Is speaking to spirits outloud necessary?

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Is speaking to spirits outloud necessary?

Post by jaybirdblue »

The question is pretty straight forward.
Because spirits are energy, does verbal communication really do anything different than stating the same thing in your own head? I ask because I always feel a little odd or embarrassed when I start speaking "to thin air" when I'm communicating with them.
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Re: Is speaking to spirits outloud necessary?

Post by Becks »

Nope, technically you can use the "great voice". I think it was maybe Donald Michael Craig's book "Modern Magic" which is about ceremonial magic, and I believe it actually mentions this. It's not always convenient to speak out loud. You can use your voice inside of yourself. I find it a bit had to explain because the voice I use is imbued with sounds/feels different then when I simply talk to myself inside my head. It projects, or that is to say I visualize that voice projecting. It is strong and loud, and it vibrates differently.

Voices that are not spoken can have great power. I recall a vision dream I had in which an ancient spirit came to speak to me. He is from where I was raised and swam out of the ocean. The half man half shark ancient being spoke to me inside my head and his voice was like nothing I have felt or heard. It was a whisper, and powerful, and it was like water and a wave sucking back the gravel as it recedes. It was ancient and so powerful.

So I think you can use the 'great voice' which resides inside yourself. I don't know what yours sounds like because it is yours.
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Re: Is speaking to spirits outloud necessary?

Post by TwilightDancer »

It's not necessary at all. I always use my inner voice. I find it keeps a calm environment. You should do what makes you feel the most comfortable.

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Re: Is speaking to spirits outloud necessary?

Post by . »

Yes inner voice is enough to convey message & sometimes has more elegance

still, some may find your voice pleasant, for instance when walking in nature and you aren't bringing any offerings with you, you can offer a gift of singing and such.
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