Can we, Earth lovers, be the only ones who have a clue ???
"Man" takes it upon himself to decide which of OUR animals
live or dies ! He destroys swamp lands to put in parking lots,
and wants to cut down the old growth forests to take more
wild lands away from the wildlife to put up more buildings
to either take our money or put new restrictions on us.
Mother Earth is upset with man and his antics, so she decides
to floor them out, wash them away, shake them off, or burn
them out (have I left anything out?). Do they notice ?
of coarse not ! They then decide to take freedom away from
an iconic animal on this land. The wild Buffalo is not allowed
outside Yellowstone National Park, if they do cross that
imaginary fence and go to their ancient birthing grounds
they run the rick of being shot, hazed, harassed or to be
confined to a smaller area(I'm not going there right now).
So Buffalo stays confined so ranchers can take advantage
of free feeding pastures.
Then Mother Earth starts with more earthquakes, bigger
tornadoes, huge hurricanes and striking farther north.
Instead of helping our Mother during this time of changes,
they pump more filth into our air. Man decides to take out
the wolves so their calves will be safe. They were promised
to be compensated for any cattle lost, when the wolves
were re-introduced. They are being shot down like vermin,
Fed judge says it's time to stop this killing, hooray ! Next
email and there's killing derbys in Idaho and Wyoming, to
name a few. And the flooding, shaking, and burning is
continues. Is anyone paying attention ?
So tell me, what is bugging you ?
Gentle Rainbow Light
they are trying to put a pipeline under the mountains my home, my everything, where i grew up, where my family and history lives. they aren't listening to indigenous leaders even threatening to kill them. have you ever been through west Virginia? it's not wild and wonderful anymore. everyone has cancer, mountains are getting carved out, you cant drink the water and whole towns are owned by chemical companies. All that BS is moving to Virginia.
The wealthy are buying up farmlands putting summer homes/ increasing the property value. Families that have been in the mountains forever have to leave the land their great great great great great grandparents gave to them because taxes are too hard to live by. the rich take over the land and let it go to spoils. they don't respect it, they don't work it or take care of it. i have a lot of angst sometimes being over sensitive can cause a lot of problems especially living in a city.
i'm sorry to all that feel the pain of nature being destroyed.
lithe_forager wrote:they are trying to put a pipeline under the mountains my home, my everything, where i grew up, where my family and history lives. they aren't listening to indigenous leaders even threatening to kill them. have you ever been through west Virginia? it's not wild and wonderful anymore. everyone has cancer, mountains are getting carved out, you cant drink the water and whole towns are owned by chemical companies. All that BS is moving to Virginia.
The wealthy are buying up farmlands putting summer homes/ increasing the property value. Families that have been in the mountains forever have to leave the land their great great great great great grandparents gave to them because taxes are too hard to live by. the rich take over the land and let it go to spoils. they don't respect it, they don't work it or take care of it. i have a lot of angst sometimes being over sensitive can cause a lot of problems especially living in a city.
i'm sorry to all that feel the pain of nature being destroyed.
This is so very sad. It's happening all over the world not just the states. That is why once my cottage is built I'm living "off grid" so to speak in the middle of the woods. I'm doing well enough on my own as an entrepreneur that it has enabled me to do so, I feel bad for those who cannot or will not. The simple way of life has long since been forgotten and its a terrible shame. Greed has gotten the better of our species and it will only get worse I'm afraid.
I feel the tension starting to lessen off shoulders,
keep it up people; maybe we can eventually come
up with a solution to some at least ???
Gentle Light
I understand hating fracking !
It tears up our Mother, causing earthquakes where there is no
fault (watched something about it on weather channel last night)
They were talking about possibly it opening up ancient faults
underground. Since they are pumping toxic waters back into the
ground is what's causing the quakes. Why don't the pump that into
the sink holes as they find them...ooops, no that's still poisoning
our Mother. I cannot believe there is that much oil to get out of
the ground ! Pretty scary when an open flame next to running
water an a ball of flame comes from it ! They should pay for all
the water people have to buy due to this !
Yeah, good luck, right ! They don't care about us, only their
all mighty dollar...
