Negative Energy: what it is and isn't... and what to do
Negative Energy: what it is and isn't... and what to do
Negative Energy: The rant
Note: I don't really believe in truly "negative" energy. There's energy that's inimical by it's nature to thriving, to being happy, to getting stuff done... but it's not really *evil*, any more than other waste products are.
However, I'm going to call it that anyway because this is what people mean when *they* say it, and these are my experiences. So do you call a spade a spade, when everyone else calls it a shovel, and has no idea that the word "spade" ever existed?
The biggest mis-representation of all time that really upsets me every time I see it, is the idea that we can stop producing negative energy, period. I tend to think of it like other noxious bodily emanations... comes with the territory, there are ways to make it civilized, but damn few ways to make it go away. And trying to make it stop on a permanent basis is merely slowing down other systems and in the rather short term can be very very bad for you.
In fact, when people have "bad vibes" it's usually because they are holding back on their own subconscious minds and are trying to keep from having to release the energy in the first place.
First of all, some people think of negative energy like radiation... that it never breaks down and it causes all the problems in the world... wrong.
A lot of problems in the world are actually side-effects of world conditions and events. If stored properly, negative energy can break down on it's own and become something else... and if it's stored wrong it can smell bad and make lots of people ill. So thinking of it more like manure is more accurate than radiation... which can become compost. So yes, transmuting your own negative energy is very possible. It' just hard work, and when you are angry, tired, etc... it's hard to do that work. But Mother Earth does that work effortlessly all the time, so it's easier to ground it.
So, the people I know who deal with their own negative energies best tend to be the people who deal with their own psychic problems pretty promptly and recycle the negative into positive. And failing that, they ground and center a lot.
So we are talking about honest, and self-aware people who practice psychic hygene... not Lumerian Demi-gods who don't have to eat, sleep or use the bathroom.
Our physical form just isn't designed that way.
Sooo.... how to deal? Ground. Center. Take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. When you are depressed, find a way to keep yourself in perspective and busy (or as busy as you can be). Shield. You don't have to take other people's negative stuff. In fact, if you work at it, you can make selective shields, (I visualize screen doors) that bounce off the negative but still let you feel on a spiritual level what's going on out there.
Tools For cleansing and bansishing: cheats to a great vibe!
Salt. The universal cleanser. It's a stone from the earth... but since we tend to think of it differently it gets a place by itself. Oh, and baking soda and epsom salts both share a lot of the same qualities.
Lemon juice works in this area too. Burdock root is also very good, and is grounding and healing at the same time. Bonus!
Cayenne pepper burns away negative energies... it sort of melts and goes away. Not sure how. Most hot peppers and even horse radish and garlic also make the blahs go away.
Here are some others: Juniper and most pines, birch, mints, dragon's blood,rue, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vervain, Jalap, Hyssop, Mistletoe,Yarrow, Lavender and Cedar.
There are lots of stones that help you to deal with negative energy. Let me count the ways.... and these are just small brief descriptions of a few that are easy to find.
The classic. Never needs to be cleansed. I do find that it needs rest from time to time, or that it can get overwhelmed with negative vibes.. but if it sits, and usually in as little as12 - 24 hours all the vibes are shiny and clean. They do have a high energy load, and it takes a while to tire them out. So if you are clearing out a big office complex, or something, you may want to pack several.
Kyanite: the Universal Balancer. This has more resilliance than Citrine... I never have to rest it. It has less storage compasity. But it also helps with astral journeys, and is useful for emotional protection if you are an empath. Blue kyanite is good for mental clarity, green kyanite helps with stress and helps you weed out what empathic chanels you don't like, and black helps you ground as well as center.
Smokey Quartz: this stone transmutes negative energies, but it takes it's time about it. It has a low energy signature, which can be helpful if you are trying to be stealth... and for some healing situations this can be beneficial. Astral nasties especially don't like this stone, and I find that objects that are frequently flaky benefit from exposure to this stone.
It works wonders for cranky cars and avoiding accidents... as long as you are awake and sober.
Flourite: For clarity, but it also unknots gordian knots of negativity. Useful for combing the aura, particularly if you have lots of cruft in the mental body. Also transmutes negative energy.
