firebirdflys wrote:I created Faun radio on my Pandora, they play things like Faun, Omnia (which I am really liking), Blackmores Night, Loreena McKennitt, that sort of stuff
here is a sample of Omnia
still loving Witches Brew! just came on the Pandora
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
Right now Blackmore's Night - I Still Remember, on infinite repeat loop, such a chill
The Faun - Odin that you posted in dark Nordic tones topic is addictive.
What got me lately is Eivør - Trøllabundin
"Welcome to the American reservation. Now you know how we feel."
Russell Means, American Indian Brother. American Warrior, Oglala Lakota Nation: Combat wounded at Wounded Knee, 1973. Nationalist, activist, constitutionalist, and capitalist.
My 'merican history.
Thomas Begay, American Indian Brother.
American Warrior, Navajo Nation: United States Marines Corps Navajo Code Talker. Iwo Jima Island, Japan. As I do, many claim The Navajo Code Talker won the war against Japan.
Chief-Falling-Cloud, Ira Hays, American Indian Brother.
American Warrior, Pima Nation: United States Marine Corps Parachutist: American Icon/Hero. Conquered Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima Island, Japan.
As for those whom see glory in war, take note: Never able to get his life back in balance, Ira died of exposure on 1/24/55 at age 33, an American Hero to everyone except himself.
Hey Crowley, thanks for the mini history lesson there. It made me wonder what type of plane dad was in looking for subs.
And, I totally forgot about that Melanie song, very cool, but the thing that cracked me up was we must have been surfing side by side with out knowing!I was looking at this today:
And Ya, ...I'm trying to find out if we can get the embedding fixed, I'd prefer the link wouldn't take one off the page, it's nice to be able to read through other stuff while the video is playing.
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
Yep Melanie Safka was good.
Now that Moon is in 25° Libra at Arcturus position it made me spontaneously listen to Bruce Springsteen's Ghost of Tom Joad
he's got his own Moon position right there. Don't you just love when Moon is in Libra?
On my noble course of treasure hunting have I discovered that Bobbie Gentry had an excellent voice and rhythm, one of those that must have influenced many, yet stayed underrated
"don't write in starlight, cause your words may come out real
don't stand in doorways, you may find a key that opens up your soul"
Gosh, I miss Glen Campbell, it was hard watching him struggle with the same disease that took my dad.
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson