.

Be extremely careful during the hours of Mars, true hours of Saturn may be bad, but they might also be suitable for “water divination” as Greeks would say.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Zeus/Jupiter was said to rule also by thunder in Greek myths. Mercury is often associated with Hermes, the one that certainly could be called father of Hermetism. Yeah, there's a lot to discover in this field. The Gods ruling over Nordic lands might as well be different by nature. Once I thought that Nordic, Slavic, Greek and other pantheons were all about same spirits but now I wouldn't trust that.

In Hebrew/Greek legacy ruling days stayed in their names in Italian, derived closely from Latin, which followed Greek and Hebrew in many things.
In Italian days are called like this:

Domenica (Day of the Lord) Sunday

They don't even need translation as planetary reference is evident.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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It is great to find some diversity on this subject.

What would then be the nature of these days, by the ways of the Norse?
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Musical correspondences

Earth: Daemonia Nymphe - Thracian Gaia ; Men with deep voices
Moon: Blackmore's night - Under the Violet Moon ; Secret Garden - Nocturne
Mercury: Songs with flutes
Venus: Sinead O‘Connor – Her Mantle so Green ; Blackmore's night - Ghost of a Rose
Mars: Chuno OST Gloomy 30's ; Marching music, War songs
Sun: Pachelbel's Cannon in D ... fills heart with warmth and aligns it with Spirit
Neptune: Camel - Mirage (whole cd)
Pluto: Prince - Joy in repetition ; Daemonia Nymphe - Hades
Black Moon: Layil Schoolwave 2009 (song is called Stop looking at me(without seeing)) ; DDT - Belaja Noch
Daemonia Nymphe - Nocturnal Hecate

Friend called it 70's LSD trip but in fact it's from 2009: The Machine - Moons of Neptune
When Waning Moon's getting thin: Iron Maiden - Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (best at Saturday's night)
When you want to say **** *** to commoners but you can't: Bruce Dickinson - The Alchemist

Pisces: Enrico Caruso
Aquarius: Loreena McKennitt - Caravanserai ; Fabrizio de André - Nella mia ora di liberta (english translation available)
Capricorn: Rammstein and other intense death/dark-related music ; Alannah Myles
Taurus/Sagittarius: DDT - Chernyi pes Peterbugh
Libra/Gemini: Florence and the Machine
Libra: Bruce Springsteen ; Luciano Pavarotti
Leo: Bruno Pelletier ; Alison Krauss ; Kate Bush
Taurus: Blackmore’s Night
Aries/Pisces: Celine Dion
Water: Eleni Tsaligopoulou
and so on, just examine the chart of the artist who writes songs in the given band.

The Craft


Grimoire – Derived from „grammar“ so the challenge is to reach beyond correspondence tables and get a grasp on how the language of the hidden works
Books of Shadows – it is considered that whatever magical effect happens in this world is merely a shadow of a being from some other world that it casts upon this (weaker) realm. It is thence recommended to keep good relations with the spirits.

Casting the Circle

With Athame in hand

make a virtual circle starting North, East… if possible make a real circle of chalk, salt, sacred water and whatever you consider suitable.

As you return North I seal double, with elements for the Goddess and Angels for the God.
The elemental correspondences vary upon location on Earth. Observance of winds is a hint. Ours is such: Cold – Earth, North ; Dry – Air, East, Hot – Fire, South ; Rains – water, wet

So to North I start like this. I call upon the Elemental Earth to come forth and empower this circle. (Envision a bull)
I call upon Archangel Uriel to come forth and seal the North and/or to ignite the light of our souls.

East: I call upon the Elemental Air to come forth and enliven this circle. (Imagine an Eagle)
I call upon Archangel Raphael to come forth and seal the East and/or to heal our souls on all possible levels.

South: I call upon the Elemental Fire to come forth and warm up this circle. (Visualize a Lion)
I call upon Archangel Michael to come forth and seal the South and/or to protect us from all psychic attacks.

Water: I call upon the Elemental Water to come forth and cleanse this circle. (Visualize a Dolphin)
I call upon Archangel Gabriel to come forth and seal the West and/or to cleanse our emotions and fluids.

Returning North I look with Athame in hand down below my feet. I call upon Archangel Sandalphon to come forth and seal the Below and/or to connect us with the Earth and to convey our prayers to the Goddess and the God.

To middle I call a personal Angel.