Obsidian: Great for bringing your own negatives to the surface. Reveals the hidden in your psyche and also helps draw out the negatives in a very positive way... and has amazing storage compasity... more than any other stone, save granite, which is frankly harder to pack. It also won't bleed-back, so you don't have to worry about it comming off the stone and back into you.
Quartz: If properly charged, you can get rid of a lot of negative vibes with quartz.
Amethyst: Also good at repelling negative energies. In fact, Ametrine (a combination of Citrine and Amethyst) is even better at transmuting and getting rid of negativity than even Citrine by itself.
Snow Quartz: This is a stone I've been known to use to repel large volumes of negativity or to help block negativity when I sleep. You do have to deal with all that stuff in the morning... but coupled with citrine or amatrine you get a nice double layer of protection.
I pair mine with an obsidian peice... on for shielding, driving away, and generating positive; the other for eating up the negative.
Hemitite: One of the great grounders. Also makes a great shield. Has great storage compasity and tends to smooth out chaotic vibes.
Red Jasper: another grounder and shielder. Doesn't shut out certian spiritual vibrations that Hemitite can just turn off...
Moukite: A lot like red jasper, with a higher vibration and more of a focus on healing.
Amazonite: for transmuting negative thoughts into positive. useful for emotional healing and a positive outlook.
Black Onyx can be used a lot like obsidian can, but it's not as high density and tires out quicker. Some people like it better, though.
Jet: Very useful for absorbing depression. Seems to transmute it over time and takes a long time to get tired.
For some reason, depression is a sticky energy that bogs down a lot of stones very quickly. Jet is one of those stones that doesn't get gummed up by it. Use smoke or mist to cleanse this one, not immersion. OR, ground with it. While it doesn't always cleanse itself, (letting it rest seems to work well) grounding with this stone is self-cleansing somehow. Citrine is another stone that doesn't get bogged down by depression.
Rose Quartz: Another very helpful stone for removing negativity. It is a stone of flow. If you have an energy blockage that will not comb out no matter what you try get a piece of rose quartz to soften the lump. I will almost always pair it with another stone... one of my favorites is snowflake obsidian. They create a warm but energetic polarity that takes care of just about any negative energy that you can name. Jet also works very well with rose quartz. Every time I need to do work on energy bodies, I always try to have rose quartz on hand. It also calms down anger, and smooths out just about any energy you could name.
It has... a delicacy I can't really put my finger on to describe very well, so I almost always use it in a team of other stones. If you feel you need extra back-up in the smoothing category, Lepidolite is an awesome helper for getting rid of severely stagnant vibrations.
Also, Rose Quartz is a stone of harmony, so it not only helps your stones to function as a team, but can help harmonize your chakras or environment as well.
One more note.... the most potent negative vibrations I have ever run across is STAGNATION. If energy pools and cannot move freely, you almost always get trouble. Remember that when doing energy work, because overly rigid workings can go stale and cause unexpected effects over time. This is why bindings can have such unexpected and frequently negative effects. Because stopping the flow of time, energy, or putting up other unnatural boundaries is contrary to nature and physics, and they prefer the freedom to move. Information, people, energy, you name it... it wants to be free!
Note: I don't really believe in truly "negative" energy. There's energy that's inimical by it's nature to thriving, to being happy, to getting stuff done... but it's not really *evil*, any more than other waste products are.
However, I'm going to call it that anyway because this is what people mean when *they* say it, and these are my experiences. So do you call a spade a spade, when everyone else calls it a shovel, and has no idea that the word "spade" ever existed?
The biggest mis-representation of all time that really upsets me every time I see it, is the idea that we can stop producing negative energy, period. I tend to think of it like other noxious bodily emanations... comes with the territory, there are ways to make it civilized, but damn few ways to make it go away. And trying to make it stop on a permanent basis is merely slowing down other systems and in the rather short term can be very very bad for you.
In fact, when people have "bad vibes" it's usually because they are holding back on their own subconscious minds and are trying to keep from having to release the energy in the first place.
First of all, some people think of negative energy like radiation... that it never breaks down and it causes all the problems in the world... wrong.
