Purple visions

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Purple visions

Post by rjmamula14 »

For years when I close my eyes during the daytime for a nap or something I see purple and yellow images of A man and woman making love. It’s like purple shadows over a yellow background. Just today I wondered if anyone else share similar experiences. I did a little googling but that barely scratched the surfaces. I wonder if there are experts on that in this forum community. Does anybody have any idea what that might be.
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Re: Purple visions

Post by SpiritTalker »

Purple & yellow are opposite on a standard color wheel so they balance each other; 🟡 is associated with the air element & 🟣 with the etheric. Male & female denote opposite gender; Lady & Lord as Nature’s creative duality, joined as one signifying spiritual union within the consciousness of the lower self (body) and higher self (soul).

We are given form to learn release from form. We are given duality to learn oneness. So it seems your consciousness already gets the concepts.😁
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Re: Purple visions

Post by Firebird »

When I had an MRI, that was the color pattern I saw, but mine wasn't quite as exciting :wink: I had closed my eyes before going in and didn't dare open them while inside, only because I saw how tight it was in there and I feared freaking out. So, as the machine banged on I began to see waves of alternating color from purple to yellow. The yellow was quite golden and less lemony in hue. The purple was Royal and vivid. There was a jagged edge to each color as one overtook the other, and they radiated from an outer circumference to the center where it vanished into the void, but was already being followed up by the other color.
The restfulness you mentioned rj, is getting the mind in a settled space, where one is between the worlds. Not awake but not asleep. This is a place/space one gets into for astral projection and other trance states.
This reminded me of the color exercise viewtopic.php?f=8&t=38758
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― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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