How to communicate with a tree.

One Walker
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How to communicate with a tree.

Post by One Walker »

This section of the forum seems astonishingly light in posts considering the potential content. I thought I might try generating some interest and discussion by laying out a kind of summary of my experiences and techniques of direct interaction with trees.

First, a bit of a rundown on Flora communication. Their methods of sending and receiving are not all that different from humans; just a bit more complex and diversified. Their auditory system is based on vibration just like humans. A waveform travels through the air or water (In the case of Flora this would be water in the earth) until it comes in contact with our eardrum. For Flora, the eardrum is actually a twofold system. For airborne transmission the edges of leaves and the system of branches from leaf to trunk of the plant or tree are the eardrum; covering a range of frequencies inclusive of those heard by humans but also far outside our range. Flora's secondary eardrum is the root system, picking up direct transmission through the water in the earth.

Humans can talk to and be heard by Flora simply by talking to it. You've heard that idea before. Talk to you houseplants. Say nurturing, loving things to them and they'll become or stay healthier and bloom more beautifully and fully. But what if you wanted to engage in a two-way conversation? Here's how I do so with a tree (I'll cover the technique with a Pine tree since they are pretty common throughout the world and seem to be readily acceptable to human communication.):

I approach to within two feet or closer of some of the pine clusters located about head-high. I will greet the tree in a normal, friendly voice and ask how it is, if it is enjoying this day, how beautiful and strong it looks, etc. Normally I will get a nod or wave of acknowledgment and greeting from the cluster-especially if it knows my voice through previous interactions. Then I will VERY gently caress the needles on that cluster and other nearby ones in the same direction that they point. Needles, like the edges of any leaf, are extremely sensitive to tactile interaction so you want to take great care. They love the touch IF it is gentle and sensitive to their structure. Also, keep your hand away from any pine cones or buds. You wouldn't want anybody messing with YOUR children, would you?

Once you've done this you can move to the trunk of the tree for direct interaction with its consciousness. Take a long, thorough look at the tree. Does it look healthy? Is its coloring normal? See all its new bark and old. Note the places where sap is being emitted. These may be locations of old and mending wounds; other bark repairs or new growth preparations; parasitic attacks; etc. Also note if the tree appears to be under human attack, attack by vines, dryer than it should be, etc. Finally, take note of the smell of the sap. Pine trees can project their state of being through smell (as I've stated before in another thread). If the sap smells incredibly, beautifully sweet it is very healthy and happy. If the smell is more of an 'earthy' scent then there is some issue with the tree. If the smell is very thick and earthy to the point of almost 'gamy' or smells like a rotten bog then the tree has some major issues.

Visualize all this in detail in your mind. Once you've done this you are ready for direct contact. Place your Projective hand somewhere on the tree trunk (You can palm a stone of communication to augment this if you want to but it really isn't necessary). Any place on the tree will do but if you're just starting out in this technique it's better if you place your hand over a knothole; open wound; or fresh, pink bark. A tree's neural response system is concentrated more so along the circulatory system near the outer, active portions of its body; just like a human.

Close your eyes and visualize what you have just seen of the tree. Introduce yourself mentally (no more spoken words are necessary). Project your loving, caring desire and open-mindedness. Express your desire to communicate with the tree and open yourself to reception in your mind. If the tree desires communication, here is how it may happen: You may notice your body waving slightly and feel a bit light-headed. You may also find yourself yawning. This is your consciousness "stepping down" as the tree opens up the path of communication to you. Human consciousness while in a waking state is not 'higher' as such, just more focused. Our perceptiveness when awake occurs within a very narrow bandwidth. Think of it as tunnel vision. If you were to graph it on an oscilloscope human consciousness would appear as a sharp spike on an otherwise fairly flat line. Flora consciousness, like Element consciousness, is much broader and more encompassing.

The next thing you may see in your mind is the images of the tree you visualized being projected back at you. This is the tree introducing itself. The accuracy of the images it sends you should match very closely to the images you sent it. There may be a few reasons if it doesn't match up well. First, how you view the tree and how the tree views itself may be quite different. This is not a normal occurrence unless the tree is having some difficulty (we'll get to that in a minute). Second, you may not have visualized the tree thoroughly enough for it to accept your description. It would be like you describing your best friend's father as a middle-aged male, medium build, with short, blonde hair to a third party while your best friend is standing there. Chances are, your best friend is going to jump in right there with a bit more detailed description, right? Same thing with a tree. The third reason may be simply that the tree is trying to 'fine tune' or match up to your mental imagery system. This is the same thing as tuning the 'Rabbit Ear' antenna over your TV or the dial on your radio. An attempt to optimize reception.