A lot of problems in the world are actually side-effects of world conditions and events. If stored properly, negative energy can break down on it's own and become something else... and if it's stored wrong it can smell bad and make lots of people ill. So thinking of it more like manure is more accurate than radiation... which can become compost. So yes, transmuting your own negative energy is very possible. It' just hard work, and when you are angry, tired, etc... it's hard to do that work. But Mother Earth does that work effortlessly all the time, so it's easier to ground it.
So, the people I know who deal with their own negative energies best tend to be the people who deal with their own psychic problems pretty promptly and recycle the negative into positive. And failing that, they ground and center a lot.
So we are talking about honest, and self-aware people who practice psychic hygene... not Lumerian Demi-gods who don't have to eat, sleep or use the bathroom.
Our physical form just isn't designed that way.
Sooo.... how to deal? Ground. Center. Take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. When you are depressed, find a way to keep yourself in perspective and busy (or as busy as you can be). Shield. You don't have to take other people's negative stuff. In fact, if you work at it, you can make selective shields, (I visualize screen doors) that bounce off the negative but still let you feel on a spiritual level what's going on out there.
Tools For cleansing and bansishing: cheats to a great vibe!
Salt. The universal cleanser. It's a stone from the earth... but since we tend to think of it differently it gets a place by itself. Oh, and baking soda and epsom salts both share a lot of the same qualities.
Lemon juice works in this area too. Burdock root is also very good, and is grounding and healing at the same time. Bonus!
Cayenne pepper burns away negative energies... it sort of melts and goes away. Not sure how. Most hot peppers and even horse radish and garlic also make the blahs go away.
Here are some others: Juniper and most pines, birch, mints, dragon's blood,rue, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vervain, Jalap, Hyssop, Mistletoe,Yarrow, Lavender and Cedar.
There are lots of stones that help you to deal with negative energy. Let me count the ways.... and these are just small brief descriptions of a few that are easy to find.
The classic. Never needs to be cleansed. I do find that it needs rest from time to time, or that it can get overwhelmed with negative vibes.. but if it sits, and usually in as little as12 - 24 hours all the vibes are shiny and clean. They do have a high energy load, and it takes a while to tire them out. So if you are clearing out a big office complex, or something, you may want to pack several.
Kyanite: the Universal Balancer. This has more resilliance than Citrine... I never have to rest it. It has less storage compasity. But it also helps with astral journeys, and is useful for emotional protection if you are an empath. Blue kyanite is good for mental clarity, green kyanite helps with stress and helps you weed out what empathic chanels you don't like, and black helps you ground as well as center.
Smokey Quartz: this stone transmutes negative energies, but it takes it's time about it. It has a low energy signature, which can be helpful if you are trying to be stealth... and for some healing situations this can be beneficial. Astral nasties especially don't like this stone, and I find that objects that are frequently flaky benefit from exposure to this stone.
It works wonders for cranky cars and avoiding accidents... as long as you are awake and sober.
Flourite: For clarity, but it also unknots gordian knots of negativity. Useful for combing the aura, particularly if you have lots of cruft in the mental body. Also transmutes negative energy.
Obsidian: Great for bringing your own negatives to the surface. Reveals the hidden in your psyche and also helps draw out the negatives in a very positive way... and has amazing storage compasity... more than any other stone, save granite, which is frankly harder to pack. It also won't bleed-back, so you don't have to worry about it comming off the stone and back into you.
Quartz: If properly charged, you can get rid of a lot of negative vibes with quartz.
Amethyst: Also good at repelling negative energies. In fact, Ametrine (a combination of Citrine and Amethyst) is even better at transmuting and getting rid of negativity than even Citrine by itself.
Snow Quartz: This is a stone I've been known to use to repel large volumes of negativity or to help block negativity when I sleep. You do have to deal with all that stuff in the morning... but coupled with citrine or amatrine you get a nice double layer of protection.
I pair mine with an obsidian peice... on for shielding, driving away, and generating positive; the other for eating up the negative.
Hemitite: One of the great grounders. Also makes a great shield. Has great storage compasity and tends to smooth out chaotic vibes.
Red Jasper: another grounder and shielder. Doesn't shut out certian spiritual vibrations that Hemitite can just turn off...
