Suggestions for a fertility potion?

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Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

Does anyone have any fertility potion recipes or ingredient recommendations/suggestions for one? I've perused many of the posts already up, but I haven't seen any.

Thank you! :)

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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by scaravich »

I don't have one written as I've never needed one or anything, but I really like the idea of lotus flower tea, especially white lotus, for this. White tea leaves are also great. Of course you can add other things to it... fruits are great, since they are literally nature's fertility. The ones that speak to you the most are probably the best. I also view honey as a fertility symbol.

Already it sounds like it could be very tasty... I want to try making it just for the taste, hahaha.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

Oooh, that does sound delicious. And I like the idea of using fruit as a symbol of nature's fertility. Perhaps somethings with apples and honey? Or maybe something less sweet, like adding almonds or mint to my raspberry tea? Now i'm just musing out loud, so to speak, haha! Thank you for the suggestion!

I've come across a number of recipes in books, but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone had suggestions from experience or felt confident in a recommendation. My partner and i are trying to conceive, so please feel free to post or PM me if any of you have one!

I'll have to poke around the web and my books to see what I can find. If I'm successful, I'll definitely post it for anyone else that would be interested. *Begins muttering as she rummages through her tottering bookshelf*
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by PaganSerpent »

I could use this as well. My partner and I are trying to conceive and have started seeing a fertility doctor. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and I only have one ovary (the other was surgically removed due to the PCOS) Let me know what you find. I'm on the lookout for a fertility spell so ill post if I find anything.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by scaravich »

I no longer have contact with her, but an old friend of mine seemed to know a lot about herbs that were great for helping with conception... what's importnat is that some of them are actually bad to use while pregnant, so it's important to pay attention to that (like, certain fruits and herbs increase risk of miscarriage and other problems!! It's why some doctors may tell you to stay away from "herbal tea" while pregnant, because literally anything can be in herbal tea... and some of those are common tea ingredients. But if you know specifically what herbs to avoid and you blend your own tea, it's fine!)

Sorry that wasn't very helpful since I don't know the specific things.

Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by PaganSerpent »

An example of that would be Maca root. I'm taking one 500mg pill of it a day. It's supposed to help with fertility but the info advises it should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

I've never tried to blend my own tea, but I've been wanting to try it. I live in a rural area, so while it's fairly easy to go out and gather natural ingredients, it's difficult to obtain the tools for brewing, straining, steeping, etc. I scrounge up what I can online, but I like to know exactly what I'm doing before I attempt anything. I like the idea of a brew or potion (I'm an earth and a Taurus, so having something i can physically touch is a great aid to me with my magic) to increase fertility, but a ritual would be helpful as well.

And I didn't know that about the harmful things that can be in pre-blended teas until i read your amazing tea post, scaravich, so that honestly was very helpful to me!

I'll look up Maca root and see how available it is in my area.

And thank you all for your posts and suggestions! Please keep them coming! ^_^
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by scaravich »

I think (it's been a while since I've written it) I have a basic guideline for a tea-brewing ritual/magic in my tea topic, you can use that as inspiration to write your own if you want :) I like the idea of using a separate spell or ritual for the creating of the potion and then another one when you're actually using it. Becuase you don't have to make the potion and use it immediately, of course.

As for brewing your own tea, it's very easy! If you're strapped for materials, all you really need to brew it is hot water and something to filter it like cheese cloth or even a coffee filter. I've used a coffee filter with a clothespin keeping it shut before in order to make a soup stock. But I mean, infusion is infusion and you could do the same with tea. You can even drop the tea directly in the water if you have a fine mesh something to pour in through when it's done. If you think about it creatively, you can come up with all kinds of way to make tea :) A lot of things you can just leave in the water... once it cools even a bit, it will stop infusing. Make sure you consume it within 24 hours if you're doing this though. (Brewed stuff in general is best consumed within 2 or 3 days of brewing anyway)

As far as actually making your own blends, it's easy! You don't have to prepare the ingredients or anything, other than putting them in something to infuse (whatever that may be) and then putting that in the water. With teas and leafy herbs, use about 1 teaspoon for every cup of water. With things like fruits or spices, use to taste or to effect.

Some herbs need to brew differently than tea, so I would research individual ingredients. Like, wood sorrel doesn't infuse just sitting in hot water... it actually needs to boil for a long time (like 20-30 minutes) whereas something like a green tea leaf just needs to be in somewhat hot water for 30-60 seconds. So if you wanted to make a tart wood sorrel green tea, you could boil the wood sorrel, then take it off the heat, wait about a minute, then drop the green tea leaves in for 45 seconds or whatever. Stuff like that.

