Shamanic calling
Shamanic calling
Why is that while I know (and feel) the calling of the spirits that I am still filled with fear when I think of the unknown spirits I may encounter? - as though they are evil or some thing.
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Re: Shamanic Calling
There's nothing wrong with fear. It's not a bad thing. It's simply an emotion like anger, or joy. It's there to tell us something. For example, some of the top singers in the world get stage fright before every single show they do. The fear never goes away they say (I got lucky with what little bit of stage work I did --I never felt it as fear but actually enjoyed the adrenaline rush). The fear feeling for a performer with stage fright is only there to tell the performer, "hey, you got a show in a few minutes." That's all. That's not a bad thing.theSeeker wrote:Why is that while I know (and feel) the calling of the spirits that I am still filled with fear when I think of the unknown spirits I may encounter? - as though they are evil or some thing.
Find out what your fear is trying to tell you. You need to know yourself when doing spirit work, otherwise you'll be very ungrounded and uncentered, which is dangerous. But don't try to "get rid" of your fear, just try to understand it. It's a part of you. It's just letting you know something, that's all. Try not judge any of your feelings, and definitely get out of "good" versus "evil" thinking in dealing with spirits. There are dark spirits, there are the less dark, conversely there is light, and less light, and everything in between in the spectrum ...a shaman addresses it all. A shaman addresses life and death, and out of practicality can't have a fear of death to operate. The nature of shamanic journey work entails an ability to comfortably play on both sides of the fence, with ease.
So the whole good and evil paradigm isn't helpful in understanding the dynamics of the spirit realm. One soul's "evil" could be another soul's salvation. Black and white thinking like that is the stuff of fundamentalism, and you don't want to go there, especially with anything related to shamanism, or the medicine way. A shaman is a healer, and people will come to you to have their spirits healed, not judged.
It seems you have some personal things to work out first, some fears to address and understand. I suggest doing some journey work on yourself first before working on others. Go into your own Lower World and see what soul part or parts of your own soul are hidden in fear there, and more importantly, see what is the nature of the fear that caused them to split off from your essence in the first place,where it comes from, etc. No one can answer that question for you but you.
I gave some thought to the why and I would say that my fear comes from the thinking of.... what if the spirit is evil - will it harm me
As a child I have always been open to hearing and seeing people that had passed on and many of them seemed to me, as a child, to have an evil aura about them - they often sent fear though me.... hence the fear I still hold onto as an adult when I feel the presence of a spirit in the room with me.
I'm very much still in the early stages of finding my path along the Shamanic Way and I do not have desire to practice on another person at this moment... I am seeking and learning so I may take my first "proper" journey... and while I feel as though the sprites have already taken me on a journeys I often fill as though I am missing out on some thing from my lack of knowing how to communicating properly with the other side.
... blessing
As a child I have always been open to hearing and seeing people that had passed on and many of them seemed to me, as a child, to have an evil aura about them - they often sent fear though me.... hence the fear I still hold onto as an adult when I feel the presence of a spirit in the room with me.
I'm very much still in the early stages of finding my path along the Shamanic Way and I do not have desire to practice on another person at this moment... I am seeking and learning so I may take my first "proper" journey... and while I feel as though the sprites have already taken me on a journeys I often fill as though I am missing out on some thing from my lack of knowing how to communicating properly with the other side.
... blessing
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Did you grow up in an environment that frowned on interacting with dead people? If so, perhaps you still have a lot of negative tapes playing in a continual loop in your head right now. They might sound similar to this:
"all spirits you encounter are demons impersonating the dead"
"you'll get possessed if you communicate with the dead"
"you are in league with Satan if you communicate with dead"
"you will go to hell and burn for ever and ever for that"
...etc, etc.
If you've had that kind of brainwashing, it is not helpful to you in understanding your mediumship ability. It will take a while for you to "deprogram" and clear your head of thoughts like that and the fear they inspire within you. But the more you work with and understand the spirit realm, the more you'll see how ignorant and fear-based those recordings truly are, and the easier it will be for you to let them go eventually. I did.
The dead for the most part can be a source of comfort, wisdom and enlightenment (though some of them are sheer assholes --as in life, so in death). Cultures in every part of the world have always relied on the spirits in this way, and consider the dead to be an important part of the continuum of life itself. Honestly, I don't think the dead people who approach you are "evil," or even have any ill intent at all ...annoying maybe, but not evil. My guess is that they know you're a medium, so they approach you. It's like if you were in a foreign country and you hear someone speaking fluent English. You gravitate toward that person out of relief, "at last, someone who will understand me." That's how the dead feel when they sense a medium's nearby.
I suggest you focus on other parts of the spirit realm for now. Consider working with animal spirits for a while, rather than human ones. Deal with knucklehead human spirits later. Say, "go away, knuckleheads" if they come near you, and just ignore them. Realize that you run the show. You have to take charge of your energy field and your environment. So tell, not ask, the human spirits that they must take their leave of your presence for now, until you say it's OK for them to return. They come to you because you don't set any boundaries. Tell them you will be focusing your energies on working with animal spirits for the time being. Once they see that you're not paying attention to them anymore, they'll stop coming around as much, if at all.