Facing the sky I say: I call upon Archangel Metatron (or is it Mithraton?) to come forth and seal the Above and/or to bring us the Celestial Wisdom.

Then facing North I make a sign of infinity, Goddess sign at her side (triple Moon) God sign at his side (astrological Taurus sign representing the Horned God) and I say “In the presence of the Goddess and The God, we stand between the worlds with love and power all around!”

This being done, there is already a considerable amount of energy in the Athame. It can be transferred to empower a candle, bless a statue and the similar.

If Sunday I might call Jesus to preside over the ritual, if friendly stars on the sky I may call upon them to preside over the ritual.

I you do this outside your house at the right spot, energy is much stronger. Look for suitable places and times to call suitable spirits to raise energy and send it to do whatever you wish to be done.

I dismiss the circle everywhere but I keep it at home to remain protected.
I dismiss going North, West… North And I bid farewell to the invited and send them my blessings.
At the very end I even stomp the ground with my foot and say: “It is done! The circle is cleared.” I touch the ground with Athame while saying this.

I used a lot of info on this from Ann Moura’s Grimoire for the Green Witch. She offers some depth on her magical correspondences so it is a good book.

I am too lazy to decipher the sealings for the cross-quarters of NE, SE, SW, NW from the Solomonic books … do you have any suggestions on how to seal them?

Feng-shuej sectors

Mind the sectors, they make the craft a real hardcore, everything you put in your house affects these areas including litter and ordinary stuff you simply have to put somewhere.

Candle magic

Cast the circle, cleanse the candle with sacred water, anoint with suitable oil.
Engrave into candle with Athame (if your ceremonial dagger isn’t sharp, use another for this purpose).


Red candle – engrave Sigel rune few times and whatever you consider suitable and put it in the middle sector of the house. I rarely do this because as candle burns wax is liquid red and in the grammar of the occult, this associates with blood so then I often get cut and bleed.

Sun God

Yellow, sometimes orange candle.

Engrave into candle signs of Sun, Solar Cross… mere drawing of a Sun, Sigel runes, words like “Solar God”. This offers great protection against many astral harassments for “they are creatures of the night, ashamed during the daylight”.


White candles during Waxing and Full Moon do wonders. Engrave with Moon and Goddess related words and symbols.

Black Candles

If you store them too long unprotected, they absorb negativity and release it into your space in first stages of the burning.


Engrave into candle a serpent wrapped all around it from bottom to the top. Write into Serpent’s body this: “Transforming fire, destroy all evil,” for it is an ancient Germanic serpent that transforms evil as he burns. I write in free space of candle some things for protection to make sure a black candle won’t get corrupted.

Commune with the dead

Engrave name of the dead being to summon her.
Best at Saturdays, Dark Moon, Samhain.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Emerald, forest green candles

I use to engrave Cernunnos with Sign of Mars
Aphrodite and other with sing of Venus
Emerald core (of Gaia)

Turquoise candles

I use to make communication clearer, also to breathe fresher air, I engrave all this into candle and also mingle in some Neptune and perhaps Mercury into it Neptune for cleansing waters and Mercury for fresh communication
Hostile random entities like to hang around the turquoise ones though so it's better to lit also another candle bit more protective.

Violet candles

Spiritual clarity, clarity in love... sharp psychic gaze to cut through matter
Would probably engrave Neptune and Pluto

I like to keep two candles burning perpetually like two torches of Hekate...
now that I have planted some garlic indoors it can survive even without fire though with fire is always better.
I keep plants alive with UV lamp in case there's not enough sunlight.

Yellow candles again

I make on Sunday and put there picture of sun, Ra, solar cross, other sun symbols, Heliopolis and Luxor as words (literally engraved into candle like all aforementioned words)
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Concerning position of the Moon

Transits through signs are rather personal so to make a blend for all is quite tough

Gemini - humour and communication
Cancer - teas and wellbeing
Leo - haircut and style
Virgo - handworking also haircut and crafts
Libra - Take it ease n' shopping
Scorpio - intense meditation
Sagittarius - idealistical musings with philosophers n' politics
Capricorn - Tough one since it's opposing to Moon's Rule in Cancer
Aquarius - Solitary flourishment of ideas
Pisces - all meditation, sidhe, arts... basically what we do here.
Aries - tough since tension to Cancer and enmity with Mars
Taurus - plants and nature, growing plants and care for nourishment for plants

Lunar phases and Moon days

First quarter
Gains and perspectives
Second quarter
Charge on moonlight
Full Moon
completion, finalise endeavor (embed in spells)
3rd quarter
Don't know, casual getting rid of things
4th quarter
Silent but I guess 26 or 27 to 29th lunar day is quite tough with ride of hostile spirits.
Take care to make Hekate's Deipnon Plentiful enough to avoid curses
... I guess at least one day, perhaps 28th needs some exorcism of dark entity lurkers
29th Lunar day might be good for love.
30th Lunar day I celebrate Dark Moon rite by burning old stuff and taking gifts to nature.

