Easter, celebrate or no?

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Easter, celebrate or no?

Post by stariebird11 »

Well since today is Easter, I was wondering if any Christian Witches participate in the holiday; and if so, how? Do you add anything on to it? Simply curious :D
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Re: Easter, celebrate or no?

Post by raynelae »

Hello :)
I am a Spiritual Wiccan, and I celebrate Easter with my family. They don't know I'm a Wiccan but even if I was out of the broom closet I would still celebrate with them. It really is just Ostara with a Christian theme. I mean, Easter is a celebration of the rebirth of Jesus, sort of like Ostara's celebration of the the Earth and the Maiden Goddess. I think Christian's chose Easter in the spring near Ostara, so they too would be able to celebrate the life of their "savior". I thank Erin Dragonsong for that insight.
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