Mysteries of the Unknown "Witches" (80's documentary)

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Mysteries of the Unknown "Witches" (80's documentary)

Post by Firebird »

This a pretty good clip, with Edward Mulhare narrating...
But I am posting this today because of a coincidental thing...and the story is as follows:
Kinda funny thing happened today when I went to the UU church this morning, after the service and all were gathered for food I ran into this lady, she greeted me kindly and I glanced at her name tag, then I had to look at her face again. Is this the same Marsha Smith I had coffee with like 15 years ago? On a whim I took a chance and said, wow I haven't seen you in a long time. I was apparent she did not recognize me either, she goes on..."where did we see each other last?" I reply "Oh I think it was Coco's about 10 years ago" (more like 15). I told her why we were at the coffee shop and she was surprised, "oh that must have been longer then" she has retired from the Priestesshood. I was inquiring about a group she lead in the San Fernando Valley. Wow what a co-inkie-dink, My Priestess from up North and I were just talking about her the other day, and the connection she had to our deceased Priestess. Now I run into her.
So, tonight I am looking for a video to send to my girl up North, that has our Priestess in it so she can figure out if she knows the other people...then I bump into this video. So I start to watch it, and they mention a group in Woodland Hills California...wouldn't you know it, they are interviewing Marsha Smith. :shock:
watch for her near the beginning of the clip.
I believe the universe is trying to tell me something...

PS... here is a link to the other video...the one I sent to my friend up North, which is an excellent documentary still, (again the 80's originally...but this clip has been clipped up into many different similar doc's of the day) Narrated by Leonard Nimoy.

[EDIT= the original video is missing from the you tube channel, if it pops up again in the future I'll place it here in the meanwhile the following has clips from original]


BB, Syncrobird
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Re: Mysteries of the Unknown "Witches" (80's documentary)


Wow.. How pigeon holed did some of us witches just get. I take it whoever thought to create this, knew they had to put a disclaimer at the end, because of the one sided aspect.
As for you knowing one of the witches, yea.. It happens. We aren't too public about who we are, I think that because there aren't many of us who publicize who we are is because you can find a friend on a tv show in California.
If Honey Boo Boo can get a show, anyone with a camera is subject to embarrass anyone. Anytime. Anyplace.

Watch out, my Witchy friends. Your likely to be carrying a camera in your picket, and it rings too!
Mama Dragon..
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Re: Mysteries of the Unknown "Witches" (80's documentary)

Post by Firebird »

Ya, wasn't so much as I knew the person in the show, but that we had just been talking about her, then I bump into her, then later that night I find a video that she was I had never seen before? That was weird, and a coincidence in threes.
Messenger? or...?
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Re: Mysteries of the Unknown "Witches" (80's documentary)


I don't believe in coincidences.. So, I'm bias. I guess it's really up to you for interpretation. I found someone on here that knew my murdered friend. 19 yrs ago. They are denying it, however, they asked if it was "Jane Sally Smith" and repeated hometown name.(not my friends real name) .. I tried to email them several times, they have not returned my inquiries. (for all I know, it could have been the murderer.) he's allowed Internet access in prison..
So if it is.. Of even if it's not, someone else, here on this forum, knows me.. My real name, and such. So I don't know that I should watch what I write. I do not ever try to get too personal, but if they know me, they know some basics at least.

The Internet can get scary, huh.

Last bumped by Firebird on Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:21 pm.
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