Sick of Jehovah's Witnesses
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Sick of Jehovah's Witnesses
I'm getting soooo sick of Jehovah's witnesses.
They're alllll over! Especially in hawaii because suprisingly, people are either christian, or nothing at all. Seriously. I've met like 4 Pagans total.
So they go around thinking EVERYONE needs to hear what they have to say because evidentally, hawaii isn't saved.
They're pushy, and I've found, extremely ignorant. You ask them questions regarding their faith and instead of realizing they might not have all the answers, they rifle through they're new, understandable scriptures, and preach something off about the lord, even if its not scientific.
Plus, idk how the f*ck they find us! We live in the middle of no where, with a lot number, not even an address! But they still pull into our driveway and debate with my fiance forever trying to convert this scientific pagan.
Do they not realize, that their not the only religion out there? That most people don't turn to that faith, because its controlling, degrading to women, and totally close minded when science conflicts?!
I have more respect for christians these days, because even they're not pushing it down our throats on our own doorsteps.
I have to go to work, but I'll continue this later.
To be continued: The scientific pagan vs. The devout jehovah's witness.
(By the way, I wouldbnt be saying anything about them at all, except they seem to be f*cking everywhere these days, and I'm sick of having their watchtowers shoved down my throat.)
They're alllll over! Especially in hawaii because suprisingly, people are either christian, or nothing at all. Seriously. I've met like 4 Pagans total.
So they go around thinking EVERYONE needs to hear what they have to say because evidentally, hawaii isn't saved.
They're pushy, and I've found, extremely ignorant. You ask them questions regarding their faith and instead of realizing they might not have all the answers, they rifle through they're new, understandable scriptures, and preach something off about the lord, even if its not scientific.
Plus, idk how the f*ck they find us! We live in the middle of no where, with a lot number, not even an address! But they still pull into our driveway and debate with my fiance forever trying to convert this scientific pagan.
Do they not realize, that their not the only religion out there? That most people don't turn to that faith, because its controlling, degrading to women, and totally close minded when science conflicts?!
I have more respect for christians these days, because even they're not pushing it down our throats on our own doorsteps.
I have to go to work, but I'll continue this later.
To be continued: The scientific pagan vs. The devout jehovah's witness.
(By the way, I wouldbnt be saying anything about them at all, except they seem to be f*cking everywhere these days, and I'm sick of having their watchtowers shoved down my throat.)
.You are Beautiful.
all you need to do is tell them to take you off of their address list and they will have to stop coming, or you can convert them to pegan... just imagine it
Jehovah's witness turned witch
1 week ago 2 Jehovah's witnesses went out how they normally do to convert a pagan family to Jehovah’s witness and went missing for 3 days. when they returned they cursed all Jehovah's witness to die in 7 hours. in other news scientists have found the first traces of flying pigs
Jehovah's witness turned witch
1 week ago 2 Jehovah's witnesses went out how they normally do to convert a pagan family to Jehovah’s witness and went missing for 3 days. when they returned they cursed all Jehovah's witness to die in 7 hours. in other news scientists have found the first traces of flying pigs
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If they bug you that badly then you are prfectly within your rights to tell them to either back off or you'll call the cops.
Of course they know their religion isn't the only one, but like every other religious conservative in the world, they think theirs is the only right one.
I also agree with infinight888 though. Try to convert them, just for kicks. Probably won't work, but at the least it'll show them how annoying it is when people try to convert you to their religion.
Of course they know their religion isn't the only one, but like every other religious conservative in the world, they think theirs is the only right one.
I also agree with infinight888 though. Try to convert them, just for kicks. Probably won't work, but at the least it'll show them how annoying it is when people try to convert you to their religion.
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I too have had an extremely negative experience with JW's. For my part, if any showed up on my doorstep again I'd close the door in their face. If they continued to pound on my door or hang around it I'd tell them I was calling the police and have them charged with harassment and trespassing. They are one group of 'Christians' I have very little tolerance for.
One Walker.
One Walker.