Once this is out of the way you'd better hang on to your hat! The tree will probably next reveal its emotional state and gender. Yes, pine trees have male and female persona even though all of them produce offspring. If there is an emotional or physical need of the tree it will manifest itself in your mind. It may be thirsty due to lack of rain. It may be hurting or dying because it is under some kind of physical attack. It may be emotionally distraught because it feels out-of-place, unloved, forgotten by others of its kind or The Elements or The One Above All Others. This is another very good reason to closely examine the tree before hand. You want to be somewhat forewarned. How do you handle it when something like that happens (and it will.)? How can you help a tree with its need?

By first of all empathizing with it. Project you loving, nurturing support. Let it know it is beautiful and loved. Let it know that it, as an individual being, matters in the greater scheme of things and is important. This alone will be of tremendous help (and will go a long way toward addressing that last need stated in the paragraph above.). Next, address the specific problem. If it is a lack of water, visualize black, healthy soil deep beneath the surface and rich with water. Encourage the tree to reach deep into the Earth for this water because it has a right to it just the same as any other creature. It has the right to survive. Visualize its roots penetrating into this black soil and drawing deeply from it like you would suck down a milkshake through a straw. Visualize long, strong, steady pulls through the straw that is the tree's roots. Maintain that image until the tree indicates it has had enough (usually the tree will disassemble the image in your mind when it has drank itself full). And don't worry, the roots will stay there and draw as needed from now on. If you open your eyes at this point, don't be surprised to see water teeming in the little holes or nooks of the bark. That is just a physical indicator that the tree has drank its fill! If the problem is one of physical attack, say from a parasitic vine, then the solution is simple. Remove the vine. If it's an insect or fungal attack you'll need to do a little research when you get home as to what kinds of countermeasures are available (sprays, minerals, lotions, etc.). You can also do a defensive spell on behalf of the tree. In the meantime you can project to the tree your dedicated intent to return and assist it. This will help tremendously in and of itself since the tree will know it is not alone in this battle; that help is here and will return.

What about issues with you? The tree will pick up on them even if you don't consciously realize you have one. You may sense a certain reticence on the part of the tree. It isn't because the tree doesn't want to help you but rather it doesn't want to hurt you. By that I mean it doesn't want to hurt your feelings by dwelling on your problems, shortcomings, faults, or ignorance. It may project sadness or reserve. Remain calm and be honest, open, and accepting toward the tree. If you do this the issue will soon be brought forth in your mind along with an answer as to what you should do. Above all you will feel unending love, support, empathy, and; surprisingly enough; gratitude. The tree will be immensely grateful that you've made this connection to it-and through it to The Elements-even though it was for the purpose of bringing forth a problem. Listen to what is spoken to you and take it to heart. The Elements know.

Can you have just a regular conversation with a tree? Sure, although you must be conscious of the contexts you use. For example, you can ask it how the other Flora and Fauna in the area are doing and it will tell you not so much in specific words (although they can produce single words and short sentences) but imagery. If everything is good you'll get beautiful imagery of the things around you. If there is an issue with something somewhere you might get an image of that general location along with a certain word or phrase like 'lonely', 'sick', or 'bad'. If you ask it something like "What news of the world?" you won't get a news report like on TV or radio but something more along the lines of an image of a tree or trees with their leaves fluttering in the wind. Flora communicates locally with leaf resonance much like we holler at someone across a parking lot. This is as close to a definition of wavelength transmission/vibration that the tree can manage in a format that humans can understand. What the tree is saying is "I receive news of the world in this way." The tree will not show you an image of wavelengths traveling through the air or water underground because they are outside the capabilities of human spectra perception. We wouldn't know what it looks like so there is no common frame of reference upon which the tree can draw. Another concept a tree has difficulty with is age. To a tree there is no beginning or end but a continuing spiral of life. It recognizes its present physical body as a physical manifestation of the being it is. If you ask it how long it has had that body the answer will be confusing or nothing because it has no conceptual reference for our measurement of time or the narrow view we have of 'existence'. What you may get is an impression of extreme age on the order of eons or millennia. Trees know they are descendant from past lives as trees or in other forms.

Trees are very good however at addressing social issues and things of the heart. Emotion-based conversations are very rewarding and revealing. Trees understand and, in fact, feel the full spectrum of human emotions. Greed, ego, love, hate, curiosity, compassion, worry, etc. all exist in the Flora world just as in the human world. They also exist to varying degrees between each individual and species group. Another good subject is health matters. Blood-related issues, circulation, illness, wounds, etc. are all things trees have in common with humans and can relate to.

Finally, when you end your conversation with the tree don't be surprised to find tears in your eyes. This is normal and they are always tears of Joy. Just accept it and rejoice! You will probably also feel physically drained to some extent. That too is normal. It is a physical manifestation of the effort you made to bridge the span of two different levels of consciousness. Physical weakness is also partly caused by the emotions you received from the tree. Have some food or an energy-giving rock on hand to rebuild your strength.

Comments are welcome! Blessings to All!

One Walker.
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Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

Very interesting.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Thanks, Water Centaur! I hope you found it useful!

One Walker. :D
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Post by Mairte »

Thank you for that, very informative.:)
Water Centaur
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Post by Water Centaur »

How long have you been communicating with trees? How did you discover that you can do it?
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi Water Centaur!