Moukite: A lot like red jasper, with a higher vibration and more of a focus on healing.
Amazonite: for transmuting negative thoughts into positive. useful for emotional healing and a positive outlook.
Black Onyx can be used a lot like obsidian can, but it's not as high density and tires out quicker. Some people like it better, though.
Jet: Very useful for absorbing depression. Seems to transmute it over time and takes a long time to get tired.
For some reason, depression is a sticky energy that bogs down a lot of stones very quickly. Jet is one of those stones that doesn't get gummed up by it. Use smoke or mist to cleanse this one, not immersion. OR, ground with it. While it doesn't always cleanse itself, (letting it rest seems to work well) grounding with this stone is self-cleansing somehow. Citrine is another stone that doesn't get bogged down by depression.
Rose Quartz: Another very helpful stone for removing negativity. It is a stone of flow. If you have an energy blockage that will not comb out no matter what you try get a piece of rose quartz to soften the lump. I will almost always pair it with another stone... one of my favorites is snowflake obsidian. They create a warm but energetic polarity that takes care of just about any negative energy that you can name. Jet also works very well with rose quartz. Every time I need to do work on energy bodies, I always try to have rose quartz on hand. It also calms down anger, and smooths out just about any energy you could name.
It has... a delicacy I can't really put my finger on to describe very well, so I almost always use it in a team of other stones. If you feel you need extra back-up in the smoothing category, Lepidolite is an awesome helper for getting rid of severely stagnant vibrations.
Also, Rose Quartz is a stone of harmony, so it not only helps your stones to function as a team, but can help harmonize your chakras or environment as well.
One more note.... the most potent negative vibrations I have ever run across is STAGNATION. If energy pools and cannot move freely, you almost always get trouble. Remember that when doing energy work, because overly rigid workings can go stale and cause unexpected effects over time. This is why bindings can have such unexpected and frequently negative effects. Because stopping the flow of time, energy, or putting up other unnatural boundaries is contrary to nature and physics, and they prefer the freedom to move. Information, people, energy, you name it... it wants to be free!
I second the rec for a sticky, that was terrific. I've been doing a little meditation and kapalbhati breathing ("breath of fire")in the morning to get me going, my normal practice is in the evening. Wondered which of the crystals might be conducive to winding up and energizing in the morning winding down and relaxing in the evening? thanks!
Amazing! I realize I mentioned my own "negative energies" in my blog just recently. I had been thinking about how to turn that energy around and/or how to use it to my family's advantage. I had been thinking of the Joseph (in Genesis), how he came back better and stronger no matter how badly anyone screwed his life up. I want some of that good conversion energy to come my way. Yeah, a sort of psychic or spiritual power/energy converter.
This is excellent. Thanks! I have always had an "addiction" to cayenne, horseradish, and other hot pepers. I have a lot of sea salt, epsom salts, lavendar incense, lemon juice, and one each of amethyst, onyx, and clear quartz. There is one other I suspect is rose quartz, but I am not sure. Never learned how to use the stones, though. Need citrine too, from the looks of things. Or even jet. Hmmm.
Feeling like Dorothy with those red slippers. I am going to sound stupid, but how do I use these gemstones? I know I do not click them together three times and say, "There's no place like home."
This is excellent. Thanks! I have always had an "addiction" to cayenne, horseradish, and other hot pepers. I have a lot of sea salt, epsom salts, lavendar incense, lemon juice, and one each of amethyst, onyx, and clear quartz. There is one other I suspect is rose quartz, but I am not sure. Never learned how to use the stones, though. Need citrine too, from the looks of things. Or even jet. Hmmm.
Feeling like Dorothy with those red slippers. I am going to sound stupid, but how do I use these gemstones? I know I do not click them together three times and say, "There's no place like home."
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.
~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
*slaps forehead* I *knew* there was a stone I was forgetting!
Ok, I'm adding still more to my sticky... about rose quartz *and* some other notes I remembered I wanted to add. I may continue adding to this until I have a full sized article. I may ask witchvox or some other people to publish this. One of the crazy things about being a writer is you don't know how good something is until other people tell you it's good.