Mansions of the Moon

offer two styles

28 Inaccurately placed!
27 version very reasonable but I can't retrace it... 'twas Chinese system I think.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Practical quotes

"One thing you can trust, whatever you say or do you will always get a response. There will always be... some sort of communication between you and the world."
- Pema Chodron Smile at fear/Reservoir of trust Water

"You can either obey life and end up with sorrow and pain and tears... or fight your way through and end up with sorrow and pain and tears, but in the second case at least you will have some sort of silent smile beneath those tears."
- Paulo Coelho Fire

"Be careful what you do, be careful who you trust."
- Ann Moura Spirit

"Inorganic astral parasite is the only explanation why people abandon their reasonable principles so much and in so many ridiculous ways."
- Carlos Castaneda Air

"Leave the logical argumental babble to other side as an act of courtesy, and you take the money."
Barry Greenstein Ace on the river Earth
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Since I lit again this turquise candle with mercury and neptune to clear air and water I got this solfeggio tones you mentioned here in How to cleanse with sound topic.
It reflects on the intent of such candle very accurately.

Also ads in front of it leading to with quotes such as "your body is in your spirit" and their youtube channel.
Mercury Neptune reflects on respiratory allergies and made me reflect on definition of an allergy which is an unnecessary extreme defence of the body. There is nothing wrong with targeted ads... subliminal manipulation is problem if embedded into ads. Measuring ads to fit your needs is actually good, at least for me.

Handy sites is interesting hard to navigate so if you have an url like this just rewrite neptune to pluto, saturn etc. in the url to navigate there.

this one is always wise ... c-webinar/ "If you are capable of wishing for something, that very fact of you wishing, means there is a corresponding point."

Duh I don't even remember any other sites I look up things in books or ask here :mrgreen:

but I think it's good to mention that alchemy-works for those odd tables, they don't solve it for you, they give you the options of discovering them.

Oh there is pinterest... giving you cool pics in your fields of interest... perhaps pics of better quality than anywhere else.
Did not understand the salt mercury sulphur thing and one picture from there did it for me:
al kemia.jpg
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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To my way she's got two angels reversed to corners but sometimes I love to sing this song to empower the circle.
"Take water saint, witch pinch of a salt, and protect yourself with FIIIREEEEeeeee:

No matter how sh*te or good I write this i-BoS I want to have this put here:

That 2nd time he mentioned in diary, Sunday April 15th 1962 was a time of Moon Pluto conjunction.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Concerning counter-espionage and secret agents disclosure.

Now people who know tricks from job sign contracts to remain silent.
People who reveal their activity are bound by no contracts at all.
I did it thanks to telepathy.

So here’s my share:

To reveal someone in your life extracting information from you take care to listen intently to his speech and if he is not too suspiciously talking opinions similar to yours – those you never said to anyone.

Look for tiny holes in walls of buildings where you can put the tip of needle, might be cameras.
Consider brain electrolytes or small voice in throat or spontaneous movement of lips an option to read your inner mind monologue.

When people talk to you they keep looking down, down left thinking of how to lie or receive audio into ear via telecom.

Smiles and moments of self-overcoming also a sign of trickery. And so on.

Talk thrash about one co-worker only or one coven member and observe him resentful or others grouping with you “spontaneously” or “suddenly” to talk trash about him?
Consider you place under surveillance in such cases.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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The start of Queen Seon Duk tv drama has a king telling a tale of how he slain a tiger when of young age.

He only fought with dagger and the tiger bit his hand. If he were to struggle to free his arm he would only lose it. So he thrust the dagger hither and slain a tiger thereby. "No one would have believed me so I just told everyone I slain it with a huge sword."

And such is the world of now, if you find it scary to fight oppression only mind that it might as well be tiger's teeth on your arm.