We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
We have seen what Power costs.
One is never equal to the other.
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Ahh I'm glad there are many that understand my grievences. Lol
So yesterday, my boy was at home and they came to the house and tried to give him some of their watch tower info and whatnot.
Casey told them, thank you but we've chosen our spiritual path and we've found our place in paganism.
So she asks about what it is, and if its based off of god. He told her not so much, that its based more on scientific beliefs, and natural occurences, like phases of the moon, planetary alignment, things of that nature.
And she seemed to have nothing to say.
So casey, wanted to debate a bit. He asked her about the Garden of Eden, and if she realized that the one thing the people could not have, was the tree of knowledge. What kind of god, doesn't want you to learn anything outside the box?
She started rifiling through her book.
He asked her, what do you believe happens when this world ends? (Because she had brought up Armegedon, or when the lord comes back and destroys everything on the planet except those inside of the Kingdom halls. Ever wonder why they have no windows? Their place of worship, is also a bomb shelter basically.)
She tells casey, that god will come back and destroy everything man made, and man-kind on the earth. Then the Jehovah's witnesses will work to rebuild the earth, and live here forever I.e. Heaven on earth.
Casey was blown away. He's like, THAT'S your idea of salvation? Of heaven? Taking this earth that man has killed and ripped apart, and doing physical labor until you've fixed the entire planet??
She had no response.
We spent a lot of time discussing all these points when I get home and it made me think.
These people, christians and Jehovah's witnesses both believe things, that science can ACTUALLY AND TRUELY prove DIDN'T happen.
They believe the world in only 8,000 years old, because the world was made when man was created.
They believe that Humans and dinosaurs lived together. What the f*ck are they thinking??? That cavemen saddled up raptors and faught off t-rex's?!
They believe that evolution isn't correct, that man simply popped out of the ground and was just, THERE. How can they believe this?! A good example to prove this theory wrong, is to take any modern or natural object. For instance, a tree.
Did that tree, just POP into existance? No, it took water, sunlight, and nutrients from soil to grow and break out of the seed shell. There had to be a process, just like anything else. Look at humans, in their Life span. We evolve physically from babies, to children, to teens, to adults. Our bones grow, our skin streches, our bodies EVOLVE. I don't see how anyone could dismiss evolution, when its still occuring around them everyday.
*le sigh*
I cannot wait for the lady to come back. Because I want to invite her into our home, treat her with respect, and have a nice, healthy religious debate.
Who knows, maybe I'll even do some converting.
Thanks for letting me rant.
So yesterday, my boy was at home and they came to the house and tried to give him some of their watch tower info and whatnot.
Casey told them, thank you but we've chosen our spiritual path and we've found our place in paganism.
So she asks about what it is, and if its based off of god. He told her not so much, that its based more on scientific beliefs, and natural occurences, like phases of the moon, planetary alignment, things of that nature.
And she seemed to have nothing to say.
So casey, wanted to debate a bit. He asked her about the Garden of Eden, and if she realized that the one thing the people could not have, was the tree of knowledge. What kind of god, doesn't want you to learn anything outside the box?
She started rifiling through her book.
He asked her, what do you believe happens when this world ends? (Because she had brought up Armegedon, or when the lord comes back and destroys everything on the planet except those inside of the Kingdom halls. Ever wonder why they have no windows? Their place of worship, is also a bomb shelter basically.)
She tells casey, that god will come back and destroy everything man made, and man-kind on the earth. Then the Jehovah's witnesses will work to rebuild the earth, and live here forever I.e. Heaven on earth.
Casey was blown away. He's like, THAT'S your idea of salvation? Of heaven? Taking this earth that man has killed and ripped apart, and doing physical labor until you've fixed the entire planet??
She had no response.
We spent a lot of time discussing all these points when I get home and it made me think.
These people, christians and Jehovah's witnesses both believe things, that science can ACTUALLY AND TRUELY prove DIDN'T happen.
They believe the world in only 8,000 years old, because the world was made when man was created.
They believe that Humans and dinosaurs lived together. What the f*ck are they thinking??? That cavemen saddled up raptors and faught off t-rex's?!
They believe that evolution isn't correct, that man simply popped out of the ground and was just, THERE. How can they believe this?! A good example to prove this theory wrong, is to take any modern or natural object. For instance, a tree.
Did that tree, just POP into existance? No, it took water, sunlight, and nutrients from soil to grow and break out of the seed shell. There had to be a process, just like anything else. Look at humans, in their Life span. We evolve physically from babies, to children, to teens, to adults. Our bones grow, our skin streches, our bodies EVOLVE. I don't see how anyone could dismiss evolution, when its still occuring around them everyday.
*le sigh*
I cannot wait for the lady to come back. Because I want to invite her into our home, treat her with respect, and have a nice, healthy religious debate.
Who knows, maybe I'll even do some converting.