What ever became of "for the people, by the people" ?
Goddess forgive we speak up for our lives, or health ? They can
do what they want just about any time they want...
Gentle Light
I would imagine that is full of emotional ups and downs ?
There are so many other things bother me, but at the moment...
Okay, I've unsubscribe from many newsletters lately, partly
trying to whittle down the numbers. Some of the things
that people do each other is so horrendous !
Even Care2 newsletters can get...I don't read all of the
stories. I sign ALOT of petitions, a lot of them are standing
up for animals, when they cannot speak for them selves.
Some of the things people do to animals...some images
I cannot get out of my head. One I never found out about
what happened to that person...two people renting apt
together, part ways. BUT this b****, 19yrs old.
Okay, she put a kitten in the oven and turned it on !
SICK ! Never found out what happened, but I cannot get
that image out of my head, does anyone know how I can ???
Gentle Light
Did anyone else see New York banned fracking ???
Whose next ? California ? If not, thinking about the
earthquakes in Oklahoma, could you imagine what
that would do to Calif ? I don't even want to
imagine it; it would be a disaster in the making !
Gentle Light
I have so many things that I don't want in my head. Farmers in Colorado are going to lose their farms, because they tried to stop the land from being "developed." The government basically lied to them. It's outrageous. We would be prosecuted for doing things like that.
How do we not get affected when we care so much ?
How does the planet suffer when most of them don't care anymore ?
How can we stop them from putting that poison into
Mother Earth, that's going to kill Her !
One day I see quakes, large ones happening and it's not Calif !
What are they doing ? Are they doing this on purpose ???
What's next ? Toxic waste ???
*throws her hands up*
Sometimes all I want to do is find me a cave, and come
back out when the worst is over !
And then I want to begin chanting, STOP FRACKING !
Over and over and over...etc !
I think I'm gonna pop !
Gentle Indigo Light
Our world has become a hell in itself! The people have lost their ever loving minds! Our beautiful planet is going to crap all on man's time. Man is destroying our home we cannot let this continue if we want a place to live in peace! People are killing people, innocent men, women, children and animals die daily over the stupidest things. I am tired of having it all in my head. I am tired of becoming upset when I watch the news because it is all so negative. I am tired of my own flesh and blood not talking to me because she thinks I am evil (which I am far from) arghhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ok rant over thank you Ms. Moll.
Fretting about things totally outside your control will only serve to make you unhappy. All we can do, is what we can do. We can do much, however. We can choose to live in harmony with the earth. We can choose to treat people with kindness and respect. We can work to educate others. And in our own small ways, collectively we can make a big difference.
I sure hope you feel better, Lillady ?
I agree with you one hundred percent !
There's a lot of us here, you think we
could all get together and do something
about it ? I know we are in different time
zones, we could do it like the smudging
that has been going on; noon our time ?
I get upset hearing all the killings lately,
even off-duty black cops in NY are not
comfortable, that's scary when they are
not even comfortable in their own town !
Do you think we could all give this planet
a shot of love or peace or...?
Something has to give somewhere ! I've
been chanting for the wolves lately, I'd
no sooner get good news and the next day
this state or that state is going to a killing
derby...grrrrr! The wolves are one of my
spirit guides...and the Buffalo. The 9th
White Buffalo was born on my birthday,
August 7th, 2001 think there was a message
in it for more than just me ? They didn't
listen did they ? A month later...
Let me know if you come up with a solution,
okay ?
Gentle Light
Myrth wrote:Fretting about things totally outside your control will only serve to make you unhappy. All we can do, is what we can do. We can do much, however. We can choose to live in harmony with the earth. We can choose to treat people with kindness and respect. We can work to educate others. And in our own small ways, collectively we can make a big difference.
Yes, we can...
And the world's troubles come crashing in each and every day
Everyone's talking, everyone's worried, everyone's pissed !
We cannot help but be affected because we live in this world;
and the world's troubles sometimes finds it's way in our lives.
We need to find a way to counter-act it all and bring peace
back to our streets.
I'm open for suggestions as to what and how it could be done.
Gentle Blue Light