Ok, I'm adding still more to my sticky... about rose quartz *and* some other notes I remembered I wanted to add. I may continue adding to this until I have a full sized article. I may ask witchvox or some other people to publish this. One of the crazy things about being a writer is you don't know how good something is until other people tell you it's good.
Oops, ko, sorry, I missed your post earlier. Not sure how that happened.Kolohe wrote:]Wondered which of the crystals might be conducive to winding up and energizing in the morning winding down and relaxing in the evening? thanks!

Anyway, I've put a bunch of thought to this question, since I tend to be unable to get up in the morning and unable to go to bed at night, myself.
So, here's some of what I've tried and actually worked.
Get up and Go Stones
Citrine, plus a juicy orange-red Carnilian can really wake up your morning.
This is a very strong vibe, and might have a bit of...spice in it. Carnilian is the stone of desire, and while we don't *just* mean sexual, it does include it.
My favorite morning stone is Rutilated Quartz. It's bright spunky energy (especially if charged in the SUN) is like a jolt of coffee without the gitters... I sometimes keep it in the shower with me in the morning so my mind doesn't drift while I'm under that nice warm water. It not only ups your energy, but sharpens the conscious mind. makes it easier to concentrate, and keeps you focused. As an added bonus, it can also help you keep your sense of direction. I have a piece in my car for this reason... right next to the GPS!

Another nice perky stone, which isn't as agressive as either of these but will keep you alert but relaxed, is Lepidolite. It has a noticable but calming strong energy that will keep you going all day, but won't drive you along. Also helps with headaches and other morning aches.
If you have decisions to make in the morning, and need a clear head and balance everything equally, then use a Flourite.
Night Stones: relaxing before bed
Jade: is one of my favorites. Nephrite or Jadeite work, and you can use serpentine as well. Serpentine wears out a bit quicker, though. They both help for meditation and gently help you ground and relax without leaving you dry. I use black jade for nightmares, and green for relaxing and meditation. Nephrite has the added bonus of helping out with divination.
Sodilite is another great sleep aid and relaxer.It also repells night terrors and panic attacks. Pairs well with rescue remedy.
Lapis Lazuli: has an even more refined energy than Sodilite. Has a more spiritual aspect as well, and can give you insightful dreams in place of your nightmares. In tune with night sky energy. I find that it's a little less intellectual than Sodilite and therefore might be more effective in the sleep aid category than the above.
Angelite: another calming stone. works well with meditation, and helps with contact or dreams about the angelic realm. Also is protective and gives you that extra feeling of safety and comfort.
Interestingly enough, I've also found that Red Jasper, Mookite and various kinds of Obsidian also help for sleep, I think because they ground out excess energy and help calm down gittered vibes.
Keep in mind that just about any blue stone can help with sleep. Also, many jaspers will work, at least the types I've tried, which include Ocean Jasper, Purple Plume Jasper, and Fancy Jasper and Sesame Jasper. Picture Jasper was not effective, because it engaged my conscious mind too much. So I tend to avoid Yellow Jaspers for relaxation or sleep. It's almost counter-intuitive that Red Jasper would work... but it does for me. Go figure.
Thanks just saw this. Thanks! There's my problem I have too many sleepy stones. I have a feeling citrine will work well for me- but um yeah, you're right about carnelian, I found some earrings on sale a few days ago and felt drawn to them and maybe too much information, husband might want to buy me lots of carnelian- or maybe he will be disappointed, he thought he was special.
There's my problem I have too many sleepy stones.
LOL. Sometimes the answer is simple!
Ok, this is why lots of stone books, like Cunninghams' and others, all talk about projective and recessive/passive energies, or positive and negative, or masculine and feminine. I find that some stones have both kinds of energies, like ocean jasper.... in fact many jaspers have both projective and recessive aspects. Obsidian can be that way too... and Lapis. But overall whether it's passive or projective can help you figure out whether it's helpful for sleep or not.
A cheap and easy way to do this is this: Is it a hot color, like Red, Orange, or Yellow or Gold? Magenta can go either way... so they do teach you *something* in Rocky Horror Picture show.
IF it's a cool color, like blue, green or purple or black, it's likely to be a recessive color. Purple again, does not always live up to the rules, and indigo can also have a mixed energy rather than a simple recessive.