Thanks for letting me rant.

.You are Beautiful.
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GO CASEY!!! Whoever you are!
it seems like Casey won that battle.
I usually pretend that I'm not home when they come around....actually when I do open the door for them, they think I'm a child and ask for my parents. In which case I simply reply they're not home right now and they go away! LOL Having a babyface is more advantagious as I thought!
I'm sure I'll have something more to say, but I'll probably hold it in and create a wall of text lol.

I usually pretend that I'm not home when they come around....actually when I do open the door for them, they think I'm a child and ask for my parents. In which case I simply reply they're not home right now and they go away! LOL Having a babyface is more advantagious as I thought!

although evolution is taught as a fact there is NO actual PROOF which is why it's called Darwin’s theory. also as for time lines most Christians ignore different parts in the bible where it states that (basicly) that god is timeless, I have found websites about learning cronokinesis (slowing time) so wouldn't a god be able to do it better than a human could and if so 7 days for god could be... 80,000,000 years for a human. other than how long the world existed there is nothing to you mentioned that can be proven otherwise, just because they haven't proved that we lived back then doesn't mean they proved we didn't live back then, can you know if we rode on raptors in the past.(i bet we will in the future with the way science is advancing) Just because you cant see it doesn't mean it's not true.JackRabbitSlims wrote:These people, christians and Jehovah's witnesses both believe things, that science can ACTUALLY AND TRUELY prove DIDN'T happen.
They believe the world in only 8,000 years old, because the world was made when man was created.
They believe that Humans and dinosaurs lived together. What the f*ck are they thinking??? That cavemen saddled up raptors and faught off t-rex's?!
They believe that evolution isn't correct, that man simply popped out of the ground and was just, THERE. How can they believe this?! A good example to prove this theory wrong, is to take any modern or natural object. For instance, a tree.
Did that tree, just POP into existance? No, it took water, sunlight, and nutrients from soil to grow and break out of the seed shell. There had to be a process, just like anything else. Look at humans, in their Life span. We evolve physically from babies, to children, to teens, to adults. Our bones grow, our skin streches, our bodies EVOLVE. I don't see how anyone could dismiss evolution, when its still occuring around them everyday.
*le sigh*
I cannot wait for the lady to come back. Because I want to invite her into our home, treat her with respect, and have a nice, healthy religious debate.
Who knows, maybe I'll even do some converting.![]()
onewalker: jehovah's witness are not christian, ask one and they will tell you
P.S.get her to do a psi ball if you want her to understand magic it may just open enough a wound in her faith that you can finish destroying it with words

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Shadowpheonix: hahah
very nice! Some of them over here are quite sneaky about how they get you to talk to them. I think I mentioned somewhere else how one of the old, sweet Kapuna ladies came up with a cute little boy to get me to talk? Lol
They're getting more tactful. Like the people who serve you subpeonas. Haha
Inflight: I'm sorry, I shouldn't assume everyone believes in Darwins theory, and you're right, it is just a theory. But it seems preeeeeetty correct to me.
I'm just bias on that subject. Lol
I asked Casey (my fiance by the way
) if he told her not to come back. He's said " I don't know how to tell someone to get off my damn porch." hahaha
So I guess she will be coming back. Hooray! Gotta study the material she left so I can have one up on her.

