Super-Blue-Eclipse Coming

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Super-Blue-Eclipse Coming

Post by SpiritTalker »

Some moon calendar events of note are coming up. A super moon is when the Moon is closest to Earth, with a stronger influence. A blue moon is when there are 2 full Moon's in the same month, a 2-for-1 special. And a Lunar eclipse is when the full moon briefly passes into the Earth's shadow. An eclipse is like a month of moon phases in a few hours.

The full Moon's of Dec 3, 2017 and Jan 1, 2018 will be super Moon's. Close to the horizon, the Moon will appear larger than usual. FYI the full moon rises as the sun sets.

January 31, 2018 the full moon will be Super, Blue and Eclipsed!

Mercury, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn will all be visible mid month January.
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Re: Super-Blue-Eclipse Coming

Post by PhoenixRising »

Can't wait to see this!! The super moon of the last few nights was beautiful!

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Re: Super-Blue-Eclipse Coming

Post by Firebird »

We have another blue moon in March too, and no full moon in February :surprisedwitch:
The super moon this December was fabulous, some of us from a Druid group went out to the Hill and had a really wonderful ritual. In fact I sensed our good friend West Wind, who departed for other realms at the beginning of this year, was there singing with us at one point. The sound reverberated in my head in such a way that I was sure his voice was there intermingled with ours....and he probably was, we had spoke memories of this man prior to starting, we all miss him so much. A couple of us had spent much of the last 2 weeks cleaning out his house before the estate guys got there.
The super moon energy seems to bring closer the hidden (occult) mind, I would utilize this next moon to connect with others who have departed.
Bb, Firebird
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― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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