NeverMoonaWerewolf's Book of Night With Moon

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NeverMoonaWerewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

So, only now in my semi-old age am I really getting around to do much with Tarot and Magic. Why? Because I have been told by my grandmother to only do readings or spells when they have a purpose and need, as in for real questions, not entertainment etc, and most of the time, neither me nor the people around me had a real need except maybe once every year or two. But I have begun to realize that I can achieve a little, maybe even much, more with the additional help.

Something I always wanted to do but was told as a child not to attempt(granny was a bit set in her ways) was to combine specific Tarot cards with spells, and then probably combine them with daily (or semi-daily) draws. Daily draws was something very much discouraged in our home, as it was taught that we'd get too dependent on readings if we would do this. But I'm old enough now for this not to happen, and I won't do it daily, anyway. Plus, I may not do something for a while and then create several spells in one day, as I tend to vanish from forums fora bit when I don't feel too well. I'll find out.

Something else I want to do is to go through my 600+ decks (well, some of them) to connect with them better and to make my own interpretations, kind of like being a one person study group.

Another idea is to pick a deck (mostly Tarot, lots more of those than Oracle decks here) post the image and my thoughts on the card, then create a spell/ritual fitting with the information I get for the card that day and for my current situation or thoughts. Thus, it may in theory happen a card gets more than one going.

I might later revamp those a bit, when my view on the situation changes. I'll also cross post those on another forum centered around Tarot and other divination cards.

Let's start it off with the chili ritual I accidentally created a few years back when I lost balance in the kitchen, while trying to put away the chili and generously decorated my kitchen with half a pack. Some landed in my coffee. I also had it in my eyes and throat etc. But hey, it helped me clear my thoughts.

Clean kitchen and put everything you don't want to taste like chili away. Hadn't done that when the accident happened and trust me, cheese cake with chili is weird.

Lock pets, children and SOs and anyone else out of the kitchen. Keep windows closed. You don't want wind blowing the stuff in your face.

Take a spoon (size depending on your kitchen) of chili, rotate with it (slowly) in your kitchen with closed eyes (important, this stuff burns badly), concentrate on the negative influences in your kitchen (and your inner kitchen as in your creativity) and how you want to burn them away and then blow on it (without taking too deep a breath!) when you feel is right, or rotate fast enough for it to drop on its own. Check where the chili fell,and what the pattern,if any, inspires in you. Imagine the chili taking care of what needs to be burned away with a force which, as it is edible, is also nurturing.

Clean the chili up when you feel done, with hot water if possible.

Make tea or coffee, and add a pinch of chili to clean you from the inside,too.

I love the taste.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Going to attempt a house protection correspondence spell soon, preparing for it with mapping out what should go where, because too many people come and go until renovations are done it can't be physical. I usually do this without a physical representation but change is good.

First step,pick a mandala design to work the spell in. Hopefully getting that done tonight.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

The elements, cartomancy, symbolism, spell employment and what I learned differently than most.

When most people think in 4 elements, or maybe 5 if including the spirit, I grew up with learning about stone and metal being different from earth, steam/fog, dust, ice, mud, lightning and lava being element combinations with their own magical significance and time and space being elements in their own rights, and maybe the most basic ones.

I learned calling quarters by starting east, usually, (Earth/stone/metal), south (fire), west (water) and north (air) and connecting them as needed by various lines based on the combined elements. We used heptagrams as often as pentagrams, including time and space. It was only with the arrival of the internet that I understood most magic employing folks don't do it quite that way.

So I am going to put notes on the system I have learned here, as I have only ever met one other person doing it like I was taught, and it might be interesting enough to keep written down somewhere.

This will take some time, and it will have other thoughts between respective posts. I will try to index here. Comments are welcome.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by . »

Awesome, looking forward to more input from you ^_^
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Back after a crazy Covid year. So much negativity and fake news all over I decided to avoid almost all places where the topic might come up.