It's actually pretty easy because it's just letting stuff sit in water... the "hard" part is getting to know each herb and type of tea leaf, which you can easily research as needed... after a while you just get familiar with them :)

Also, for purely magical properties, anything that symbolizes the moon, Goddess, motherhood, etc. would be good to add, especially if it really calls to you.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by scaravich »

I just realized something that may be important -- I was just assuming this potion was going to be used for a woman. Of course, while a man can't get pregnant, he still contributes to fertility equally! It might also be a good idea to create a counterpart/balance potion for both you and your partner, and do a ritual together. IDK if your partner practices magic or anything, though. But it could be a whole new way to view this application... sounds potentially more effective! Even if part of the difficulty is, like in PS's case, a reduced female's ability due to having one ovary... it still takes both male and female part regardless.

And a lot of men (and their partners) have no idea about their own fertility (as in, the condition of their semen and how fertile/potent it is). Diet and exercise, weight, regular sexual activity, clothing, how often he sits down, the position he sits in, the type of chair, etc. will all contribute to a man's ability to produce healthy, effective, fertile semen. And a lot of men don't know what to look for in judging their own semen quality, either.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

Ah, that's very true and an excellent point. My partner is an atheist, but he supports my desire to follow my own spiritual beliefs. I had found a fairly simple fertility ritual in a book and it may prove effective. I agree that a shared experience with either a ritual or potion would probably prove more effective. It's certainly something to keep in mind. Of course, a further question might be: would you need to alter your ingredients in order to accommodate, for lack of a better term at the moment, both participants? I'm going off the idea of using what is significant to you. For example, I love apples, something i share with my mom, and combined with the fertile properties I associate with apples, I would include it. Now, my partner doesn't care for them, but whenever I wear honeysuckle perfume, he's reminded of our first dance and it makes him pretty amorous.

I realize that balance is the key to your point, I guess I'm just asking for the sake of discussion. :)

And the fact that many men, mine included, don't know how healthy their sperm is also a good point to take into account. We've been trying for several months with no success, so far and I've been operating under the assumption that I was the only one who needs a fertility boost.

It's true that you need both parents-to-be to be invested and to conceive. Thank you for pointing that out. And thank you for the wonderful tea advice, I printed it out so I could pin it in my BOS to keep me motivated to follow my brewing dreams, heehee! :P
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by scaravich »

Since I'm kind of creating these ideas on the fly, I guess I would definitely say whatever seems to resonate to you as the best idea would work. For me, it seems to make the most sense that you would make a 'his' and 'her' potion -- one that is symbolic to each of you as individuals... to boost each's sexuality/fertility (since I'm assuming this will be consumed/used pre-copulation), but now thinking about it, perhaps you could each choose one ingredient to add to the other's potion :) And of course, this is the recipe for the individual potions... I think after creating them, you would do a ritual together in which you both do the same things before/during/after consumin the potion itself.

That's just what seems to call to me... you can even make copulation part of the ritual, but I don't really think that's necessary, or if it is, you don't have to view the copluation or sex magic as the attempt at conception, if that makes sense.

If you want I can PM some things to look for to get hints toward male fertility. Since it is specific to inspecting one's body and fluids, it can be kind of TMI/gross to a lot of people, so I don't want to just post it publicly, especially if you don't want to know it XZD It's not all-telling or anything... just some things you can look out for (or rather, he can look out for. It's not much you can notice yourself.)

Some easy things you can do to increase male fertility (every increase helps for the male or female!!) include meditation to reduce stress (regularly, not just before sex), eaitng a vegan or vegetarian diet (or even just a balanced diet -- at least half of everything you injest should be veggies, and avoid red meats), having lots of antioxidants (white tea, green tea, acai berry, are all popular sources of antioxidants), regular exercise (especially if he is obese or out of shape), and regular and safe sexual activity. Also, wearing loose clothing around waist and groin, and not sitting down very much (or sitting on very soft things -- use a cusion if he does a lot of work sitting on hard or firmly-cushioned chairs!)

Our culutre lends itself to a lot of habits and lifestyles that actually work against healthy, fertile sperm, from jobs that require a lot of uncomfortable sitting, to prioritizing meats and grains over fruits and vegetables.

(Another big area of interest to me after tea is human sexuality, lol. And being male myself, I tend to know a lot about male sexuality and sexual health...)
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

That would be fine, i appreciate all your help :)
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by YanaKhan »

I know Paulownia to help with fertility. It helps with hormonal imbalance, but should not be taken more than twice a week.
Also, Damiana is a herb known for helping with fertility. I have heard that the roses help with fertility too. You can try adding rose oil to your potion.
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by Heartsong »

That actually sounds lovely! Roses and honey together might make a potent, and delicious, combination. Thank you for the suggestion! :D
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Re: Suggestions for a fertility potion?

Post by YanaKhan »

Anytime. I know for sure rose oil to be good for kidneys. So I guess it can't hurt (well, if taken in small quantities). Honey is considered to be the ultimate cure for everything, in my experience it helps when you have trouble with your voice, it makes a fantastic face pack combined with 1 teaspoon lime juice, it also makes a great immune stimulant added to 1 lemon and 1 cm of ginger root. So yes, I think it would make a great fertility potion combined with rose oil.
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