They're getting more tactful. Like the people who serve you subpeonas. Haha

Inflight: I'm sorry, I shouldn't assume everyone believes in Darwins theory, and you're right, it is just a theory. But it seems preeeeeetty correct to me.

I asked Casey (my fiance by the way

So I guess she will be coming back. Hooray! Gotta study the material she left so I can have one up on her.

.You are Beautiful.
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Update: so I'm reading the book she left called "what the bible really teaches."
It touches on science and here are some exerpts:
-"The bible is scientifically accurate. It contains information that was far ahead of its time."
"Of course the bible is not a science text book, but when it touches on scientific matters, it is accurate. Is this not what we would expect of a book of god"
Funny, cause I though SCIENCE was scientifically accurate. Biology, Earth science, Astronomy? Nope? Okay.
I'll update on the next chapter. Lol
It touches on science and here are some exerpts:
-"The bible is scientifically accurate. It contains information that was far ahead of its time."
"Of course the bible is not a science text book, but when it touches on scientific matters, it is accurate. Is this not what we would expect of a book of god"
Funny, cause I though SCIENCE was scientifically accurate. Biology, Earth science, Astronomy? Nope? Okay.
I'll update on the next chapter. Lol
.You are Beautiful.
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Haha I get that off everyone. I'm 20 but am always being assumed to be 15/16. It comes in very handy when fobbing off people that want to sign you up for broadband or whatever in the town centre. It's kinda annoying though when it's a door-to-door salesmen who looks younger than me and is patronising with it too.ShadowPhoenix wrote:actually when I do open the door for them, they think I'm a child and ask for my parents.
I used to attract no end of religious nuts. I remember one time we were doing a Young Enterprise fair and selling little keyring things and this guy went all wide eyed when we called them "phone charms" and tols us he stayed clear of magic, and he'd pray for us. Yeah...cheers. o.O
And one time in the park this guy said to me..."can I talk to you about the bible?" to which I replied..."No thanks, I'm good"...of course meaning I'm okay without that...and he went " you think all people are good?" and continued to talk to me about that. Ace.
Copied from another post:infinight888 wrote:although evolution is taught as a fact there is NO actual PROOF which is why it's called Darwin’s theory.
RuneGeek wrote:For those who may not know... in American English, we use the word "theory" rather loosely. We often say that we "have a theory" about something, but our theory is based on conjecture. In science, that's barely enough grounds for a hypothesis, much less a theory.
In science, theories are made up of lesser theorems, all of which have been through a process of the gathering of empirical data about observable phenomena. In other words, a theory is based on less-complex but related ideas which have stemmed from careful observation and measurement.
Or, as a bumper-sticker so wisely says it... "Evolution is a theory... like gravity."
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Hehe, at least JW's LEAVE when I ask them Southern Baptists....whole notha story! they became violent, cursing, so I told them, "You just wait right there a minute." Closed the door and came back out with my mom's glock. (This was when I lived in Northern MS...STRONGHOLD OF THE BIBLE BELT) HEEEHEEEE!!!! Needless to say, they realized they'd more than worn out their welcome....well after I took a shot at the ground near their feet LOL!
I haven't had a JW come to the house I live in now since I first moved here...back when I opened the door when it knocked, haha! Now, everyone just walks right in cuz they knock they're if someone DOES know...thank goodness for peepholes!!!
I haven't had a JW come to the house I live in now since I first moved here...back when I opened the door when it knocked, haha! Now, everyone just walks right in cuz they knock they're if someone DOES know...thank goodness for peepholes!!!