Then, from here, you can go a bit further....
Translucent to clear stones tend to be more active, as well as shine can be that way too... only it's not always true. Metalic is almost always somewhat projective. Even silver and copper are wildly projective, even if they are frequently classified as "feminine". (I think they are.... but I'll go into gender later and why it's possibly a bad idea later)
A dull surfaced stone of a dark color can be almost always labeled as an absorbant, or even downright recessive. In fact, the surface of the stone sometimes tells you how fast it works, but not always. For example, lepidolite is dull when rough, but ultra-shiny and glittery when polished. I find that it works energy differently when in the two different states, but "fast" and "slow" aren't really the adjectives I'd use for the difference.
Also, there are those stones that are like conjugating some verbs.. you just have to remember them because they are...odd. Like amethyst is very projective, but purple. Howlite, while white, is not very projective to me at all, and in fact is somewhat recessive in my opinion. Though it will shield as quickly as a projective and cleanse negative energy so fast some people might think it's generating and pushing it out.
Also, light effects can effect the nature of the stone. For example, rainbow sheen obsidian is softer in it's energies than black obsidian. Whereas, snowflake obsidian is more recessive (and colder somehow) than plain black obsidian. Gold sheen obsidian is more projective, silver has a stronger energy signature than black. I could go on and on...
Clear is almost always projective... there are exceptions, but I'm blanking on them at the moment. Aquamarine is one of those... I'll have to see about other kinds of Beryl. However, tinted translucent is different than clear. OH, duh! Glass. Glass is NOT projective. If you add copper and stuff, you can MAKE it projective, or shine sunlight through it, and it projects, but it won't do that without pre-existing throughput..
This is a great posting about negativity. Ground it. Mother Earth will do the work for us.
If somebody hurts me, or feel unable to deal wioth some person, I go to sit somewehere on the ground, and pray help from Mother Earth.
Salt is great too. I mix salt in warm water, and do footsoaking almost every day. I think it cools the nerves, and gives renewed energy to face this world.
I believe the human ego is the source of evil. There are so many people who live materialistic lives, and are unable to relax, and never pray or meditate. When they grow old, they tend to grow inflexible. If they use alcohol or drugs, they become easy pray for dead spirits. I think that with ego, there often is a possession problem going with it.
I believe many people are possessed. They don't guard themselves. Then it depends what kind of spirit enters them. The egoistic people die, and become unruly spirits.
Before I didn't believe in possession, but I think now I see it so clearly in so many people, that I can not deny it's reality.
I don't know if there exists something like absolute evil. May be all evil is temporary.
If somebody hurts me, or feel unable to deal wioth some person, I go to sit somewehere on the ground, and pray help from Mother Earth.
Salt is great too. I mix salt in warm water, and do footsoaking almost every day. I think it cools the nerves, and gives renewed energy to face this world.
I believe the human ego is the source of evil. There are so many people who live materialistic lives, and are unable to relax, and never pray or meditate. When they grow old, they tend to grow inflexible. If they use alcohol or drugs, they become easy pray for dead spirits. I think that with ego, there often is a possession problem going with it.
I believe many people are possessed. They don't guard themselves. Then it depends what kind of spirit enters them. The egoistic people die, and become unruly spirits.
Before I didn't believe in possession, but I think now I see it so clearly in so many people, that I can not deny it's reality.
I don't know if there exists something like absolute evil. May be all evil is temporary.
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i agree
I agree with a lot of what's been said in the first half of the opening post.
I'm not a huge fan of herbal/crystal magick though.
Something about 'negative' energy which I think is important to understand, neal touches on to some degree in his post, is that it has it's functional place. it's the yin to the yang. balance is much more ideal than excessive yang or yin either one. it might be easier to simply view "negative" energy as energy forms which contain undesirable emotional resonance, or which are entropic, or 'subtractive' in nature. none of these energy forms are toxic waste, but a natural part of the larger system. Personally I regard such energies no differently than any other sort, it's all energy, and it all has uses. It's a mistake to shoehorn energy into a polarized duality-driven paradigm where it has to be good or bad, instead of just 'being'.