Then, spend some time in nature: go to a zoo, or hang out in a park, and just watch the animals. Tune into their energy. Try to read their thoughts and emotions. Get a journal and draw pictures of animals that stand out to you, that "speak" to your spirit in some way. Write notes in the margins of what they seem to say to you. If you have a pet, read its aura. Put your hands around its auric field and try to sense it. What do you see? Pray for its well-being every day. Send healing energy to the animal through your hands. What does that feel like?
Consider purchasing an animal oracle deck or bookabout animal spirits, and learning about the unique wisdoms and messages different animals bring. Here's an article that may be of interest to you: The Call of the Spirits
For now, let nature help strengthen and empower you, and hopefully, help heal your fears.
"all spirits you encounter are demons impersonating the dead"
"you'll get possessed if you communicate with the dead"
"you are in league with Satan if you communicate with dead"
"you will go to hell and burn for ever and ever for that"
...etc, etc.
If you've had that kind of brainwashing, it is not helpful to you in understanding your mediumship ability. It will take a while for you to "deprogram" and clear your head of thoughts like that and the fear they inspire within you. But the more you work with and understand the spirit realm, the more you'll see how ignorant and fear-based those recordings truly are, and the easier it will be for you to let them go eventually. I did.
The dead for the most part can be a source of comfort, wisdom and enlightenment (though some of them are sheer assholes --as in life, so in death). Cultures in every part of the world have always relied on the spirits in this way, and consider the dead to be an important part of the continuum of life itself. Honestly, I don't think the dead people who approach you are "evil," or even have any ill intent at all ...annoying maybe, but not evil. My guess is that they know you're a medium, so they approach you. It's like if you were in a foreign country and you hear someone speaking fluent English. You gravitate toward that person out of relief, "at last, someone who will understand me." That's how the dead feel when they sense a medium's nearby.
I suggest you focus on other parts of the spirit realm for now. Consider working with animal spirits for a while, rather than human ones. Deal with knucklehead human spirits later. Say, "go away, knuckleheads" if they come near you, and just ignore them. Realize that you run the show. You have to take charge of your energy field and your environment. So tell, not ask, the human spirits that they must take their leave of your presence for now, until you say it's OK for them to return. They come to you because you don't set any boundaries. Tell them you will be focusing your energies on working with animal spirits for the time being. Once they see that you're not paying attention to them anymore, they'll stop coming around as much, if at all.
Then, spend some time in nature: go to a zoo, or hang out in a park, and just watch the animals. Tune into their energy. Try to read their thoughts and emotions. Get a journal and draw pictures of animals that stand out to you, that "speak" to your spirit in some way. Write notes in the margins of what they seem to say to you. If you have a pet, read its aura. Put your hands around its auric field and try to sense it. What do you see? Pray for its well-being every day. Send healing energy to the animal through your hands. What does that feel like?
Consider purchasing an animal oracle deck or bookabout animal spirits, and learning about the unique wisdoms and messages different animals bring. Here's an article that may be of interest to you: The Call of the Spirits
For now, let nature help strengthen and empower you, and hopefully, help heal your fears.
No, I did not grow up in an environment where dead people were looked up on as bad. What I did grow up with was having a few adult female family members that had different forms of physic powers (my mom being one of them) and I my self was blessed by the spirit world from early one.Elisa wrote:Did you grow up in an environment that frowned on interacting with dead people? If so, perhaps you still have a lot of negative tapes playing in a continual loop in your head right now.
I think some of feelings I have toward spirits being evil probably came from the media - movies, tv shows, stories in magazines that all portrayed the dead as evil creatures out to harm us the humans - not to mention my early encounters with spirits as a child... the spirits seemed mean to me when I was young, but now I understand them to have been trying to get my attention yet their ways scared me as a child and as a child what scares you cant be nice.
Looks like I have a lot of reconditioning to do - of the mind that is.
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In that sense, you are really lucky.theSeeker wrote:What I did grow up with was having a few adult female family members that had different forms of psychic powers (my mom being one of them) and I myself was blessed by the spirit world from early one.
If any of the ladies you mentioned have mediumship ability like you do, and if you feel comfortable discussing your experiences with them, that may help. But I'm thinkin' if that was the case, you wouldn't be on this message board.
Yes, I think the media probably got to you. Due to my years of watching the paranormal portrayed in the media as I was growing up, you wouldn't believe how disbelieving, even fearful, I was of all this stuff years ago. I didn't believe in an after life. Even at moments when I accepted it might be possible, I absolutely did not believe we could actually talk to the dead. I thought James Van Praagh was a charlatan. I actually apologized to him after I discovered I was a medium (and he actually responded to my post on his message board, hahaha. It was funny. He's a sweet person).
Native Americans had it right all along. I always knew they were trying to get at something in their spiritual teachings, but I could never understand what it was. Now I know. They were seeing Spirit within and around everything the animals, the environment, each other, everything. Now I finally "get it." I get it because I see it too.
So my reconditioning came about by facing my fears, and experiencing and learning things for myself. I'm not saying there aren't some bad things out there, because there are. That's a reality. But my experience with the realm of Spirit overall has been enriching and enlightening, and that's my hope for you.