So, in the time I did some spell work, worked with Tarot and other cards and started on new herbs in the new garden,met the guardian spirit of the area and helped make it a shrine etc. I also thought of how to put the above concept into a picture, a model to help everyone interested in picturing what I am trying to say. And I realized I'd need a 3D system, which I can't do on the computer all that well. I think I'll have to use a ball in RL and put writings on it to show the connections of elements and concepts. A ball big enough to put decent writings on and make it readable and...

Then something echoed in my mind to stop make it so complicated. So I'll just write up what comes to mind and organize it later.

But in the current times, a prayer comes to mind first just now.

Sister Moon
Shine down on those ignorant of danger and fill them with cool thought.
Let those burned by the harsh sun created from the destruction mankind wrought upon Mother Earth have a little rest before it all turns into worse.
Make the selfish people see that their consumerism and capitalism is a disease of the heart and mind and needs to be abandoned.
Help them grasp that it is not just one virus but will happen again and again.
Sister Moon
Your full light will shine on us again soon.
Burn it into our souls that it is almost too late.
We are too many to be sustained by Mother Earth yet we keep on multiplying and dancing on our already dug graves.
After this life I want to be reborn in a world that is still worth living in.
At least a little
Sister Moon
May Your light guide my spirit.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Colors colors colors

They mean different things for different people at different times.

Today is it snowing again and both snow and white as such usually stand for purity. But today it has more of a blank aura, the covering of everything else. To get the purity back,today I'll work with my indoor plants.

All colors can be pure.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Torrents of rain. This is a water year. Fits in with my swirling emotions and my need to do everything at once and then thanks to circumstance, not getting much done.

Am going to make a spiritual to do list here.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

To do list for now

-renew protection on house and garden,including re-inviting our protector spirit. Bit of an issue as the garden is such a rain-soaked mess right now.
-finally making the altar already pre-prepared (lol) in my bed/reading room a reality which will survive the cats. The latter is a challenge.
- clean the garden temple rooms and do something in them.
-read more witchy books
-work on community spells for this forum.
-remove unwanted plant growth around the Buddha shrine in the garden. It's become such a jungle in all the rain.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Working to create an area in the garden with small altars for gods from different cultures from all over the world,ideally looking something like a world map (yeah will likely not manage that). There is a limited number of cultures/pantheons because we have a limited number of planting stones but we have at least 13, I'll count tonight. Each of those will get images of gods we can switch out as needed, and in general the idea is to just have them represent the pantheon as a whole. The idea came to me while "talking" with out protector spirit.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Short version for circle casting...

... when doing something relaxed.

Fire Water Earth and Air
I call on you I need you here

...if there is need for hurry and serious trouble

Water Earth and Air and Fire
Help me in my need so dire.

...if you need to do a small sacrifice or a prayer

Earth Air Fire Water
Please accept this humble offer

...when struggling with casting for whatever reason

Air and Fire Water and Earth
Empower here my magic's birth

...and you can always combine them,too.
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Getting back into music spells/rituals.

Today - Road to Nowhere (Talking Heads) Topic - Astral journeys
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Re: Never Moon a Werewolf's Book of Night With Moon

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

I recently learned about shufflemancy and realized I kinda did this before without knowing what it was.

So, I am now adding matching Tarot and oracle cards with music to my list of musical magic.
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Never Moon a Werewolf's Correspondence on Correspondences

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

This will include colors, plants, animals scents, symbols and whatever else I need and want to write down somewhere it won't get lost so easily.

I am starting with colors.


Positive: Dissolution of curses and relationships etc you do not need anymore, wards, veils, keeping secrets, possibility, beginning and ending - circle of creation, truth

Negative: illusion, keeping secrets you shouldn't, indifference, depression, lies, abandonment


Positive: youth, health, birth, innocent love, trust, creativity and creative passion, intuition, hope, aging well

Negative: frailty, jealousy, treachery, secrecy in emotional matters, murder to keep something secret - "blood on snow" - also gossip - murder of character


Positive: innocence, new beginnings, cleanliness, expectation, protection, one-ness and preparation (because it can stand in for any other color).

Negative: inaction, naivete, "the blank stare", too much multitasking and stone-walling. Too much protection, blocking out everything wanting to help as well.
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