And if you just really dislike how a particular current of energy is 'flavored' you can just sort of crush it's resonance out of it, leaving it 'neutral', and overwrite it with a resonance you'd prefer.
I'm not a huge fan of herbal/crystal magick though.
Something about 'negative' energy which I think is important to understand, neal touches on to some degree in his post, is that it has it's functional place. it's the yin to the yang. balance is much more ideal than excessive yang or yin either one. it might be easier to simply view "negative" energy as energy forms which contain undesirable emotional resonance, or which are entropic, or 'subtractive' in nature. none of these energy forms are toxic waste, but a natural part of the larger system. Personally I regard such energies no differently than any other sort, it's all energy, and it all has uses. It's a mistake to shoehorn energy into a polarized duality-driven paradigm where it has to be good or bad, instead of just 'being'.
And if you just really dislike how a particular current of energy is 'flavored' you can just sort of crush it's resonance out of it, leaving it 'neutral', and overwrite it with a resonance you'd prefer.
Re: Negative Energy: what it is and isn't... and what to do
How 'bout if you call "negative energy" that which is present when you have thoughts of harming some one or some thing in some way?jcrowfoot wrote:Negative Energy: The rant
Note: I don't really believe in truly "negative" energy. There's energy that's inimical by it's nature to thriving, to being happy, to getting stuff done... but it's not really *evil*, any more than other waste products are.
However, I'm going to call it that anyway because this is what people mean when *they* say it, and these are my experiences. So do you call a spade a spade, when everyone else calls it a shovel, and has no idea that the word "spade" ever existed?
The biggest mis-representation of all time that really upsets me every time I see it, is the idea that we can stop producing negative energy, period. I tend to think of it like other noxious bodily emanations... comes with the territory, there are ways to make it civilized, but damn few ways to make it go away. And trying to make it stop on a permanent basis is merely slowing down other systems and in the rather short term can be very very bad for you.
In fact, when people have "bad vibes" it's usually because they are holding back on their own subconscious minds and are trying to keep from having to release the energy in the first place.
First of all, some people think of negative energy like radiation... that it never breaks down and it causes all the problems in the world... wrong.
A lot of problems in the world are actually side-effects of world conditions and events. If stored properly, negative energy can break down on it's own and become something else... and if it's stored wrong it can smell bad and make lots of people ill. So thinking of it more like manure is more accurate than radiation... which can become compost. So yes, transmuting your own negative energy is very possible. It' just hard work, and when you are angry, tired, etc... it's hard to do that work. But Mother Earth does that work effortlessly all the time, so it's easier to ground it.
So, the people I know who deal with their own negative energies best tend to be the people who deal with their own psychic problems pretty promptly and recycle the negative into positive. And failing that, they ground and center a lot.
So we are talking about honest, and self-aware people who practice psychic hygene... not Lumerian Demi-gods who don't have to eat, sleep or use the bathroom.
Our physical form just isn't designed that way.
Sooo.... how to deal? Ground. Center. Take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. When you are depressed, find a way to keep yourself in perspective and busy (or as busy as you can be). Shield. You don't have to take other people's negative stuff. In fact, if you work at it, you can make selective shields, (I visualize screen doors) that bounce off the negative but still let you feel on a spiritual level what's going on out there.
Tools For cleansing and bansishing: cheats to a great vibe!
Salt. The universal cleanser. It's a stone from the earth... but since we tend to think of it differently it gets a place by itself. Oh, and baking soda and epsom salts both share a lot of the same qualities.
Lemon juice works in this area too. Burdock root is also very good, and is grounding and healing at the same time. Bonus!
Cayenne pepper burns away negative energies... it sort of melts and goes away. Not sure how. Most hot peppers and even horse radish and garlic also make the blahs go away.
Here are some others: Juniper and most pines, birch, mints, dragon's blood,rue, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vervain, Jalap, Hyssop, Mistletoe,Yarrow, Lavender and Cedar.
There are lots of stones that help you to deal with negative energy. Let me count the ways.... and these are just small brief descriptions of a few that are easy to find.
The classic. Never needs to be cleansed. I do find that it needs rest from time to time, or that it can get overwhelmed with negative vibes.. but if it sits, and usually in as little as12 - 24 hours all the vibes are shiny and clean. They do have a high energy load, and it takes a while to tire them out. So if you are clearing out a big office complex, or something, you may want to pack several.
