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Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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Help For a Friend

Post by Silversong »

This might need to go under the Dreams/Sleep forum, but I think it may be because of a spirit guide, so I'm going to put it here. If it needs to be moved, by all means, let me know.

I talked to one of my best friends today, Flame. She told me that for a couple of weeks now, she's been constantly dreaming about one animal: a fox. She said she thinks it's the same fox every time, a red fox with the dark feet only coming up to about halfway up the legs and a coat with a little more gold in it than others of its kind. She doesn't get a feeling as to whether it's male or female, she said "it's more of an 'it' kind of thing." Every night, she dreams the same dream, very short and immediately before she wakes up: running through a forest, with the fox there (I don't know/remember how exactly the fox appears to her, whether it's running beside her or what). In her own words, when she was starting to describe the dream to me, she said it felt like "the Native American dreamwalking", referring to the traditional Native American spirit quest. I feel like this might be a fox spirit trying to get her attention, and that feeling was only made stronger when she told me that she thinks she's also had this happen once before, years ago, with (she thinks) the same animal. (This came up when I mentioned how some people are led to an animal guide, by seeing and hearing references to the animal everywhere - hearing other people mention it, seeing the name come up in books they just happen to pick up, or just hearing the name incessantly in their head.) Is this an animal spirit guide? Why a fox?

If it is, we have an additional question: What should she do about it? I feel quite strongly (maybe surprisingly so, except I've literally shared pain and other such feelings with her before because we're so closely bonded, so it doesn't really come as a surprise to me) that she definitely should not ignore it, especially since she thinks it may have come to her once before years ago. I feel like it's trying once again to make a connection, but is having difficulty, mainly because Flame is the daughter of a Lutheran pastor. While we don't think her father is particularly biased against Wicca, we're both still pretty sure he wouldn't be happy to find her doing things smelling like witchcraft (anyway, she doesn't bear more than a mild interest in it because of me, so far as I know). He doesn't know I'm Wiccan either, although Flame does (which is why she came to me for help), and I do not intend to tell him at any point in the foreseeable future. She could do meditation, but that's probably about it. Are there any good (and inconspicuous) ways for her to make contact with this fox spirit and communicate with it?

It should also be noted that this started almost exactly the same time she started sleeping with a rosemary satchet bag under her pillow - her grandmother gave it to her for reasons unbeknownst to me. Is it possible the rosemary triggered something in her subconscious that made her more aware of/open to this animal spirit in particular?

Flame, as I said, knows I'm Wiccan; she's one of the very few that I will have open discussions about it with. That's part of the reason she came to me for help with this. However, I've never had a spirit guide of any kind, animal or otherwise, come to me; I've only read about it, so while I have some technical knowledge, I don't have any experience with this kind of thing. As I also mentioned, I have some fairly strong feelings about this repeated encounter - I don't think the fox is there to harm her in any way, and I very strongly feel she definitely should not ignore it. Is it strange that I have these kinds of feelings about a spirit I've never had direct contact with? Like I said earlier, I've literally shared physical pain with her before, even when I didn't know she was hurt (more than once, she's hurt herself and at almost exactly the same time several miles away, I got a sudden sharp pain in the exact same spot for absolutely no reason - like a growing pain in your joints, only I'm not growing anymore), and we're very closely bonded as friends, so... (is that weird? I know the sharing-pain thing sounds crazy, and I don't really have an explanation for it, but it's happened a few times. I've no idea why.)
I don't know. Maybe it's just my instincts kicking in, or what knowledge I have of the subject.

Help, please? Thanks for reading through all my wordiness.
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Re: Help For a Friend

Post by SnowCat »

It seems quite likely that it's a guide. The animal former that a guide takes is often specific to something in the person's life. I keep getting the name Blaze in connection with the fox. Maybe ask if that means anything to her.

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Re: Help For a Friend

Post by Silversong »

Thank you for the assist.
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Re: Help For a Friend

Post by Silversong »

Bump please
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Re: Help For a Friend

Post by Vesca »

Spirit Animal/Totem: A spirit that has graciously decided to help you at a particular point in your life, or throughout your entire life, by showing you aspects of yourself you need to work with and develop. It teaches you lessons, shows you how to grow and handle situations, and pushes you to grow.

A little google searching goes a long way (also, because I'm very very lazy tonight.) :) ... lity-magic ... olism.html

Add probably another hundred more google search results for fox totem, fox symbolism, etc...
I would suggest having your friend give those threads a read and see if any of the traits stand out to her more than others. That would be a good starting point.
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Re: Help For a Friend

Post by Silversong »

Thank you.
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