Has nature helped you heal?

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Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

Hi everyone,

I just read the "How to communicate with a Tree" sticky post, and wow... How spot on it is ::coolglasses::

I had this experience today and I was wonering if anyone could help me...

Has your time in nature helped you to heal emotional wounds?

Today I connected with a tree, and before I knew it it was making me realise that I am going through my life searching for a father, because I feel like I don't have one. I am searching for that love and support everywhere. I can't even explain how the tree made me see all this, but then I was seized with a fear of abandonment. I was terrified that the tree didn't like me and wanted to leave me (I know that sounds ridiculous) :lol:

Anyway, I'm not really sure what happened. I was holding the tree and it felt like we were breathing in unision. I felt very connected to it. Did nature bring up this deep-seeded fear I have so that I could start to heal it? Or did the tree want me to go away?! Or was I picking up on some of its attributes (male / father figure, unhappy?)

Has nature helped you heal? How do you differentiate between what's yours, and what is the trees? (Im an empath so this is something I struggle with all the time with people).

Hoping to hear from somone.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

As a fellow empath who just learned how to differentiate other people's feeling from its own, I can tell you that your own feeling feel more intense and make you vibrate at a higher rate than the others. You are naturally trying to suppress yours, because ot is easier to handle everyone elses but yours. You can start by constantly analysing yourself. For example: you are at the office and are having a cup of your favourite coffee, ehich is usually making you happy. Today you feel angry, so you just start looking for a reason for you to be angry. You don't fond one, so you start watching the others and realise that the anger was Phil's, who has the desk near your place and who was cheated by his wife. In time, you will do this unconsciously and be able to differentiate without any kind of effort.

About the trees, they can help you clarify your mind and simply lose the connection with everything else, except your inner self and nature. But for empaths it might work differently.
If you think about your personal story...your history, does it make sense. What the tree made you feel; does it seem possible for you to feel it? If what you are logically supposed to feel has absolutely nothing to do with this, then you can consider it some kind of message. If not, you can try to heal this wound, because nature did it's part by showing you where to start.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I relate quite a bit to what you describe experiencing. My short answer to the question is, Yes! The long answer is:

Back in the days just after I'd left a cloistered convent, I returned to my favorite tree that still stands on the playground where I attended kindergarden through third year of school. I pressed my hands to this huge elm and connected, then asked it to remember me. I used to play around it and pretend it was a friendly giant. I felt its pleasure. I asked it to help me touch the child I had been back then so I could begin to heal. I'd swear the tree reached into my energy-body and nurtured the memory.

I was able to re-link my memory to my feelings, which I had shut down. The path reopened and the feelings I'd lost touch with, especially the playful nature of my spirit, reopened for me. I was able to go back and heal the original issue when I'd 1st shut down, and unblock the problems I had created for myself as protective measures over the years. It felt like I lost 100 pounds of dead weight.

I thanked the tree, with all my heart. I feel as though I'm still linked in memory with that tree, and it's 35 years since I had gone back to the old school playground. Over time, pieces of my soul that were blocked from me, returned. It was a personal soul retrieval effort.

That life-decision was re-evaluated with more clarity, and was confirmed as continuing to be appropriate, and the knowing of this stabilized my life. Again, this was years ago and I am confident I made the right choice with no doubts. It cleared the way for me to move into my current spiritual path.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

Hello to both of you!

Thank you both for those messages... they resonated with me deeply.

Bychan Wulf, yes, the experience completely made sense for me. It was one I was aware of, but it hit home for me in a new way in the manner the tree conveyed it. It showed me how I'm reaching out into the abyss looking for a father figure, and also projecting rejection onto everyone (and everything - I even projected it onto a tree :lol:)

Spirittalker, thanks for sharing your story... it's inspiring. I feel like I need to return to the tree... like it's calling me back, telling me we have more work to do. I'm curious to see what comes up when I visit it / him tomorrow.

Thank you again, both!
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

earthenergies wrote: Bychan Wulf, yes, the experience completely made sense for me. It was one I was aware of, but it hit home for me in a new way in the manner the tree conveyed it. It showed me how I'm reaching out into the abyss looking for a father figure, and also projecting rejection onto everyone (and everything - I even projected it onto a tree :lol:)
Then the tree is trying to heal you :-). Going back sounds like a really good idea to me....you found yourself one of the best psychologists in that tree ;-)
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I wish you deep communion.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

THank you both smileylove I'll keep you posted (if you are interested!)
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

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Sure! Keep us posted! :-)
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

I cannot believe how powerful the experience of nature is...

I've been visiting my tree, plus a few others, and I've learned something very valuable... I feel unworthy of Nature's love. When I connect to the trees I feel lke there's nothing I can offer them, so why would they want to talk to me? The trees have gently shown me that because of my feelings of unworthiness, I cannot connect fully, because I'm mostly focusing on my insecutiries. And the trees showed me that this is exactly the pattern that I bring into my relationships!

Not sure where to go from here, other than to keep visiting them. Maybe I should do as Spirittalker did, and ask them to heal my wounds of unworthiness?
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Yes, you should follow Spirit's advice! And you have to understand that all of us are unworthy of the power of Nature. She is older, and mightier than us, yet we are part of it and we are there for eachother. You gove something back to the nature just by existing and even more if you do the smallest thing towards protecting it.
You ARE worthy of the Nature and of everything good that happens in your life. I think that self confidence is what you and the trees should work with and try to increse.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Um, actually it was my cat that taught me to go to the earth and trees for healing. It's what she did. Id been advised by the vet to put her down due to liver failure. I decided to let her die at home. I thought she'd sought a quiet place to die when she escaped the house, but she just laid at the base of a cedar tree in the yard, and next morning came in to breakfast. She lived a few more years. So I figure the cat was on to something.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by moonraingirl »

It's so interesting to read your posts, guys, please keep posting your experiences.

About 2 months ago I felt something similar with my cat Murko. I went to sleep as usual and suddenly he started scratching on the door. He wanted to go on my bed which he never does and hasn't done again since that night. I was feeling quite normal and fine that day and wasn't stressed consciously about anything. But he came to me and lied on my chest, right on my heart and started purring loudly. The warmth and vibration on my heart created a truly mystic experience.

The sensation was very similar to what you describe, earthenergies. I felt so much love from Murko and I couldn't believe that someone could love ME so intensively. I couldn't believe that I deserve it. It was a very similar experience to my first encounter with God that I had long ago. It was a night when I was desperately searching for spiritual truth and meaning of life and couldn't find it. Out of frustration, I scratched side of my wrist with a plastic cap from a pen so that it bled and I still have the scar. I think I was already influenced by satan at that time. However on that night I felt God's presence for the first time. Had a series of mystic experiences for few years after that which lead me on the spiritual path. (note: I never self harmed again. It was 11 years ago).

I don't know exactly how long Murko's healing lasted because it's difficult to tell time in altered state of consciousness. When Murko felt I've had enough, he jumped as on a trampoline and demanded that I let him out, back to his favourite armchair.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

Moonraingirl, thanks for sharing your story :) I've had some experiences with my dog too, but not in the sense that he was consciously offering me healing. He's just a really good vibes dog, and when he lies on me I've just feel his good vibes eminating out... It's so nice that you were able to receive the healing Murko offered. I feel like a bottomless black pit sometimes, and when healing is given to me I sometimes can't receive it and push it away...

ST, what an amazing story! Pity that you couldnt get the specifics of what he did... That would be a formula worth bottling!

Bychan Wolf, thanks for the encouragement. I'm feeling though that nature doesnt want me to feel inferior to it... feeling inferior is like the Catholic sense of inferiority towards God (the all powerful!) It felt like it was showing me that my feelings of unworthiness towards nature are feelings that I have towards everything.
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by earthenergies »

Just found an interesting article on this very topic. Well, it's actually about working with plant medicines (which I do), but much of it can be applied to simply communicating with nature:

(Are we allowed to post text here? I saw something about plagarism but cant find it now.)


“the biggest secret of [plant] medicine is reciprocity, or ayni, as we call it in Andean cosmology.” The reciprocal relationship between humans and spirits that Allysan described rang true as evidence of a morally nuanced relationship with plant medicines—something that is not always evidenced by those who engage with these powerful spirits.

She explains, “When I sing in the ceremony, it attracts the spirits to enter into my body. They and I become one. In this way, my human consciousness can direct the spirits’ energy, with the result that they become conscious of themselves in a new way, through me.” Allysan frames this reciprocal relationship to the healing spirits of the plants within a larger pattern—the unfolding of a cosmic dance.

We humans are eager to engage with these spirits because we benefit from their healing power. Yet, as Allysan explains, the plant spirits find these relationships reciprocally fulfilling. The spirits “heal me, and I complete them, because the spirits are conscious through us and we are healed through them.”

In the Shipibo traditions of shamanism, esoteric wisdom and the ability to heal are passed on through apprenticeships of working with ayahuasca and other plants, “which are beings and lineages.” The teacher does not convey information directly to the apprentice, but rather manages the relationship between the apprentice and the spirit beings, who are the true teachers. As Allysan says, “the plant is like a key: at biological level, to our cellular memories and, at a consciousness level, to a kind of cosmic library.”

The apprenticeship takes place through a withdrawal from the everyday world, which is often called a dieta, or diet. By keeping to a diet of simple foods, withdrawing from social interaction, and maintaining a celibate lifestyle, the apprentice maintains a receptive physiological state and shows commitment to the path, which are the key elements that attract plant spirits to an apprentice. By developing a relationship with these spirits, the apprentice gains wisdom and skill in healing. “By following the diet, you open up its possibilities and expand your own potential.”

By undertaking a dieta, we situate ourselves in a network of activity whose nodes are humans, plants, and spirits. The forest as a whole, quite literally, becomes our teacher. “We integrate into a network of hormonal, cellular, biochemical, electric information. This is the essence of shamanism for me.”
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Re: Has nature helped you heal?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

The link is really helpful! And yes you can post it, the plagiarism thing applies when you copy and paste articles or spells or whatever and make it look that you are the author. Posting links is perfectly fine as far as I know ;-)
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