Diplomatic thesis has it that we are all together as mankind fighting the same tyrant.
See where organisation and communication lack.
Where people use artificial therapists, lawyers, mediation to substitute human attitude towards each other.
Where skilled folk stay unemployed and bear no fruits from their virtues.
Where people lack water to drink and don't think too much about how senseless it is to count on water import.
Where the dense competition on market defines crisis instead of abundance.

If rich be embraced by the frustrated and crippled even they are creating a world of scarcity for themselves.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Observations and musings

From friends

"Searching for errors on your part prevents you from breaking up with her." M.

"If you have infinite possibilities, you also have infinite possibilities within any kind of frame." M.

"If people are bashing you that is because they don't believe in their own abilities. People with self-confidence will rather encourage you to keep trying." N.

"I know it sounds like a cliché, but best cure for feeling down is to go to the nature." J.

From famous

"Who harbours desire but acts not breeds pestilence." William Blake
"They told me it was the same principle that I called poetic genius and it was alright to claim things that way." William Blake about his dinner with Isaiah and Ezekiel (from Marriage of heaven and hell)

"No clues to how you will fare, the spirit implores you tread where you dare"
"The candle burns out once more, but the spirit inside you won't be ignored."
both from Magnum's Song The Spirit

From internet

"Speak up your mind for those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

From me

Life is paradoxical.

You can do exactly as much as you allow yourself to.

Idea of balance is that you get body in exchange for processing ancestral "karma" or solving the riddles of stuck patterns unresolved. So don't blame your family. Deal has it that parents provide for your youth and you at the end of their lives. Consider it fair and don't let this deal be misused so that others think they have right to press their opinions into your mind.

Whatever social game contains emotional attachment or mindset. Find your centre rather than rush in emotional flows of other people's games that they put in your mouth.

The spirit gives calm confidence for it is ethereal and all-penetrating. Duality balances good with evil and act of spirit can cast a shadow if it makes sense to make such claim, but no man nor action can put a shadow greater than how much spirit decides to mingle.

Laplace equations

Inspired by beautiful film Il Demone di Laplace which was inspired by musings of Pierre Simone Laplace
x as sign for multiply
/ as sign for divide

Knowledge / haze = action
Knowledge / haze = will

social background + spontaneous knowledge = knowledge

fear = primal fear x haze

fear or courage = primal fear / knowledge

There would be much more. If you stop and think about it you can calculate approximately other people's behaviour.
Would be nice to say never underestimate people and
definitely never overestimate people's moral standards.

One thing you can people trust is that they will be themselves, so proceed from that point, concerning trust issues.

If your wisdom is higher deliberately talk through things with people so as to melt their fears. As empath you feel that fear in the process but your wisdom allows you to lead people through it so that they increase their knowledge and decrease their fear.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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SapphireRoad wrote:Consider brain electrolytes or small voice in throat or spontaneous movement of lips an option to read your inner mind monologue.
So... have you considered me paranoid?

It took me a meditation from Ted Andrews' Secret Gates of Qabala to do the Mercury-Earth meditation
to get the spontaneous idea how to figure things out the outer way.

Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice
article written October 2014 ... ner-voice/

This article is more than 1 year old
Researchers develop device that can 'hear' your internal voice ... rnal-voice
- I think that jaw thing is the area to be spied via audio recording, can be embedded into modern sweaters, collars, sunglasses even

The first article about brain electrolytes... I dread to imagine.

Well, at least now people won't mock me that much when I say I'm looking forward to my death, or solar eruption that would wipe out electricity while we survive.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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Three keys to life

1. Get your s-t together
2. Hold your s-t together
and most importanly
3. Go figure your s-t on your own

I'm of course talking about the seat. Sitting on your throne.

There's been a poetical song by Kamelot - The Spell
it sang

All my demons cast a spell
Souls of dusk rising from the ashes
So the book of shadows tell
The weak will always obey the master

Meaning the magical influence is like a sea of power, an act of will moving the fortune accumulated... your own determines if you either submerge, or influence the flows.
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Re: Book of Shadows Raziel

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SapphireRoad wrote:Consider brain electrolytes or small voice in the throat or spontaneous movement of lips an option to read your inner mind monologue.
It is really like telescopes watching distant stars, a strong audio recording, when we spontaneously think of something we make these little movements in the mouth. All it takes is to keep the chin squeezed or otherwise your mouth immobile, and they can't use audio recording to be aware of your thoughts anymore.
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