I've been communicating like this with trees for several years now. I discovered how to do it purely by circumstance as it were. The short story: I follow a Stone Shaman path. I was carrying a stone I received in the wild and walking past a tree when I noted a section of bark bore a remarkable resemblance to the color and pattern of a section of the stone I was carrying. I was wondering if there could possibly be a connection between the stone and the tree when the stone very clearly said: "Brother" to me. I placed the stone against the tree and Projected its presence and Whamo! Instant connection. It turned out the tree and stone shared a common ancestry. At some time eons ago they had both been part of the same whole being but had become separated through the ages. The tree was wearing that pattern and coloring on its bark to honor and remember this lost part that was now the stone.

One Walker. :D
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To OneWalker

Post by level »

Very informative piece that gives me some ground in areas that I had not had time to explore due to conducting research on other areas of the spiritual realm/universe. I had encountered trough those interactions that there is allot of meaning placed in frees. Not only in their everyday functions but for their interactions with us that helps to tune and bring to perfections certain activities. I have personally discovered of that co-existence and purpose, but I think I still yet to discover the rest of the drives hidden to us.

Through my astral travels I was shown a test that involves a tree. Where based on your interactions you are being evaluated and measured to go to a stage of existence that follows that test. To a normal individual that exercise has no meaning but to a sorcerer it touches the fabric of his own existence. You have brought another branch for me into the light. I have found a way to the dilemma about the tree test. But you have given it a meaning and depth. From what you have shared it became clear to me that maybe the tree is the one that measures the individual standing there. It is a possibility that I have to explore. I see new paths forming in front of me that I had not given any thought.

I love Infinity, where we get to loose our self and catch whats important to us.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi level!

That's great to hear about your explorations and very interesting too! I'm glad you found the information not only helpful but meaningful as well. It's been my experience that a tree does measure you but not judge you beyond a general scope of whether you would willfully do it and/or other creatures of The Elements harm. That may sound rather peculiar but I know this to be true through my personal experiences. I actually became involved with trees through stones. The full story is posted elsewhere but basically I received a stone in The Wild one day and, while looking at a tree that had some bark patterns very similar to the stone, the stone quite clearly said "Brother". Upon forming a connection with the stone, tree, and myself I learned that eons past the stone and tree had actually been part of one whole other creature, and that they not only remembered each other but also missed each other as being part of Oneness in this other creature.

So that opened me up to considering all kinds of possible connections as far as Collective or Genetic Consciousness, inter-species relationships, and also organic emotions.


One Walker. :D
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Post by NightRose »

Your posts here reminded me of how long it has been since I sat and talked with trees. I've known that they can "talk" since I was very young. At my childhood home there was a very tall, old pine tree. As a child I would sit for hours in the upper branches, just chatting on about my life and thoughts, being sheltered from the world. I was always careful when I climbed, and though I usually sat a great many feet in the air (though I suppose it is less than I remember, the world feels so different when you're small) I never once fell from the great tree.

Life changed, time passed on. I left my tree and my house and moved on, remembering the tree as a childhood fantasy more than an actual connection. It wasn't until I found Paganism (I was raised Christian) that I began to reach out again to trees. Where I live now, there is a forest around the house and neighborhood. There are many trees, and when I moved here at first, I would speak to them often. As time went on, life got busy, and I guess I sort of...forgot. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day...but enough of my reminiscing. The point of this post was to thank you for reminding me of old friends. :)
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Post by One Walker »

Hi NightRose!

You're always welcomed! That's a great story and wonderfully told! I too was raised Christian, and while I later rejected the doctrine of my particular sect I've always felt my connection to The Creative Forces. I hope you can re-connect with the trees if you haven't already. I know what it's like to get caught up in the day-to-day world of humans. You can go back to the trees at any time though. It's been my experience that trees, even those over great distances that you've never actually seen before, know or remember you. They communicate and word gets around-just like humans. :wink: Perhaps the big difference is they don't come to resent your absence. They see us as rather peculiar creatures to be sure but, no matter the length of time or number of seasons that pass, you're always welcomed back!

Blessings to you!

One Walker. :D
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Post by Chaos Shaman »

For me, the best thing I can do is hug a tree. Yes literally!!! They like when i sing while a hike, or tell them a story. Beyond that, I have a few trees and plants that work with me often and I just whisper to them.
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Post by akumaxkami »

Thank you so much for this post. I've always wanted to speak with trees.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

You're welcome!

One Walker. :D
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Starwitch Stone
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Re: How to communicate with a tree.

Post by Starwitch Stone »

Thanks for sharing this article, OneWalker. If I get around to it, I'd like to share this on my website. I think readers will really like it and learn from it. :)

Visit Everything Under the Moon for Love Spells, Money Spells, & Wicca Spells.
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Re: How to communicate with a tree.

Post by One Walker »

You're more than welcome to, StarWitch. :D

One Walker.
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