Kyanite: the Universal Balancer. This has more resilliance than Citrine... I never have to rest it. It has less storage compasity. But it also helps with astral journeys, and is useful for emotional protection if you are an empath. Blue kyanite is good for mental clarity, green kyanite helps with stress and helps you weed out what empathic chanels you don't like, and black helps you ground as well as center.
Smokey Quartz: this stone transmutes negative energies, but it takes it's time about it. It has a low energy signature, which can be helpful if you are trying to be stealth... and for some healing situations this can be beneficial. Astral nasties especially don't like this stone, and I find that objects that are frequently flaky benefit from exposure to this stone.
It works wonders for cranky cars and avoiding accidents... as long as you are awake and sober.
Flourite: For clarity, but it also unknots gordian knots of negativity. Useful for combing the aura, particularly if you have lots of cruft in the mental body. Also transmutes negative energy.
Obsidian: Great for bringing your own negatives to the surface. Reveals the hidden in your psyche and also helps draw out the negatives in a very positive way... and has amazing storage compasity... more than any other stone, save granite, which is frankly harder to pack. It also won't bleed-back, so you don't have to worry about it comming off the stone and back into you.
Quartz: If properly charged, you can get rid of a lot of negative vibes with quartz.
Amethyst: Also good at repelling negative energies. In fact, Ametrine (a combination of Citrine and Amethyst) is even better at transmuting and getting rid of negativity than even Citrine by itself.
Snow Quartz: This is a stone I've been known to use to repel large volumes of negativity or to help block negativity when I sleep. You do have to deal with all that stuff in the morning... but coupled with citrine or amatrine you get a nice double layer of protection.
I pair mine with an obsidian peice... on for shielding, driving away, and generating positive; the other for eating up the negative.
Hemitite: One of the great grounders. Also makes a great shield. Has great storage compasity and tends to smooth out chaotic vibes.
Red Jasper: another grounder and shielder. Doesn't shut out certian spiritual vibrations that Hemitite can just turn off...
Moukite: A lot like red jasper, with a higher vibration and more of a focus on healing.
Amazonite: for transmuting negative thoughts into positive. useful for emotional healing and a positive outlook.
Black Onyx can be used a lot like obsidian can, but it's not as high density and tires out quicker. Some people like it better, though.
Jet: Very useful for absorbing depression. Seems to transmute it over time and takes a long time to get tired.
For some reason, depression is a sticky energy that bogs down a lot of stones very quickly. Jet is one of those stones that doesn't get gummed up by it. Use smoke or mist to cleanse this one, not immersion. OR, ground with it. While it doesn't always cleanse itself, (letting it rest seems to work well) grounding with this stone is self-cleansing somehow. Citrine is another stone that doesn't get bogged down by depression.
Rose Quartz: Another very helpful stone for removing negativity. It is a stone of flow. If you have an energy blockage that will not comb out no matter what you try get a piece of rose quartz to soften the lump. I will almost always pair it with another stone... one of my favorites is snowflake obsidian. They create a warm but energetic polarity that takes care of just about any negative energy that you can name. Jet also works very well with rose quartz. Every time I need to do work on energy bodies, I always try to have rose quartz on hand. It also calms down anger, and smooths out just about any energy you could name.
It has... a delicacy I can't really put my finger on to describe very well, so I almost always use it in a team of other stones. If you feel you need extra back-up in the smoothing category, Lepidolite is an awesome helper for getting rid of severely stagnant vibrations.
Also, Rose Quartz is a stone of harmony, so it not only helps your stones to function as a team, but can help harmonize your chakras or environment as well.
One more note.... the most potent negative vibrations I have ever run across is STAGNATION. If energy pools and cannot move freely, you almost always get trouble. Remember that when doing energy work, because overly rigid workings can go stale and cause unexpected effects over time. This is why bindings can have such unexpected and frequently negative effects. Because stopping the flow of time, energy, or putting up other unnatural boundaries is contrary to nature and physics, and they prefer the freedom to move. Information, people, energy, you name it... it wants to be free!